New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Thanks. You too! Cake: You too. Thanks, EMO.
Damnnnnnn. I wanted to create this thread but anyway. Congraaaaaaaaaaaatulations, Chan chan. I can't wait to see yer 10,000th post, IA. Yer posts makes me smileeeeeeeeeee. So don't stop, yeah ? Keep spammin'; Happy postin' Take careKeep smilin' (:
woho you reached 1000 posts in a matter of 20 dayzzzzz!!!!! AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And congo romeesa!!!!!!!keep on spamming!!!!! and keeping Studentforums alive!!!
fast moving girl !!!! Congratzzzzzzzz
Congrats!Keep posting.
Congratulations, Chan. Hope yuh post yer 40,000th post soon enough, IA. =]P.S. Updated.