Ok, I came up with a ramadhan challenge among other ramadhan activities you have planned inshaAllah.This is the fun. It is to recite the WHOLE QURAN in the WHOLE OF RAMADHAN. Ok so the challenge works like this:
Challenge yourself this ramadhan to become more active in reciting the Quran. Ponder on it and reflect. This is the whole idea about ramadhan right? Don't just recite it mechanically...NOOOOO WAAAAAAYYYYY!!! This is why its called a challenge. You read Quran everyday right? So why not earn extra reward by pondering on the words of Allah? Allah is talking to YOU! So listen and ponder. If you start now, it will be easy for you to continue this after ramadhan. Plus if you are gonna recite the WHOLE QURAN in ramadhan then it means that you are pondering on the WHOLE QURAN WOW!! Trust me ramadhan is the best time.
Simply keep track of your reciting in a diary for everyday of the month and record what lessons you have learnt while you were pondering on Allah's words. Now, you may think how is this possible?! Its VERY possible...this is how:
Steps to reciting the whole Quran in Ramadhan and pondering on the words:
1) Make a sincere intention that you want to complete the Quran
2) Set yourself a goal, ie: I aim to recite thoe whole qurah this month, then print out your goal and stick it on your wall, frigde, bed....
3) Start reciting from Surah-alFatiha (Systematic recitation)
4) Recite 5 pages after every salah except maghrib (Because of breaking fast, taraweeh etc) So ie, after Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Isha, Witr or maybe night prayer.
5) Ponder on the pages you read. (20 pages a day: Thats a complete Juzz)
There are 604 pages so if you are reading 5 pages after 4 salahs every day by the end of the month you would have recited 600 pages, so you can do the 4 extra pages somewhere.
5 pages times 4 salahs times 30 days = 600 check it out....so fit in 4 extra pages.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! Did you know that could be done? Look how easy it is. By only spending a few mins after 4 salahs you can do this. WHAT AN INVESTMENT!!
Jazakumullahu khairan for your time.
JazakiAllah khair Romeesa! This thread is REALLY AWESOME.=]
Anyways, here is something Roxy aka spiderman posted in 2009. I found it VERY USEFUL so I'll re-post it.
Lesson 7 ~ Ramadan
Ramadan is a beautiful month. In it, we all feel inner peace and closer to Allah. It's this one month of the year where you feel nothing distracts you. It's the month we ALL join together and unite for good deeds.
Indeed whoever misses this month is a total loser.
It's the month where we all wash ourselves from sins and the bad habits.
To all the people who have the intention of changing, then try doing so in Ramadan. Last Ramadan was a very special one for me because in it I turned into the person I am now alhamdolilah. Allah guided me and I no longer followed Islam without understanding it, I started following Islam and LIVING with it.
And trust me when I tell you it leads to nothing but a better life and true happiness.
You can all go on asking the old members which was better? The Shoshou..Mony 2 years back or the Shoshou..Mony now? They'd all say the new one. I am the same fun person but only that I changed my way of living and thinking. Alhamdolilah, I never felt much comfort and much success in my life until I did that.
Islam is a WAY of living. Write down ALL your bad habits and decide that in Ramadan you'd have the change. In psychology, it is said that it takes 21 days to change a habit in your life, but I believe that in the month of Ramadan it takes much less time than that, and so even if you fail to not accomplish what you wanted to do..this doesn't mean you give up in anyway or stop trying. The chance of mastering something from the first shot is almost non-existing so let's all be realistic and get the 'I'm down or I'm a loser' thoughts out of our heads and make it a habit to ALWAYS STAY OPTIMISTIC.
Start writing your plan from NOW! Yes, now not tomorrow and not after 15 mins! Keep jotting down the ideas you have for this Ramadan and what are your plans. Are you planning to volunteer by going out to feed the people in the streets? Are you going to give dates and water? Are you going to stop being angry, selfish, mean and rude with other people and this includes your family? Will you put on the smiling face everyday? Will say the azkar and tasabeeh on daily basis? Will you kiss your mom and dad everyday and thank them for what they did to you?
We are young and on the day of judgement we will be asked about our health and our time! Don't waste your time watching the series or the tv, but rather spend it on something more useful.
This Ramadan might be your last. We can't guarantee we'll be making it to the next Ramadan, so this time we'll make the BEST OF IT and not waste our hours inshAllah. =]
Together, as brothers and sisters, we will encourage and motivate each other isa, also make use of FB and perhaps share the knowledge we are speaking about with your friends. Just remember, you won't be entering paradise alone, but we will be entering paradise as 'groups' of people, so always make sure to spread the message of Allah to those you love and don't love and the reward will be much higher. =]
My name is Shabaan. Im advising you that my neighbour Ramadan will be visiting you very soon with his wife Sawm and two kids Suhur and Iftar.They will be accompanied by three grandchildren: Rahma (mercy), Maghfirah (forgiveness) & Tawba (repentance). They will leave after 30 days by EID Airlines.Treasure them & you will be blessed!If I ever hurt you or have said anything to upset you, please find it in your heart to forgive me,may we all come out of Ramadan in a better state we were in before it, Ameen! :DBeautiful, MashAllah.
