IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum

Teachers and Students => Debates => Topic started by: saifalan on January 28, 2009, 07:55:02 am

Title: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: saifalan on January 28, 2009, 07:55:02 am
I think both of them is needed to get A s and screw any other reefas who got grades lower than u.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: astarmathsandphysics on January 28, 2009, 07:56:09 am
Eat paper night and day to get staright As
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: ExamPapersGeek on January 28, 2009, 11:25:06 am
to be truthfull i think that both of them are needed, i mean i know this girl back from school who used to study like hell, everyday about 5 hours! and she used to get low grades, really low grades, yeah she was not so clever, but she had a lot of hardwork.

so i think you need a both of them heavilly, luck and hard work, teachers tell you to work hard because you can't control luck, but if you could they wouldn't have told you to work as hard.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Locke Lamora on June 12, 2009, 03:50:26 pm
luck, hardwork, mix 'em together, make a soupy broth!
then add a pinch of prayers,stir until they froth!
pour in some concrete syllabus, study-the-right-material;
mix and mix until it does-not-look-like-cereal!
now drop in  some grey gloopy cells,
be careful that you stay-afar;
watch it burst and bubble and boil,
and there's your recipe for an astar!!
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: kimlasmay on June 13, 2009, 03:05:29 pm
I think both are vital to succeed in our examinations...For an instance, it does not ensure that we are going to do well in our exams even if we burnt midnight oil. Perhaps after u study so damn hard,the paper might be so hard, u may fall sick on that particular day and anything unexpected might occur...Thus, we need both hardwork and luck...
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: astarmathsandphysics on June 13, 2009, 03:55:03 pm
Only hard work can guarantee a grade. Eat paper
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: holtadit on June 17, 2009, 10:09:33 am
luck, hardwork, mix 'em together, make a soupy broth!
then add a pinch of prayers,stir until they froth!
pour in some concrete syllabus, study-the-right-material;
mix and mix until it does-not-look-like-cereal!
now drop in  some grey gloopy cells,
be careful that you stay-afar;
watch it burst and bubble and boil,
and there's your recipe for an astar!!

Grey gloopy cells ? U mean grey matter ? or maybe grey cells ? But nice one anyways.....

PS  i dont know how to add quotes  ;D
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: ~Mimi~ on June 17, 2009, 03:14:55 pm
loool...the recipe's gr8 "woteverr" . I thnk hard work's rlly important. But in addition 2 dat, I think beleieving in destiny helps me a gr8 deal. Cuz as has beeen sed above. U mite fall sick, it mite be superr hard ,etc. But to succeed in the exam, I must jst believe in God, noe it's not the end of the world, and do my best, that is after having studied,etc. Then,whatevr the results may b, ur satisfied, cuz u;ve done ur best and tht's all tht matters I guess.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Easleyofthenorth on July 29, 2009, 08:18:10 pm
I mostly believed hardwork was the only way but by reading the post above, luck is indeed needed, like u might fell sick! to succeed u should hav a schedule how to work , how to manage your stress level etc etc....and finally a little bit of luck. If som1 knows there subject well then even if u r sick u can succeed so here luck is merely needed.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Saladin on August 27, 2009, 02:11:41 am
Hardwork, intellegence and luck are needed not just luck and hardwork...

Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Blizz_rb93 on September 24, 2009, 10:29:42 pm
to be truthfull i think that both of them are needed, i mean i know this girl back from school who used to study like hell, everyday about 5 hours! and she used to get low grades, really low grades, yeah she was not so clever, but she had a lot of hardwork.

so i think you need a both of them heavilly, luck and hard work, teachers tell you to work hard because you can't control luck, but if you could they wouldn't have told you to work as hard.

yeah i totally agree
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: O.T.13. on October 02, 2009, 10:00:05 pm
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: saifalan on October 22, 2009, 04:04:40 pm
Oh well..... Luck had not been so good with me  :-\
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on October 22, 2009, 04:18:48 pm
Oh well..... Luck had not been so good with me  :-\
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on October 22, 2009, 04:59:29 pm
99% hardwork
and 1% luck
 ;) but dt 1% may hamper d rest 99% as well sometimes ;)
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: astarmathsandphysics on October 22, 2009, 10:00:23 pm
Your hard work can outweigh all other factors.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on October 23, 2009, 06:50:46 am
99% hardwork
and 1% luck
 ;) but dt 1% may hamper d rest 99% as well sometimes ;)
u are so right astar...
i forgot to sa its vice versa tooo
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: MaNa on October 23, 2009, 07:05:33 am
U cant tell wht is ur luck
believing that u have good luck n going for something u dont know aout can leavr u in MESS or failure...
doing HARDWORK from ur side
n then sitting for an exam definatly helps

n definatly ur fate then plays ITS part;)
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: saifalan on October 23, 2009, 05:38:46 pm
Someone once said - "I am a great believer of luck. And the more I work hard, the more I have of it"  Makes sense.  ;D
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on October 23, 2009, 05:50:34 pm
Someone once said - "I am a great believer of luck. And the more I work hard, the more I have of it"  Makes sense.  ;D
It surely does dude!!!! :)
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Nobody on May 05, 2010, 07:30:17 am
Someone once said - "I am a great believer of luck. And the more I work hard, the more I have of it"  Makes sense.  ;D

totally..!!! ;D
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: ~ A.F ~ on May 05, 2010, 07:55:18 am
Agreed with Astar. Work hard, and awesomeness is yours.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: astarmathsandphysics on May 05, 2010, 08:11:52 am
Hard work is enough. Luck is not.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Saladin on May 05, 2010, 12:47:01 pm
Some ppl dnt need luck, dey got skill!  :P
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: [Ash] on May 05, 2010, 08:13:29 pm
I think that if a person is fully prepared.. and studied a  lot in the papers.. then he/she will find herself luckiest.. assuming that the paper was easy.. and my luck was with me.

If a person is well prepared.. luck is with him
else he will find nothing with him :P
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Alpha on May 06, 2010, 07:25:53 am
And some have will.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: LM on May 06, 2010, 08:51:23 am
I think we only need luck from God to get A...
I am not lucky...I study hard and stayed up all night revising but when it comes to test...I always get low marks...
my sister, she never study,,,always fb everyday but in her test...always get straight A.
SEE what I mean?
LUck is important,,,,even though you don't revise but if you have luck,,,you can pass...
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: Alpha on May 06, 2010, 08:53:41 am
It's not how much you revise that makes the difference, it's HOW you revise.

Nor is it about revising what you learn actually, it's about understanding it.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: kimlasmay on May 19, 2010, 09:50:00 am
Come  on. I revised like crazy for my mechanics paper for these few months. and when I sat for the exam today it was like the hardest mechanics paper that I've encountered. so, like is definitely vital.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: sabrina on May 19, 2010, 10:43:18 am
luck, working hard, luck, work hard, luck, work hard.............................................
guess what u need both of them and ofcource ur fate plays an important part too. ;D
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: kimlasmay on May 20, 2010, 04:51:23 am
yes. fate plays a vital role in exams.
Title: Re: Which is important to succeed in exams: Hardwork or luck or both ??
Post by: [Ash] on May 22, 2010, 08:27:34 am
fate did plays an important role but i guess if you have worked really very hard then you then one should not be this heartened as one have did it with all the effort!