Author Topic: ~ Enjoy your life ~  (Read 2015 times)

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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~ Enjoy your life ~
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:55:20 am »
Salam =)

I will be sharing amazing stuff from this book:

~ They did not benefit ~
I remember once receiving a message on my mobile phonewhich read: “Dear Shaykh, what is the ruling on suicide?”
I called the sender to find a very young man on the other end of the line. I said, “I am sorry, I didn’t understand your question.
Can you please repeat your question?”
He said with a grieving voice, “The question is clear. What is the ruling on suicide?”
I decided to surprise him by saying in response something unexpected, so I said, “It is recommended!”
He screamed, “What?!”
I said, “How about if we discuss the best way for you to do it?”
The young man fell silent. I said to him, “OK. Why do you want to commit suicide?”
He said, “Because, I can’t find work. People do not love me. In fact, I am an utter failure...”, and thus he began to relate to me his long story in order to prove that he had failed to develop his interpersonal skills and was unsuccessful in utilising his talents.
This is a problem with many people. Why do some of us feel inferior? Why do we look at those at the peak of the mountain while thinking of ourselves as unworthy of reaching that peak as they have, or even climbing it as they did?

The one frightened of climbing mountains forever lives in the ditches

Do you wish to know who will not benefit from this book, or any other similar book, for that matter? It is the unfortunate one who surrenders to his own errors and becomes satisfied with his limited skills, and says, “This is my nature. I have become too used to it now; I cannot change my ways. Everyone knows this is how I am. I can never speak like Khalid does, or have a cheerful countenance like Ahmad has, or be universally loved the way Ziyad is. That would be impossible.”
I once sat with a very old man in a public gathering. Most of those present were people with the usual skills and abilities.
The old man was busy speaking to whoever was sitting next to him. He did not stand out in the crowd for any reason, except by virtue of his old age.
I delivered a lecture and during it mentioned a verdict given by the eminent Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin Baz. When I finished, the old man said to me with pride, “Shaykh Ibn Baz and I were colleagues. We used to study together in a mosque under Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim, about forty years ago.”
I turned around to look at him and noticed that he seemed very happy to share this information with me. He was delighted to have accompanied a successful man once in his life. I said to myself, “Poor man! Why did you not become as successful as Ibn Baz? If you knew the way to success, why did you not pursue it?

Why is it that when Ibn Baz passes away, people cry for him from the pulpits, mihrabs, and institutes, and various nations grieve over the loss; yet, when your death comes, perhaps, nobody would shed a single tear, except out of kindness or custom!” We all may say at some time or another, “We knew so-and so and we sat with so-and-so.” But this is nothing to be proud of.
What one can be proud of is to scale the peak as they did.
Be brave and from now on be determined to utilise all the abilities you possess. Be successful. Replace the frown on your face with a smile, depression with cheerfulness, miserliness with generosity, and anger with perseverance. Turn your calamities into occasions of joy and your faith into a weapon!
Enjoy your life, for it is brief and there is no time in it for anguish.

You are brave enough to be determined and persistent on the development of your interpersonal skills, and if you are willing to take advantage of your abilities and talents.

         ~ What are we going to learn? ~
People generally tend to share their moments of happiness and sorrow. They are happy when they become wealthy. They will be joyous when promoted at work, content when they recover from illness, and cheerful when the world smiles at them and fulfils their dreams. Likewise, they all grieve over illness, disgrace and loss of wealth. Knowing this to be the case, let us look for ways in which to make our joy everlasting and hence overpower our sorrows.
Yes, in reality life tends to be both sweet and bitter, and on this we would not disagree, but why do we often focus on our calamities and sorrows, and as a result become depressed for days on end? Where an hour is enough to grieve over something, hours on end are spent grieving. Why? I realise that sorrow and anguish enter our hearts without seeking permission, but for each door of sadness that opens there are a thousand means of shutting it, and these are what we will expound here.

