Jim closed his chemistry text book with a sigh ... everywhere he looked he could see moving particles, in his water he saw bubbles and wondered about their presence, in his food he tried to work out the formula of vitamin C, in his voice he could feel the acid burning... he was going mad and crazy..he desperately needed a break, he had to do something so he decided the best thing to do : NOTHING!!
He then went to his room, and started thinking about different stuff other than chemistry, like the physics in opening doors, and the ICT used in telephones, and the art in his shoes, he went mad, and decided to do the only thing that he could do to forget anything, smoke weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, as he did like biology.
but then he rememberd his online pal angell and how she ate abdulrehman101, her friends, head off, when he spoke about weed :@ so he decided not to, but soon stopped after angell realised that abdulrahman101s head was too big, and unchewable, but couldnt stop eating his friends head because apperantly it was "too yummy" for angell. So abdulrahman101 stopped his old habbits of smoking week because he would get nightmares about angell for the rest of his life, and Jim also had no choice to stop too.
His life was turning upside down... This was hell... The effect of IGCSE had devoured him.