To those who smoke, get it inside your thick skull that
SMOKING KILLS. How can you enjoy this slow death?
Nicotine and Tobacco dont make good friends.
Cancer, Heart attack, stroke,
Emphysema and the others will make you suffer till death.

Oh, and if you think that smoking shisha/hookah instead of cigarettes is okay then think again.
"Reuters reported last week that the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced that a single session of smoking Shisha yields a nicotine intake equivalent to more than one pack of cigarettes.
It is also reported that Shisha smoke retained all the carcinogens of cigarette smoke while adding more carbon monoxide and a separate set of carcinogens from the use of burning coals to keep the nicotine flowing, coupled with the risk of infection with tuberculosis or hepatitis from shared mouthpieces."
This video is a good summary.
You are doing great, Romessa.

P.S - I abhor smoking.