My name is Shabaan. Im advising you that my neighbour Ramadan will be visiting you very soon with his wife Sawm and two kids Suhur and Iftar.They will be accompanied by three grandchildren: Rahma (mercy), Maghfirah (forgiveness) & Tawba (repentance). They will leave after 30 days by EID Airlines.Treasure them & you will be blessed!If I ever hurt you or have said anything to upset you, please find it in your heart to forgive me,may we all come out of Ramadan in a better state we were in before it, Ameen! :Dbeautiful and really amazing
No, yuh are not the only one. I am sad i won't be spending this year's Ramadan in Jeddah. :( London doesn't even come close to R of Ramadan of Jeddah. :(
Thank God. :DAww. :( Don't worry. Everything happens fer the best. :(
Awwwwww!!!! =[
I am sad my Dad isn't here to spend Ramadan with us. =[
I will give yuh company! :P Worry not! ;) Main ho na! :D
Aww. :( Don't worry. Everything happens fer the best. :(I know! Alhamdulillah! :D
LOOOOOOL. I'll be too busy with Uni, work, namaaz, Quran, etc. :o
I know! Alhamdulillah! :DI wasn't talking about yuh, idiot. I was just sharing my plans. ::) :P
Lol. :P I didnt say I will be sticking to yuh. I am more busy ladki. 8)
Wait. Yuh work? :o
I wasn't talking about yuh, idiot. I was just sharing my plans. ::) :PPagal. :P I have longer list then yuh. :D
I know yuh'll be busy eating. =,=
I'll look fer something. =/
im so excited that ramadan is approaching....its one of the best time in a year for me!
especially iftaar and then eid too<3
so Happy
Beware of Shaitan ~ Master of The Tricks !
1- "keep enjoying, life is long, you can repent later!"
2- "oh, you have too many sins. Allah will not forgive you, keep doing sins!"
3- "you are young, have some fun!"
4- "everybody's doing it. don't be extremist. spice up your life!"
5- "don't remain cool during anger, patience is for cowards."
May Allah SWT guide us to the right path, IA.
Beware of Shaitan ~ Master of The Tricks !JazakAllah khair for sharing <3
1- "keep enjoying, life is long, you can repent later!"
2- "oh, you have too many sins. Allah will not forgive you, keep doing sins!"
3- "you are young, have some fun!"
4- "everybody's doing it. don't be extremist. spice up your life!"
5- "don't remain cool during anger, patience is for cowards."
May Allah SWT guide us to the right path, IA.
thanks alot GG
i have an idea- let's make a chart of those things which are allowed and which are not allowed and place the days of Ramadan and daily we can check if we are doing everything right.....like we didnt lie today..or we prayed our 5 daily prayers...or we kind of talked bad about this girl...so we can improve on it.....we can tick the good deeds with blue and the bad deeds with red....what do u say guys????
Check out GG's second pic ;)i got the idea from the pic only
i got the idea from the pic only
Okay then start the list ;)the list will be according to the picture or whatever you know that is allowed and not allowed
Sugoi/Awesome ^ 8) :D ;D
I found a very good poem about Ramadan and I really love it:
Welcome to Ramadan, the month of mercy.
Sit yourself calm and witness the beauty.
Feel the pure breeze under the shade of palm trees,
Forgiveness - even if sins stretch seven seas.
The month of reflecting on the life we’ve spent
And how it healed after every dent.
The time to realize your true objective
And to live Islam fully and not selective.
The time to appreciate the food and drink.
To unite rich and poor and provide the link.
The month of the struggle to grasp your soul,
For the next eleven months, in full control.
This is the time when the gates of hell are shut.
The devil is locked up and his work is cut.
The doors of mercy are opened up wide
And Allah’s blessings are always on your side
This is the month when the Qur’an was revealed,
The last revelation – the door had been sealed.
A true guidance for the whole of mankind,
No better words elsewhere will we ever find.
This is the month in which falls the Night of Power,
‘Better than a thousand months’, the blessings shower.
The angels descend on us so that they may see
The faces of believers in tranquility.
Don’t ignore this Ramadan; it could be your last.
Strive to obtain Allah’s pleasure and hold your fast.
Tomorrow could be your final day, be prepared.
Seize today by the neck and have no chance spared.
Shared by MU
Do you know many people actually gain weight in Ramdan due to wrong eating habits? ;)
Do you know many people actually gain weight in Ramdan due to wrong eating habits? ;)
That comment made me REAL HYPER ,I hate you for doing that to me =.=
Okay reason behind my HYPER-ness is due to this video ::) ...Baba Ali ,is soo HILARIOUS WALLAH ;D
Especially the joke about the "Weight Gain" and the "Burping" ..Wallah so digusting , I just hope you didn't actually record his burps :-X :P
Here :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUyM4ThQwrc
I didn't tell it to you...or did I?? >:D >:D
That video was kinda funny....he said it so perfectly "We cook all day and eat all night!" ;D
And the Moon Wars...happens every time ::)
Dear Ladies ,
I've sent all the ladies over here who I'm sure are Muslims something that surely concerns you and inshAllah you do benefit from it as much as I did.
