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General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom => Chit-Chat => Morality => Topic started by: Tohru Kyo Sohma on August 14, 2011, 06:33:36 pm
7 tips to look beautiful
1.to beautify your eyes,lower your gaze towards strange men.This will make your eyes, pure and shiny
2.To Beautify your face and make it glow, keep doing the wudhu (ablution), minimum 5 times a day.
3.to have attractive lips, always do Dhikr and tell the truth.
4.As for rouge and blush, modesty is the best brand out there!
5.For jewellery,beautify your hands by letting your hands be generous and giving charity to the poor and needy.
6.Now for your hair.If you have split ends then wearing a "Hijab" is at the top of the list.It will protect your hair from all sorts of damages.
7.Finally, to avoid disease of the heart forgive people who have hurt you
By following this advice given to us by The Most Merciful and The Most Glorious, not only will we have a beautiful appearance on the outside but in the inside aswell!
^ Doubles post ::)
Amazing thread!!
Beautiful tips :D +rep
Thanks for sharing
Best beauty tips EVER! I'm always trying to follow them. :D
Jazaka Allah khair for sharing. +rep. =]
Apart from wearing the hijaab, I think I can follow all of them ;D
Very good advice :)
Thanks for sharing :)
Apart from wearing the hijaab, I think I can follow all of them ;D
Very good advice :)
Thanks for sharing :)
LOOOL, that's so cute :D
Apart from wearing the hijaab, I think I can follow all of them ;D
Very good advice :)
Thanks for sharing :)
hahahahahaha. Didn't expect any guy to be posting here or even checking this thread. :P
We must have ones for men also. :P
And DK..I never knew you wanted to look beautiful. :P
hahahahahaha. Didn't expect any guy to be posting here or even checking this thread. :P
We must have ones for men also. :P
And DK..I never knew you wanted to look beautiful. :P
As an admin, I guess I gotta check everything :P
Well I did not opt for looking beautiful outside but rather on the inside ;)
ANd yes we should have one for men as well :D
^ Doubles post ::)
Amazing thread!!
Beautiful tips :D +rep
Thanks for sharing
double post?
ur welcome
Best beauty tips EVER! I'm always trying to follow them. :D
Jazaka Allah khair for sharing. +rep. =]
wa iyakum
and thanks
Apart from wearing the hijaab, I think I can follow all of them ;D
Very good advice :)
Thanks for sharing :)
lol.......cute 8)...ur welcome
Yeah, you double posted by mistake i guess.
No worries, i removed it :D
As an admin, I guess I gotta check everything :P
Well I did not opt for looking beautiful outside but rather on the inside ;)
ANd yes we should have one for men as well :D
Being nosy got nothing of being an admin. :P Tsk tsk tsk. :P
Aha. Beauty comes from the heart. =]
A beard is a good start. ;)
Being nosy got nothing of being an admin. :P Tsk tsk tsk. :P
Aha. Beauty comes from the heart. =]
A beard is a good start. ;)
That's not nosy.........just checking :P
Damn true you are there :D Wish I can attain this Insha Allah :)
I already have one if that's what you wanted to hear :P
Any other suggestion?
Being nosy got nothing of being an admin. :P Tsk tsk tsk. :P
Aha. Beauty comes from the heart. =]
A beard is a good start. ;)
OHH yeah :D
I like short beard on guys ::)
That's not nosy.........just checking :P
Damn true you are there :D Wish I can attain this Insha Allah :)
I already have one if that's what you wanted to hear :P
Any other suggestion?
LOOL. Oh, yes he does. Good thing, he decided to be my 'dad'. :P
I hv a 5cm long beard :P :P :P=))
I hv a 5cm long beard :P :P :P=))
lol......i dunt likr beard....no offence deadly king :D
I hv a 5cm long beard :P :P :P=))
Whoa! tut tut.. that's way too long, dude. You should start trimming. :P ::)
lol......i dunt likr beard....no offence deadly king :D
Oh nooo, It looks nice.
Clean shaved guys look gay sometimes, except a few ::) *no offense*
Loool I was joking! I have short beards ;D ;D Im too young to have 5cm ones :P :P
No, you guys. Your beards should be fist length.
It shouldn't be longer than that, nor is it allowed to trim it if it's shorter or the size of your fist.
Also, you must TRIM your mustaches, not SHAVE. There's a bit of confusion about that, and lots of people just shave their mustache altogether, but no, you're supposed to trim it.
