IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum

Qualification => Subject Doubts => IGCSE/ GCSE => Sciences => Topic started by: holtadit on November 02, 2009, 01:09:13 pm

Title: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 02, 2009, 01:09:13 pm
Glucose can be represented as

Draw the structure of a more complex carbohydrate that can be formed from
glucose by condensation polymerisation.

How do u answer this question ? What is the answer ?
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 02, 2009, 01:31:49 pm
it will be
   _      _

u just have to remove the hydrogen from both side and continue it from both side.....this will show an ester grouping which is what a carbohydrate is made up of....

Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Saladin on November 02, 2009, 01:34:39 pm
exactly adi.\

it does not matter whether it i glucose or ethene

u simply break the double bond.

then extend it past the brackets

then put n at the end.

thats all there is to it.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 02, 2009, 01:38:09 pm
thanks people
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 02, 2009, 01:40:49 pm
ur welcome!!
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: eightAs on November 02, 2009, 01:42:58 pm
it will be
   _      _

u just have to remove the hydrogen from both side and continue it from both side.....this will show an ester grouping which is what a carbohydrate is made up of....

                                                                                                      _          _
 Starch is not an ester. Fats have ester linkage. Remember ester linkage is (-l_l-OCO-l_l-). Ester link requires both Carboxyl group and the Alcohol group to be present in the monomer(s).
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 02, 2009, 01:51:01 pm
ok chill man!!!!!
i m sorry for writing so...just slipped away from my mind!!!

ps eightas wud u mind talking a bit more politely plsss....i saw u on the other thread as well(A*)
its cool that u know the stuff and u are trying to correct people for their benefit...but it wud better if u used a rather softer tone!!!
dont take it personally...its just an advice...rest is upto u!! :)
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: eightAs on November 02, 2009, 02:02:26 pm
ok chill man!!!!!
i m sorry for writing so...just slipped away from my mind!!!

ps eightas wud u mind talking a bit more politely plsss....i saw u on the other thread as well(A*)
its cool that u know the stuff and u are trying to correct people for their benefit...but it wud better if u used a rather softer tone!!!
dont take it personally...its just an advice...rest is upto u!! :)
8) :D ;D :) I did not intend to offend you dude. I apologize if you have been offended. But I just wanted to correct you, but why do you find it offensive. Yeah.  Okay, I'll remove "Wong". That was quite unnecessary.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 02, 2009, 02:05:43 pm
lolzz...man m not offended at all...u my friend...y wud i be offended....
nthng with the "WRONG"...
its just that ur tone seemeed to be quite harsh so i told ya...not much here but in the other post...it was way too harsh...
told ya in gud intentions man!!! :) :)
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 02, 2009, 02:50:47 pm
Glucose can be represented as

Draw the structure of a more complex carbohydrate that can be formed from
glucose by condensation polymerisation.

How do u answer this question ? What is the answer ?

it shud be similar to the diagram attached

i know u guyz have answered it, but still for a diagram

and yea...as it is condensation polymerization, the bi-product would be x-molecules of water ..find it attached ...

if y is the number of glucose molecules which combine to form the polysaccharide....

x = y-1

that means there will be y-1 molecules of water formed
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 02, 2009, 02:54:30 pm
neat diagram aadi...
but i think u shud change the middle carbon containing molecule to a box...it luks more like 3 O's together
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 02, 2009, 03:04:13 pm
neat diagram aadi...
but i think u shud change the middle carbon containing molecule to a box...it luks more like 3 O's together

edited. guess u guyz 4got abt water.. :P
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 02, 2009, 03:08:49 pm
not forgot...but i thot it wasn't required here...i thot it was obvious for Ari to know that!!!
bt i realise i shud have sadi that too for a complete answer...
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 12:52:54 pm
could someone draw the displayed structural formula of the compound formed when propene reacts with hydrogen chloride.


Can someone also draw the displayed structural formula of Poly(propene) ?

Thanks ppl.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 01:20:28 pm
come on ppl please help me !!

Read the above post.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: ~~~~shreyapril~~~~ on November 04, 2009, 01:22:17 pm
propene  + HCl = Propene Chloride + hydrogen!!

stucture on its way!!
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 04, 2009, 01:24:36 pm
could someone draw the displayed structural formula of the compound formed when propene reacts with hydrogen chloride.


Can someone also draw the displayed structural formula of Poly(propene) ?

