I noticed that there was some hate-talk in this forum against Israel, and I think the lies should be exposed.
Israel is not an apartheid state. Everyone has equal rights under the Israeli constitution.
The Israeli army allows only minimum collateral damage during wars.
Israel endured eight years of rocket fire from Gaza before the Gaza-Israeli war was started.
Hamas uses human shields so that Israel is blamed for hitting civilians, or so that they don't hit. They store ammunition in houses. They shoot rockets from ambulances and schools. In the war, they would grab children and drag them across the road when they cross, so that the Israelis don't shoot.
When the Gaza flotilla disobeyed Israel's orders (although they were in Israel's waters), six Israeli soldiers were dumped on board armed with paintball guns. The 'peace' activists on board attacked them with iron bars and knives and threw one of them overboard.
One-point-three million Israeli Arab citizens live safely in Israel. With true peace, Jews should be able to safely live in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, and the proposed Palestinian state
No Palestinian Arab state ever existed prior to the one currently being proposed by the United States, Israel, and other nations. Israel never 'stole' anyones land.