Author Topic: Urdu Help!  (Read 2501 times)

Offline hissyfit

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Urdu Help!
« on: February 01, 2011, 12:08:21 pm »
I need some help for a rough translation from urdu to english/french.

I am interested in the Literature question (section C) question 3 and the first 2 Creative writing questions Questions 2 a+b (Section B)
See attached doc.
Google translate didn t work :(

Thanks +rep

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Offline Dibss

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Re: Urdu Help!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 07:00:45 pm »
My urdu isn't the best. ::) I'll ask someone to help youu.

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Re: Urdu Help!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 07:38:35 pm »
From below choose a topic and write a essay in urdu
a) the picture above of a kid, when he was born his grandmother bought a bond for him worth  500 pounds,his luck that after  two years he won 50,000 pounds, given this circumstances write an essay
b) belwo read the paragraph( I think) which is an introduction of a story
Aliya was born and raised in England.she always heard stories about Pakistan from her parents, however never got a chance to go there.Now on her parents request she is going there for the first time by herself.....
Complete the story by giving the possible outcomes and experience she will encounter.\

Hope it helps:)
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Offline hissyfit

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Re: Urdu Help!
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 08:48:08 pm »
Any chance you could translate the
The link doesn t work,I tried it here,but when I paste it I just get numbers+ symbols

This  ::):
(d) Z Š [ Z z g . y : W \ Z K V ƒ ð  [ Ô e g Z ó c * ™ Æ % œ / ~ ™ Š Z g Æ ! * g } ~ É À
Ÿ /
õG X Z k
™ Š Z g Æ Z
Õ õ F O
Z z g ' , } U ƒ V 6 , c Ù X

Any chance you could translate the literature q on page 9,


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Offline Kim

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Re: Urdu Help!
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2011, 02:27:46 pm »
umm okay so its just the question you want translated right?
for section c
your supposed to answer one of the following questions using about 240-270 words
geographical-describe the main problems of an area that you have researched.what do you think are the solutions to these problems?
historical research-write about an important historical event that you have researched and also describe the importance of that specific event
the aspects of a modern urdu speaking society-shed some light on your most favorite aspect of a modern urdu speaking society that you have investigated and also explain why you like that particular aspect
art and literature-write about the main actor in your favorite movie book or drama.discuss his bad and good qualities

umm and section B has already been translated
hope this helped
if you need more just send me a pm
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