Teachers and Students > Universities
Confused!!Need Help
As you guys know I have completed my Edexcel London A Levels and got 4A*A and I was hoping to redo the "A" to get "A*" and apply to NUS in mid March..the problem came up when I was selected for Mechatronics engineering(This is the engineering I want to do)by Wyoming university with a Full scholarship..but as you all know NUS is ranked top 10 in engineering and is one of the best!! but Wyoming is in top 100 engineering universities..so what do you guys think?..should I reject the offer and apply for NUS(with no scholarship but with Financial aid and no guarantee I shall get selected)..and I cannot apply to NUS if go to Wyoming because I would have to leave the country in December!!
The Golden Girl =D:
No grantee you'd get selected? ...Hmm okay ::)
if I was in your Place I won't let go of that FULL Scholarship and I'll surely Save my seat in that Uni (Wyoming Uni in your case).
if god forbid you didn't get accepted in NUS ,wouldn't you feel quite depressed other than the fact that you'll regret NOT joining Wyoming Uni.
Keep your dreams HIGH but don't let go of a Golden Opportunity ;)
Good Luck =D
Thankz Golden Girl :D..wow u are always first 2 reply :D :D
But u knw I will always think what would have been like if I was in NUS..I'm still trying to figure this out!! ;) ;)
Thankz again for the reply
Take the scholarship.
With a degree you can do an MSc/Phd wherever.
And you will be maybe $50000 better off.
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: Nexus on September 27, 2011, 02:36:30 pm ---Thankz Golden Girl :D..wow u are always first 2 reply :D :D
But u knw I will always think what would have been like if I was in NUS..I'm still trying to figure this out!! ;) ;)
Thankz again for the reply
--- End quote ---
Welcome Nexus :D
True but it's better to get hold of the Opportunity instead of regretting not doing so =]
Sure No probs :D No need to thank me ;)
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