IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum
Qualification => Subject Doubts => GCE AS & A2 Level => Sciences => Topic started by: WARRIOR on May 17, 2009, 11:15:16 am
Who is getting bored of topic 9 and topic 10 ?
Because im going to throw myself from the window.
Topic 9 ( halogens,periodicity,nitrogen sulphur,group II)
Topic 10 ( organic :()
organix sux:(
i dont evn no how 2 go abt it...
i learn sumthng nd i 4get it d nxt day:(....
ne tips on learning organix....
organic is easy -___-
and that topic 9, yes thats boring =/
though i dont have any tips for how to do organic, maybe its that our teacher is very good at teaching chemistry =/
@the devilowns:
i agree wd u....
how do u rem d equations......mechanisms....n all dt???
man if you look closely then it makes sense
only conditions are what you have to rote learn
otherwise why the reaction happens and how it proceeds is a little bit chemical knowledge! as far as i think! thats not forgettable.
i fear Paper 1 mutliple choice...guys look at the organic questions in them !
guys our teachr sukd!!!he wud go on teachng n thn se bt in cmbrj he dxnt ask ds...or hez gna se but ths iz not in ur syllabus...duh!!!i suk at chem...
guys i know dat the chem organic reaction are difficult to remember bt here is da tip abt wat i've done hope it helps
pick a good book (brain ratcliff in my case) nd take out tym write all of the imp reactions on a couple pages
nd from da nxt day onwards give 10 mins to it everyday.
dere r abt 20 days left fr chem xam this works try it
may b i'll b able to post the reaction sheet give 2 me by ma teacher
brian ratcliff is sh*t
omgax y iz everie1 typin like thisiz AMG IT IX SO HARD 2 RE3D!
ORganic is the worst topic ive seen in ma life.. its suk very dificult to memeris the reagents all that. i have to keep studiying :S. meanwhile does anybody have chemistry pastpapers i canot find any in internet. i would like also the march scheme to check my ans.. :D
wich pprz u want?i av m
dude on free exam papers , it there...
practicals on 28 th ;)
well u guys r givin AS. trust me, wat sux BIG TIME is application chem....now dats a kik in da ****
hey where can i get past year papers for chem AS level?
Never heard of www.freeexampapers.com
Never heard of www.freeexampapers.com
anyone knows tips...? cie p32z?
any1 hav tips 4 bio,chem n phy p32....cn plzz send to
anyone having any hints abt tmrws or all 32 practical..send to hyperteen_zulfi@hotmail.com
yea to me too...im dying here!!!especially for chem!! ??? .......
thanx... my e-mail is afrin_me13@hotmail.com
will b reaaaaaliiiiiiii glad if neone will help with the CI!!
I have one for physics p32..
any1 wanna xchange wif chem 32???
drs_anna90@yahoo.com ;)
thanxxxx sooooo much but how sure are you??? bout the expts??
plus do u think the cie ppl will give similar expts to exactly last yrs??? :-\
there is something called instincts of teachers.... now you have to believe or not that's ur work... our teachers gave us this expt to perform and they said they were pretty sure that the expt. was similar to what i have told you and enthalpy change to last year..... good luck!!!!
Never heard of www.freeexampapers.com
Hey kareem, dude wat was it tht Mr byrns tld us... abt the practical.... cuse he gave us like a hint...but i frgt....By the way its Hamza
i love organic, i abhor physical. but, organic, i learned it today, i lose it tomorrow.
any one doin bio4
i have some idea about phy 32 prac...
what's the idea about phy 32?
mail me: inuyashazaq@126.com
hey..me too mail me at morpheus019@gmail.com
thanks ;D
Please dude, inform me also at eddybaddy@hotmail.com ;)
i would like to have some ideas please :DD i need it please :D
me too at crossroad_sam@hotmail.com
dude..its soo old.....
its may.....be4 da exams.....
they wont even come online now!
Noone is here now