Author Topic: Request: Accounting DVD/VOB  (Read 3853 times)

Offline boardroom3

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Request: Accounting DVD/VOB
« on: December 29, 2014, 01:03:47 pm »

I am looking for Accounting DVDs/VOB files, such as

TV Choice

"On the Money: The ABCs of Accounting"

"Standard Deviants Accounting"

Thank you

Offline kevinjdalton

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Re: Request: Accounting DVD/VOB
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2023, 02:12:58 pm »
That sounds like an interesting project you have there. When it comes to finding historical aviation photos, one of the best places to start is the National Archives. They have an extensive collection of photographs, including those of World War II aircraft like the p 47 Thunderbolt. You can visit their website or even pay a visit to one of their physical locations if you're in the United States.

Another great resource is the U.S. Air Force Historical Research Agency. They have an online database with a wide range of historical photos, including P-47 Thunderbolt images. It's a treasure trove for aviation enthusiasts and researchers alike.