P.S - You beat me to it, Star :D
P.P.S - Dress it up! :P
woohoo halloween!!
i love this occasion!!
do u go trick or treating?? and dress up and stuff?
Awesome thread, Star! :D
I shall be the vamp! ;D
Awesome, innit ?
Too bad, we don't have trick or treating here in UAE. =[
Yup :)We are busy people ... :P
Oh :( Why don't you (and your friends) start the fad? ;)
We are busy people ... :P
Nah, I hardly get to see my friends ... :( Let alone go trick or treating with them! :(
Well, yeah, I can imagine :PI deeply love my family and friends ... I'd even die for them but I have a different perception of life ... this world is temporary, I believe in an eternal life which is the here-after (Jannah, iA) - if I ever lose my family/friends (God forbid) ... I will always have Allah with me (in my good and bad times).
That is sad :(
I would die without my friends :(
How do you live? :o
I deeply love my family and friends ... I'd even die for them but I have a different perception of life ... this world is temporary, I believe in an eternal life which is the here-after (Jannah, iA) - if I ever lose my family/friends (God forbid) ... I will always have Allah with me (in my good and bad times).
I always pray that, Insha Allah, God will honour me with the blessing of having my family and friends with me even in the next life. ;)
This is how I live - knowing that Allah is always with me. :D
Well said m8
well said :)
I used to, till about two years back. :)ur so lucky!!
It used to be awesome fun :D My friends and I used to make a huge group & decide a common theme to dress up..& then we used to go door to door trick or treating :D
What about you?
ThoU a vision of beauty, Romy. :P :DShukran ya Hamlet habibti ... <3
Star, chillax and enjoy. ;)
Shukran ya Hamlet habibti ... <3
Watcha gonna be ? Hamlet ? :P
Thy was always Prince Hamlet, mistress. *bows* ;DReally ? :O
GG - you still have to meet me! Meet me like Captain Sparrow!
I guess it happens rarely these days with this country getting modernized and all =D
Honestly I don't even have ONE friend who is Local ::)
Hamlet : Aye Captian 8) InshAllah =]
Romeesa : Let's be a little be Optimistic :P
lol no idea :P
Really ? :O
Greetings, thy cousins!
A terrible curse has befalleth
on thy earth
yes, Global Warming!
Little doubt is there, of the planet warming.
Increaseth carbondioxide in the air
Humans such as ye hath
Burneth fossil fuels and
Cleareth off forest and trees
Ye hath doth kneweth of these resulteth in
Increase concentrations of greenhouse gases.
and all this hath contributeth
to the raiseth of temperature
Last century hath the
riseth of Earth's temperature,
by 0.74 degree celcius (1.3oF)
Sceintists have warneth thy,
catastrophic changes are to happen.
rainfall patterns art shifteth,
raiseth of sea level and
ecological balance will alterneth.
A sad demise for
ye all who tend to focus in now and here,
To be, or not to be; is the question.
Naught a moment is there to waste.
Wherefore, I calleth upon ye to
take the name of action!
Our choiseeth will have
the power to make this world a better place.
I deeply love my family and friends ... I'd even die for them but I have a different perception of life ... this world is temporary, I believe in an eternal life which is the here-after (Jannah, iA) - if I ever lose my family/friends (God forbid) ... I will always have Allah with me (in my good and bad times).
I always pray that, Insha Allah, God will honour me with the blessing of having my family and friends with me even in the next life. ;)
This is how I live - knowing that Allah is always with me. :D
ur so lucky!!
i always wanted to try trick or treating! :D
nah we dont do that, this stuff doesnt happen in U.A.E!!
but a few years back me n my cousins...brought candy and dressed up and stuff...it was fun :P
okay then i wanna be a fairy
Star, chillax and enjoy. ;)
I see we have MANY UAE residents over here :O
cornelia : You live in UAE too , this is SO COOL 8)
I don't mean to go off topic but we could ACTUALLY meet up somewhere since MOST of us live in the UAE .... That'll be so AWSOME :o :o 8) ::)
Anyways back to topic :P
Romeesa and cornelia : Allow me to correct you both ::)
My neighbors (Locals) usually knock on our day on TWO occasions that is I think in mid Shaaban or some other month ( can't seem to remember which month it was) and they go like {Trick or treat} but once again I forgot what exactly they say ::) The other ocasion that happens VERY RARELY these days (or maybe I just grew up -.-) that is on Eid they knock on the door saying {give us Eidya}
We have our own Trick or Treat days :P 8)
Beace xD
^ I was funny before. ::) :P
Thank you, Star. (:
Everyone has their own ideology on 'how' to live their life... and mine is what I've learned through experience.
Anyways, how many candies get ya get ? ;D
You're welcome. :)Aw, no worries ... iA, next year! :D
Yes, I understand that, & what you've learnt from your experience is commendable. :)
Haha, didn't go this year :( (Have IGCSE's going on :'( )
I so want to be Juliet but my old eng background is soo cool yuh know ::)It'll be awesome if you'd be Juliet. <3
I'm back to being Jack ..LOVE THAT DUDE especially his EPIC face expressions <3 :-*
I love yuh dude 'melts' :P
EDIT: ^ Whose the Captain around here 8)
Aw, no worries ... iA, next year! :D
Stay focused and do well in yer exam! ;D
Hehe, yeah next year :DCome to Dubai for trick or treating ... I will take you out for a treat! :P
Thanks! :D
Come to Dubai for trick or treating ... I will take you out for a treat! :P
I watched Paranormal 2 yesterday with my friends. It was more funny than scary. ::) :P
Really? :o
I've heard its quite scary ::)
Yea, well... it does play a lot with your psychology. I did get dreams in the morning. :-X :P
I watched Paranormal 2 yesterday with my friends. It was more funny than scary. ::) :Pi heard it was funny too!
I hope they were not too bad? :o :P
i heard it was funny too!
have you seen paranormal activity 3? i wonder if its any good? :)
There was a baby in my dream it was crying just like in the movie... And I was trying to put it back to slumber just like the mother of the baby in the movie. :o
ermm.. no one had Demi Lovato in their dreams? :P
Lia - you scared of Lavato ? ::)
Romeooooo!! Where art thou??!
Demi, nay young lady.
Thy feareth only me mum. ::) :P
I thought you made a Diwali thread. Doesn't matter anyway, fraud. :P
Ye talking to me, man? I dont make no threads. ::)
I thought you made a Diwali thread. Doesn't matter anyway, fraud. :P
Diwali? :o Fraud? :o
Yes. :P
Does she even know what you are talking about? :P
Leave poor Star alone. ::)
I think yes. :P