Thanks ppl.

when propene reacts with HCl!!

i'm not sure of that...did u mean when it reacts with chlorine or bromine instead of HCl

and eya for the second one

find the diagram attached
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: ~~~~shreyapril~~~~ on November 04, 2009, 01:30:11 pm
i guess i was wrong!!
it is CH2CH CH3 + HCl = CH3CHClCH3

Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 04, 2009, 01:30:55 pm
agreed aadi...it shud be propene with Cl2 which will give us C3H5Cl and HCl
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 04, 2009, 01:32:03 pm
agreed aadi...it shud be propene with Cl2 which will give us C3H5Cl and HCl
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 01:32:48 pm
A@di is it alright if for poly(propene) i drew this (1st attachment)

and this is the structure i got for propene chloride (2nd attachment). I got two possible structures (one at the top and one at the bottom of the picture).

so which is correct ?
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: ~~~~shreyapril~~~~ on November 04, 2009, 01:33:18 pm
why isnt my ans rite???
it can be as i said also rite???
wait i guess diagram is wrong!!
i'll update it!!
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 04, 2009, 01:34:42 pm
yes, u can draw that way too..

but ari, i'mnot sure abt the propene + acid...t shud be ...propene + chlorine...check th q again..which year is it?
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 01:39:37 pm
yes, u can draw that way too..

but ari, i'mnot sure abt the propene + acid...t shud be ...propene + chlorine...check th q again..which year is it?

Go to Question 7 c iii

The MS is attached too.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 04, 2009, 01:48:01 pm
7 c)ii) is different in the question ppr provided...
it says "Give the structural formula and name of the alcohol formed when but-1-ene reacts
with steam."

r u sure this is the one??
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 01:51:39 pm
7 c iii

Its triple i not double i
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 01:55:48 pm
7 c)ii) is different in the question ppr provided...
it says "Give the structural formula and name of the alcohol formed when but-1-ene reacts
with steam."

r u sure this is the one??

Did u get the right question now ???
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 04, 2009, 02:03:01 pm
yup i got it!!
will let u know in some time!!
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 02:04:48 pm
okay, dont leave me hanging man !!!

 :D ;)
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 04, 2009, 02:06:40 pm
its just dat i m in the middle of completing my french practice paper....will get back to u after that for sure...
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 04, 2009, 02:56:46 pm
okay what is the displayed structural formula of poly(butene) ?
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 01:15:55 pm
hey really sorry ari...just forgot about it yesterday
so yeah...i saw the question...so basically...the diagram that u have made on the last page are correct...both are correct as they are isomers so both will be accepted for sure.....
ur second question....poly(butene)
its simple u just take butene....nd remove the double bond...here is a daigram
    H    H   H
    |     |   |
H-C-C=C-C-H     this is butene
   |  |      |
   H H      H

now rearrange this to move the last methyl group (CH3) below and transfer one of the double bonds to the right to make it a continuous chain

       H        H
       |        |
(-H- C -C - C -)n    this is poly(butene)
       |  |     |  
      H  H  H-C-H
or this can be simply written as

Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 05, 2009, 02:38:43 pm
So is this correct too ? Would an IGCSE examiner except it ?

If it is WRONG then explain to me how u got the CH3 for poly(propene) and how i should be drawing the repeat units for polymers.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 02:44:16 pm
propene is C_3H_6

ok look at the diagram

the first when the first CH2 is put from C_3H_6 ; C_2H_4 remains

next one has a C with  a H bond on top and methyl at the bottom

When the C and H bond is drawn from C_2H_4 remains only CH_3 because 1 C and 1 H is gone..

to form a polymer just remove the double bond and extend the lines outside
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 02:46:43 pm
lol...nice name dude...ari ari ari.bmp  !!!lol
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 02:48:13 pm
lol...nice name dude...ari ari ari.bmp  !!!lol

lol..actually i want to dedicate that song to my friend ari...

@ari - listen to this song -> bombay rockers - ari ari ari

i'm not kiddin , it is a song..check it..no offence :D
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 05, 2009, 02:51:16 pm
lol..actually i want to dedicate that song to my friend ari...

@ari - listen to this song -> bombay rockers - ari ari ari

i'm not kiddin , it is a song..check it..no offence  :D

Ill check the song out.

But is my diagram of poly(butene) correct ? because i followed the same method that A@di just explained.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 02:53:13 pm
its a coooooool song...really like it....specially the remixed one with overseas!!!awesome
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 02:53:21 pm
Ill check the song out.

But is my diagram of poly(butene) correct ? because i followed the same method that A@di just explained.

yes ari , that shud be correct..

but lemme suggest u something

always...a methyl group i.e CH_3 is better to show in a polymer than an ethyl i.e C_2H_5 or any other alkyl

for that just make one more CH2 and insttad of an ethyl hanging make it to a methyl
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 02:55:42 pm
i agree with aadi....try to put methyl group....a better idea.more widely accepted...
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 05, 2009, 02:58:05 pm
yes ari , that shud be correct..

but lemme suggest u something

always...a methyl group i.e CH_3 is better to show in a polymer than an ethyl i.e C_2H_5 or any other alkyl

for that just make one more CH2 and insttad of an ethyl hanging make it to a methyl

Point noted. Sorry for asking so many questions guys and thanks for helping me out. But i have one last question:

Is this the correct diagram for the following question?

