inished my cup of coffee and walked toward the elevator.As soon as i got in and shut the elevator door i realised i was not alone!. I finished my cup of coffee and walked toward the elevator.As soon as i got in and shut the elevator door i realised i was not alone!.a wierdo showed up asking for help.He was an ungainly looking fellow with a large beard and shabby clothing.I think he was a hobo!.Though his tattered shirt and frayed trousers irritated me..but what caught my eye was
A whole bunch of cooked meat garnished with mayonnaise in front of him.I was really hungry and asked him if i could have a bite.He grunted and after a long pause said "Ummm NO!".
That drove me maad.! and I viciously grabbed it from him...The man looked really scared now and said "Take whatever you want just leave me alone!".A few minutes later after this encounter a group of policemen wound up in front of my office.They were going to arrest me!. i yelled out "whats happening". some one in a long jacket barged in. he was wearin a cowboy hat. he showed me his badge and told me his name was detective john lesley. he showed me a photo and tod me if i know him...
The truth was, I did know him.. and I cudnt let that out so I lied and I nodded my head. " Nopes, havnt seen anyone like tthat before.."