Allow me to bring your attention to another matter: How often is it that we see those people who are loved by everyone?
Many long to meet them and be in their company, but do younot wish to be one of them? Why be content at being amazed by such people all the time? Why not try to be amazing yourself?
Here we will learn how to be amazing.
Why was it that when your cousin spoke at the gathering, everyone listened to him attentively? Why were they amazed at his manners of speech? Why was it that when you spoke, they all turned away and began to talk amongst themselves? Why was that? You may be more well-informed, better qualified and possess a higher status than him. How then did he manage to get all the attention and you failed? Why is it that one father is dearly loved by his children who love to greet him and accompany him wherever he goes, while another father begs his children to accompany him while they keep making all kinds of excuses to avoid doing so?
Are they not both fathers? Then why the difference?
Here we will learn how to enjoy life, know the various techniques to attract people, influence them, persevere with their faults, deal with people with bad manners, and much, much more.
So, welcome!
A word...
Success is not to discover what others like, it is to acquireand practise the skills that help one gain their love.

Finally, I would LOVE to thank Mony for telling me about this book.
JazakAllah khair, sister. <3 :-* :-* :-*
May Allah bless you and also May He bless Dr. Muhammad Al Arifi. Masha Allah, he is truly blessed. =] I love that man for his hard work and effort that he kept into the book. Though, I read few topics so far, I am already in love with his deed- doing so much for the book. =]

Download the book from here. :D
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 06:58:38 am by Berry || Romeesa~Chan »
Download SF Magazine 2012 here.


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Re: ~ Enjoy your life ~
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2011, 07:43:00 pm »
The way of talking can make the difference of sky and land.

Conversation taken from Chapter 4 - Improve yourself.

 ‘Abdullah was an energetic person but lacking in certain skills. One day, he left his home to pray Dhuhr in the mosque. It was his zeal for the prayer and respect for his religion which brought him out to pray. He was walking fast in order to reach the mosque before the Iqamah was given. On his way, he passed by a date-palm tree on top of which there was a man in uniform, working on the tree. ‘Abdullah became surprised and thought, “Who is this man that does not care about the prayer! It is as if he didn’t even hear the Adhan, or doesn’t care about the Iqamah, which is about to go!” He shouted in anger, “Get down and pray!”
The man responded coldly, “OK, OK...”
He said, again, “Hurry up and pray, you donkey!”
The man screamed, “You called me a donkey?!” He then took a branch of the tree and descended in order to hit him over the
head with it!

‘Abdullah hid his face with his headscarf so the man wouldn’t recognise him and went on to the mosque. The man descended from the tree in anger, went to his house, prayed and rested for a while. He then returned to the tree to ?nish his job. Then ‘Asr time came and ‘Abdullah went to the mosque again. On his way he passed by the same tree and noticed the same man working. He decided to change his method altogether and said, ‘As-salamu ‘alaykum! How are you?”
The man replied, “Al-hamdulillah, I am ?ne!”

He said, “Give me some good news. How are the dates this year?”

The man said, “Al-Hamdulillah.”

‘Abdullah said, “May Allah give you success and provision, make your life easy for you, and not deprive you of the reward for your work!”
The man was overjoyed at hearing this supplication a The man was overjoyed at hearing this supplication and said ameen to the prayer.

‘Abdullah then said, “It seems that you are so preoccupied with work that perhaps you didn’t notice the Adhan for ‘Asr prayer. The Adhan has been called and the Iqamah is about to be given. Perhaps you should get down, relax a little and get ready
for prayer. After the prayer you can get on with your work again. May Allah keep you healthy.”

The man said, “InshaAllah... InshaAllah...” and began to descend gently.
He then turned to ‘Abdullah, shook his hand warmly and said, “I would like to thank you for your excellent manners. As
for the one who passed by me at Dhuhr time, I wish I could see him and show him who the real donkey is!”

The result...
Your skills of dealing with others determine how they deal with you.

Enjoy our life!  ;)

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: ~ Enjoy your life ~
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 06:39:01 am »
Wow mashAllah! Great lessons. I read them both! :D

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...