The synthetic polymer, nylon, has the same linkage as proteins. Draw the structural
formula of nylon.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: nid404 on November 05, 2009, 03:01:42 pm
ends split open...the double bond opens....m havin my food nw...will draw and reply asap
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 03:05:30 pm
yah its correct ari!!!!
just put a dash(-) on the 2 brackets on the side to show continuation....
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 05, 2009, 03:12:36 pm
Why does nid404 say that the double bonds break open ???
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: nid404 on November 05, 2009, 03:13:42 pm
(-NH-[   ]-CO-)n
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 03:15:05 pm
no idea ari...hey nid...y r u talking about double bonds here...there are no double bonds in the monomers of nylon...
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 03:15:41 pm
@nid , adi etc. - 1 doubt plz...there r 2 different boxes right in nylon..i mean how can CO and NH be round 1 box..

wait , i'll upload my image somewhere ..its taking time here...

check this link
i have uploaded the image here

Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: nid404 on November 05, 2009, 03:17:11 pm
Why does nid404 say that the double bonds break open ???

sryy I mistook it for a normal polyester such as ethene...ws in a hurry,..wanted to go for dinner :D......so the double bond implied was for somethin like polyethene where it splits open...and becomes single
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: @d!_†oX!© on November 05, 2009, 03:19:19 pm
@nid , adi etc. - 1 doubt plz...there r 2 different boxes right in nylon..i mean how can CO and NH be round 1 box..

wait , i'll upload my image somewhere ..its taking time here...

check this link
i have uploaded the image here

dude...although this is not in course bt just to let u know..
Nylon-6 has only one box cuz its monomer Caproic acid has both amide and carboxylic grouping...
the one that u have drwan is Nylon-6,6
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 03:20:44 pm
sryy I mistook it for a normal polyester such as ethene...ws in a hurry,..wanted to go for dinner :D......so the double bond implied was for somethin like polyethene where it splits open...and becomes single

plzz answer my doubt

how can it be CO[  ]NH

it shud be ----CO[ ]CO-NH{}NH-------

@adi - did ari mention abt nylon-6 or nylon6,6 ??
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 05, 2009, 03:22:08 pm
sryy I mistook it for a normal polyester such as ethene...ws in a hurry,..wanted to go for dinner Cheesy......so the double bond implied was for somethin like polyethene where it splits open...and becomes single

plzz answer my doubt

how can it be CO[  ]NH

it shud be ----CO[ ]CO-NH{}NH-------

@adi - did ari mention abt nylon-6 or nylon6,6 ??

What A@di uploaded is correct... I just checked the IGCSE CHEM syllabus.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: nid404 on November 05, 2009, 03:22:55 pm
abbe ek hi R group he.....polymer dikha raha hain bee....toh puri chain dekhani ki zarurat nahi.....
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 03:24:00 pm
What A@di uploaded is correct... I just checked the IGCSE CHEM syllabus.

if u sure abt that..thank you!

dude..relax now,.u'll do good at chem..and listen to bombay rockers - ari ari ari...

if ur real name is ari u'll love the song :D

By the way..if u have more doubts..plz ask..we all r dere.. :D

@nid - arre yaar, maine book bhi check kiya..yeh CO dabba NH kar ke kuch hai hi nahi..it shud be 2 diff. boxes and then chain mein link karo,.,.
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: nid404 on November 05, 2009, 03:24:16 pm
abbe nahi ur right...yeh nylon 66.barabar....side chains might be different....srry im worked up
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 03:24:59 pm
abbe nahi ur right...yeh nylon 66.barabar....side chains might be different....srry im worked up

chillax man!

and glad u confirmed it i'm right!  ;D
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: holtadit on November 05, 2009, 03:31:34 pm
This is my lastest :D post; if u guys have any practice worksheets or test papers for organic chem plz post them here:

Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: ~~~~shreyapril~~~~ on November 05, 2009, 04:04:48 pm
you do these questions within seconds!!
great man!!!
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 04:31:06 pm
you do these questions within seconds!!
great man!!!

Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: ~~~~shreyapril~~~~ on November 05, 2009, 04:32:39 pm
too good!!
By the way best luck for ur exams tmr!!!
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: Ghost Of Highbury on November 05, 2009, 04:39:27 pm
too good!!
By the way best luck for ur exams tmr!!!

~thanks again
Title: Re: Glucose, organic chem., HELP !!
Post by: ~~~~shreyapril~~~~ on November 05, 2009, 04:40:16 pm


welcome again!!!