There is the hadith that says:
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)." Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498
Also, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) used to cut that portion (which exceeds the grip of the hand) of the beard.
- Tirmidhi
Pleas don't ask him to marry you.:P Bwahahahaahaha Roxy.... LOOOL.
Pleas don't ask him to marry you.:P Bwahahahaahaha Roxy.... LOOOL.
No way!!!! Roxy and my mom... muhahahaha. :P
Last year Roxy proposed for some sweet guy. :P ;D
Ai ai Amelia, I heard DK is your dad. Roxy is gonna be your new step-mom soon. :P hahahaha :P
Last year Roxy proposed for some sweet guy. :P ;D
ooOoo.. who who? :P
Ai ai Amelia, I heard DK is your dad. Roxy is gonna be your new step-mom soon. :P hahahaha :P
hahahaa.. Poor, my dad.
Let him read our posts. :D
I try to follow all :D except for hijab thing :P
my face have no hairs at all :o
nothing yet :P
@Lia, ROXY IS A PRINCESS! Any man would beg for her. :P
And it was some member called pavelil something like that. :P
@Saud, awwww..you're still young. :P
Girls ..You girls are enjoying teasing Roxy ..I won't take part ..I'll just sit and enjoy watching her reactions and my bro's reactions too xD :P
I've read this Article a few months ago ..AMAZING Article indeed +rep ..Jazak Allahi khair for sharing =D
@Lia, ROXY IS A PRINCESS! Any man would beg for her. :P
And it was some member called pavelil something like that. :P
She's a QUEEN! :D
pavelil? Oh, man. I read some of his posts. ::) :P
Saud - ;D
Last year Roxy proposed for some sweet guy. :P ;D
Ai ai Amelia, I heard DK is your dad. Roxy is gonna be your new step-mom soon. :P hahahaha :P
That made me ROFL XD XD XD
Jokes aside, nice thread. :D
@Lia, ROXY IS A PRINCESS! Any man would beg for her. :P
And it was some member called pavelil something like that. :P
@Saud, awwww..you're still young. :P
:'( :'( :'( :'(
I know! :( :P
Talking about planning out my LIFE. LOOOOOOOOOOOL, And so I get married and freakishly have a daughter that's MY AGE ?! Or older? OH MY GOODNESS.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. YOU GUYSSS MAKE ME ROFL. Okay no, I'm not rolling on the floor. I'm on my bed LAUGHING ;D
Anddd ahahahahah, yeah- it was a JOKE. Because I bet 'plavelil' had a beard ::)
ANDDDD, he never signed back onto SF :P :P LOOOOOOOOOOL. Or did he? :/
ANYYWAAYYSSS. I'm marrying a bearded dude inshaAllah, and NO- DK is NOT the only bearded dude in the world :P ;D
Talking about planning out my LIFE. LOOOOOOOOOOOL, And so I get married and freakishly have a daughter that's MY AGE ?! Or older? OH MY GOODNESS.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. YOU GUYSSS MAKE ME ROFL. Okay no, I'm not rolling on the floor. I'm on my bed LAUGHING ;D
Anddd ahahahahah, yeah- it was a JOKE. Because I bet 'plavelil' had a beard ::)
ANDDDD, he never signed back onto SF :P :P LOOOOOOOOOOL. Or did he? :/
ANYYWAAYYSSS. I'm marrying a bearded dude inshaAllah, and NO- DK is NOT the only bearded dude in the world :P ;D
Hahahahahahaha...oh come onnnn your step-daughter is the most awesome person on earth. :P Lia-chan is everyone's sweetheart, she'll do all the house cleaning and cooking for you. :P
hahahaha no he didn't share the same religion as us..LOOOOOOOL. But he really did want to get married. :P
LOL mashAllah. Good luck with marrying a bearded dude. ;D I don't want my husband to have a long beard until we have our first child and he gets a belly after marriage. :P
Hahahahahahaha...oh come onnnn your step-daughter is the most awesome person on earth. :P Lia-chan is everyone's sweetheart, she'll do all the house cleaning and cooking for you. :P
hahahaha no he didn't share the same religion as us..LOOOOOOOL. But he really did want to get married. :P
LOL mashAllah. Good luck with marrying a bearded dude. ;D I don't want my husband to have a long beard until we have our first child and he gets a belly after marriage. :P
AHAHAHAHAHA. I know she's the most awesomest person EVERRRRRR. MASHALLAAAAHH TABARAKALLAAAAH. But EY ?!?! Already my step daughter? ERRMMMM I DON'T REMEMBER MARRYING DK :/ :P
Ohhhh yeahh. LOOOL. That was just a dumb joke ::) :P
LOOOL SHUKRAN. Yes, it'd be a requirement. He like MUST have a beard. -.- inshaAllaaahh :D
LOOL. I honestly DO NOT want a fat husband -.- LOOL.
