As you may have noticed we have tidied up the IGCSE and GCE-A Level Subject Doubts Board and sub Divided it into separate subjects.
We request all users to please post in these Subject Wise Boards rather than on the main board itself. It took us a lot of time to clean it up.
Click on the Image to Enlarge it.
THE FOLLOWING IS A SECURITY ANNOUNCEMENT We would also like to extend a warm welcome to all our latest Members who have joined the forum in recent months.
However, I have noticed a few members are using pictures of themselves as Display Pictures. Although, this is NOT against the rules, this is a Public Forum where all sorts of people congregate.
We cannot be held liable/responsible in any way if a picture of your real self is misused by third-party users.
Today's world is crazy and made up of many deranged souls. Beware.