Not even after we get married.
But I don't want a skinny freakish husband either. LOOL.
A guy with a nice six pack would do. LOOOOOOOOOOL JOOOKKEE.
Nah- Not fat, and not SKINNY.
Now that you know my requirements, I'd expect y'all to start looking :P
AHAHAHAHAHA. I know she's the most awesomest person EVERRRRRR. MASHALLAAAAHH TABARAKALLAAAAH. But EY ?!?! Already my step daughter? ERRMMMM I DON'T REMEMBER MARRYING DK :/ :P
Ohhhh yeahh. LOOOL. That was just a dumb joke ::) :P
LOOOL SHUKRAN. Yes, it'd be a requirement. He like MUST have a beard. -.- inshaAllaaahh :D
LOOL. I honestly DO NOT want a fat husband -.- LOOL.
Not even after we get married.
But I don't want a skinny freakish husband either. LOOL.
A guy with a nice six pack would do. LOOOOOOOOOOL JOOOKKEE.
Nah- Not fat, and not SKINNY.
Now that you know my requirements, I'd expect y'all to start looking :P
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....LOOOOOOOOOOOOL SIX-PACK or eight-pack? LOOOL you always wanted buff guys Roxy though I find them scary. :P
Let me note down your requirements so far. :P
2)Not fat and not thin
4)Not freakish
5)HOT. :P
Add to my list. All the SF guys will start working on themselves now. :P
Yuh guys girls are hilarious. ::) :P
Me no like beard. :-X :-X :-X :-X
Oh nooo, It looks nice.
Clean shaved guys look gay sometimes, except a few ::) *no offense*
yes...maybe beard suits some men and doesn't suit some.
Girls ..You girls are enjoying teasing Roxy ..I won't take part ..I'll just sit and enjoy watching her reactions and my bro's reactions too xD :P
I've read this Article a few months ago ..AMAZING Article indeed +rep ..Jazak Allahi khair for sharing =D
wa iyakum
thanks for reading it ;D
That made me ROFL XD XD XD
Jokes aside, nice thread. :D
sank you
You're welcome =]
it's wa iyaki for girl wa iyakum for a group of people and wa iyak for a guy =]
You're welcome =]
it's wa iyaki for girl wa iyakum for a group of people and wa iyak for a guy =]
wa iyaki
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....LOOOOOOOOOOOOL SIX-PACK or eight-pack? LOOOL you always wanted buff guys Roxy though I find them scary. :P
Let me note down your requirements so far. :P
2)Not fat and not thin
4)Not freakish
5)HOT. :P
Add to my list. All the SF guys will start working on themselves now. :P
You know me too well ;) :P
Hahahahahahaha...oh come onnnn your step-daughter is the most awesome person on earth. :P Lia-chan is everyone's sweetheart, she'll do all the house cleaning and cooking for you. :P
Turning me into another Cindrella? Do I have cruel step-sisters, too? :D
Talking about planning out my LIFE. LOOOOOOOOOOOL, And so I get married and freakishly have a daughter that's MY AGE ?! Or older? OH MY GOODNESS.
ANYYWAAYYSSS. I'm marrying a bearded dude inshaAllah, and NO- DK is NOT the only bearded dude in the world :P ;D
LOOOOLL!!! It's freaky! And what if you decide to turn back into the spider-man I've had a crush on, eh? Dad will be screwed big time! :P :D
Yup I do :)
Now you gonna make me blush :-[
No, you guys. Your beards should be fist length.
It shouldn't be longer than that, nor is it allowed to trim it if it's shorter or the size of your fist.
Also, you must TRIM your mustaches, not SHAVE. There's a bit of confusion about that, and lots of people just shave their mustache altogether, but no, you're supposed to trim it.
There is the hadith that says:
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)." Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498
Also, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) used to cut that portion (which exceeds the grip of the hand) of the beard.
- Tirmidhi
Jazaakallah khair for the info :D
Pleas don't ask him to marry you.:P Bwahahahaahaha Roxy.... LOOOL.
Oopz..........matters are turning serious :P
I try to follow all :D except for hijab thing :P
my face have no hairs at all :o
nothing yet :P
Very nice :)
Yupz, you're still a kid my dear nephew, but you can always make an intention to have an appropriate beard in the future :D
Talking about planning out my LIFE. LOOOOOOOOOOOL, And so I get married and freakishly have a daughter that's MY AGE ?! Or older? OH MY GOODNESS.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. YOU GUYSSS MAKE ME ROFL. Okay no, I'm not rolling on the floor. I'm on my bed LAUGHING ;D
Anddd ahahahahah, yeah- it was a JOKE. Because I bet 'plavelil' had a beard ::)
ANDDDD, he never signed back onto SF :P :P LOOOOOOOOOOL. Or did he? :/
ANYYWAAYYSSS. I'm marrying a bearded dude inshaAllah, and NO- DK is NOT the only bearded dude in the world :P ;D
Does not matter since am not even married and I still have a daughter of my age :P
Ameen......great initiative :)
And yes, am not the only one ;)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....LOOOOOOOOOOOOL SIX-PACK or eight-pack? LOOOL you always wanted buff guys Roxy though I find them scary. :P
Let me note down your requirements so far. :P
2)Not fat and not thin
4)Not freakish
5)HOT. :P
Add to my list. All the SF guys will start working on themselves now. :P
Well I've got only 4 packs and am not hot ;)
So am out of the competition ;)
Turning me into another Cindrella? Do I have cruel step-sisters, too? :D
LOOOOLL!!! It's freaky! And what if you decide to turn back into the spider-man I've had a crush on, eh? Dad will be screwed big time! :P :D
No worries my adorable daughter, if you gonna be Cinderella, then you can have Spiderman to help you with the tasks :P
Well I've got only 4 packs and am not hot ;)
So am out of the competition ;)
Not hot? Says who? LOOLL!!
You can always join the gym, old man. :D
Not hot? Says who? LOOLL!!
You can always join the gym, old man. :D
Says me ;)
Am way too busy to join gym now, but might be a possibility later ;D
DK- you can't be the judge of your own appearance :P
Yallaaaahh let's see a picture :P :P
DK- you can't be the judge of your own appearance :P
Yallaaaahh let's see a picture :P :P
Hehehe. Pics or it ain't true. :P :P :P
DK- you can't be the judge of your own appearance :P
Yallaaaahh let's see a picture :P :P
Why not?? :P
Na, na, na................not a good idea at all!!
Hehehe. Pics or it ain't true. :P :P :P
Pics can be altered these days anyway ;)
Hehehe. Pics or it ain't true. :P :P :P
I second that :P
Why not?? :P
Na, na, na................not a good idea at all!!
Pics can be altered these days anyway ;)
hahahahah. Don't worry, I didn't think you would :P
There is always PMs where you can send it to mee :P LOOOOOOOOOOOOL OKK I JOKE.
I hope you don't end up sending me pictures of yourself in my inbox :P :P LOLOLOLOOOL
I second that :P
Even if each and every member are with you guys, am NOT!!
hahahahah. Don't worry, I didn't think you would :P
There is always PMs where you can send it to mee :P LOOOOOOOOOOOOL OKK I JOKE.
I hope you don't end up sending me pictures of yourself in my inbox :P :P LOLOLOLOOOL
Well thought then ;)
Hahahahahaha..........sure some other time ;) Keep waiting ;D
No worries, I won't!
Even if each and every member are with you guys, am NOT!!
Well thought then ;)
Hahahahahaha..........sure some other time ;) Keep waiting ;D
No worries, I won't!
He is being modest. I'll PM you his description in writing, better then the picture. ;D :P
Pics can be altered these days anyway ;)
Taking precaution ? ::) :P
He is being modest. I'll PM you his description in writing, better then the picture. ;D :P
Forward it to me too. ;D
I am.
Maybe. :P :P :P :P
He is being modest. I'll PM you his description in writing, better then the picture. ;D :P
Hey.......that's not fair! ::)
You should have been on my side sweet daughter and not going around describing your father to every stranger :P
Are you that desperate to find a MOM?? :P
Taking precaution ? ::) :P
Forward it to me too. ;D
I am.
Maybe. :P :P :P :P
Nan, am not scared :P
OMG, why are these ladies so interested to know me :o
May Allah help me :)
Hey.......that's not fair! ::)
You should have been on my side sweet daughter and not going around describing your father to every stranger :P
Are you that desperate to find a MOM?? :P
Mom, this soon? No WAY!
I was only kidding! But then, it's good to see how many 'moms' I'll have lined up. :P
Nan, am not scared :P
OMG, why are these ladies so interested to know me :o
May Allah help me :)
Maybe, you shouldn't have let out that little detail about yourself and kindled their interest. :P ;)
Mom, this soon? No WAY!
I was only kidding! But then, it's good to see how many 'moms' I'll have lined up. :P
Maybe, you shouldn't have let out that little detail about yourself and kindled their interest. :P ;)
Hahahahahahaha :P
How many 'moms'?? Are you planning to have more than one?? :o ::) ;D :P
Yeah.......guess you are right.......too late now :-\
Hahahahahahaha :P
How many 'moms'?? Are you planning to have more than one?? :o ::) ;D :P
Yeah.......guess you are right.......too late now :-\
hehe... I was thinking of having at least three. Only if you can handle them, ofcourse. :P ;D
No worries, they'll scurry away in no time at all. :P
You cvan have up to 4 moms Amelia ;) :P
*hint hint DK* :p
Nan, am not scared :P
OMG, why are these ladies so interested to know me :o
May Allah help me :)
No worries. :D I don't bite. :D :P :P
hehe... I was thinking of having at least three. Only if you can handle them, ofcourse. :P ;D
No worries, they'll scurry away in no time at all. :P
Only 3?? I just thought you would like more ;D
ANd why would they scurry away in no time? ::) :P
You cvan have up to 4 moms Amelia ;) :P
*hint hint DK* :p
Like Roxy just highlighted, you won't be having more than 4 moms :P
No worries. :D I don't bite. :D :P :P
I can't trust your words since I've not seen you :P ;D
You might just be fooling me :P
Only 3?? I just thought you would like more ;D
ANd why would they scurry away in no time? ::) :P
You a doctor. Think you can handle all of them at the same time? And what about your female patients? :P :D
I was talking about the ladies here, they might get bored. :P ::)
I can't trust your words since I've not seen you :P ;D
You might just be fooling me :P
I am as innocent as a new born baby. :P
I am as innocent as a new born baby. :P
But you can scare us to death, sometimes. ::)
But you can scare us to death, sometimes. ::)
What did I do ? :'( :'( :'(
What did I do ? :'( :'( :'(
Lemme think.....*hmph*
Ohhhh, you nearly gave me a heart attack last night. :P And..and.. killed a rat??
You a doctor. Think you can handle all of them at the same time? And what about your female patients? :P :D
I was talking about the ladies here, they might get bored. :P ::)
Don't know ;D Let me have one wife first, then I'll see if there is the necessity to have another one :P But truly speaking, one wife is more than enough ;)
Patients are only patients and nothing more ;)
Hahahahaha...........just bad luck for them then :P
Lemme think.....*hmph*
Ohhhh, you nearly gave me a heart attack last night. :P And..and.. killed a rat??
Didn't intend to.
I can't even be in the same room as it.
Didn't intend to.
I can't even be in the same room as it.
You should post after Iftari. :P No energy, atm. ::)
Daddy King, well said! (Y) Now, all we have to do is wait for my 'mom' to come along. I just hope she's not a doc as well.. or else, we'll be the 'Doctor Family'. :P
You should post after Iftari. :P No energy, atm. ::)
Daddy King, well said! (Y) Now, all we have to do is wait for my 'mom' to come along. I just hope she's not a doc as well.. or else, we'll be the 'Doctor Family'. :P
I rather not post at all. :(
I rather not post at all. :(
You must.. atleast bare minimum. ;)
You must.. atleast bare minimum. ;)
Insha Allah, if I survive through the time being. ;)
You should post after Iftari. :P No energy, atm. ::)
Daddy King, well said! (Y) Now, all we have to do is wait for my 'mom' to come along. I just hope she's not a doc as well.. or else, we'll be the 'Doctor Family'. :P
Okay......we'll wait patiently then ;)
Hahahahaha........we never know what Allah has reserved for us in this life ;)
Not a bad idea........'Doctor Family' :P
Allah has reserved for us in this life
So true. Well said, son.
Lemme think.....*hmph*
Ohhhh, you nearly gave me a heart attack last night. :P And..and.. killed a rat??
I wonder what we were talking about ::)
I wonder what we were talking about ::)
LOL, I wonder doe ... ::)