I am too shy to share such matters in a Public thread such as this But I had to share it with you since I'm sure you'll come out of it with something inshAllah.
If you don't get a message in your inbox ladies ,Do let me know ,I'd gladly send you the message :D
Don't forget to include me in your prayers ;)
Sorry lads ,It is a matter that concerns the Ladies so forgive me for not sharing it with you.
I am a female, mayb u didn't know but i didn't receive a msg from u
Also, all good deeds done in this month will be rewarded 70 times more.I didnt knew this :o wow
Allah Almighty releases one million people from hell daily in Ramadaan and on its 29th night He releases people equal to the total number of who were released during the whole month and when the night of Eidul Fitr comes, Angels rejoice and Allah Almighty manifest His Light (Noor) addressing the Angels: O' the group of Angels! What should be the return of the labourer who has completed his work well? Angels submit, he should be paid his full due. Allah Almighty says: Be you witness that I have forgiven them all.
Credit to Steve Curry in Care2.com
Although this isn't 'strictly' speaking of Ramadan morals, its related :D
I wrote it to our local newspaper 2 days ago...it was published yesterday :)
http://7days.ae/letter-detail/take-your-time-and-get-iftar-safely (http://7days.ae/letter-detail/take-your-time-and-get-iftar-safely)
M&Ms : The link isn't working for me =.=
Can you like send me the Actual Article via messages pweez :$ :)
EDIT: It works fine for me :D mA that's really cool 8)
But to be honest in the AD , when it's time for Prayer , on EVERY street there are some boys/lads who give dates to the brothers and sisters , I know because once I was out at time of Magrib to eat iftar in a restaurant and there was Azan and we didn't have dates and a small lad knocked on the door and gave each one of us a date for free :)
Although this isn't 'strictly' speaking of Ramadan morals, its related :D
I wrote it to our local newspaper 2 days ago...it was published yesterday :)
http://7days.ae/letter-detail/take-your-time-and-get-iftar-safely (http://7days.ae/letter-detail/take-your-time-and-get-iftar-safely)
Credit to Steve Curry in Care2.com
Ramadan self-improvement checklist.
It's only one page long and you can download and print it.
I'm planning to use it to try and maintain good deeds throughout the month rather than just the first few days when I'm excited :-[ :P So if ticks start disappearing I'll know I'm in trouble. :P
Take a look at this guys, I found so many saying Ramadhan Kareem,
Here is something I remember from what I watched yesterday on TV:JazakAllah khair for sharing! =) This made me happy! :D
One day one of the prophet(PBUH)'s companions had a strange dream,in which there was 2 brothers,one died in battle(shahada) and he was the more religious one,and the other one died of illness one year after his brother,he saw both brothers on the gate on Jannah,and the second one entered before the first one,the dream started spreading and everyone was shocked,why would the second brother enter when he died from illness and he wasn't even as religious as the first one,when this reached the prophet PBUH,he simply said:didn't the second brother live for one more Ramadan,they said yes,and then the prophet PBUH said that"In normal days,if you stay praying all the time from after Maghrib till Fajr you won't be as much good deeds as when you pray Fajr in the mosque,but in ramadan,all the sunna prayers give you as much good deeds as prayers you have to pray(Fajr,Dhuhr,Asr,Maghrib and Isha),and every day when the Moaaden says "Allahu akbar" at Maghrib,Allah SWT gives the names of 70,000 people who are free from Hell,so lets not let this oppurtunity get out of our hands and no one knows if you can live for another Ramadan(sorry because my terms about religion and so aren't good in English).
JazakAllah khair for sharing! =) This made me happy! :DGlad to hear that,iA you'll always have a smile on your face,just like a fool :P
Ramadan Mubarak everyone!!!
great duasDua's for Ramadan
. When beginning the fast- Suhur
"Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan"
I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan
. When breaking the fast- Iftar
"Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu [wa 'alayka tawakkaltu] wa 'ala rizq-ika aftarthu"
O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast with Your sustenance
. When you are fasting, and someone is rude to you
"Inni sa'iimu, inni sa'iimu"
I am fasting, I am fasting
. On Lailatul Qadr - the Night of Power
Aishah (radhiya Allahu Ta'ala anha), that she said: "O Messenger of Allah! What if I knew which night Lailatul-Qadr was, then what should I say in it?" He said 'Say
"Allahumma innaka 'affuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'anni' "
O Allah You are The One Who pardons greatly, and loves to pardon, so pardon me.
[at Tirmidhi]
Source: http://www.islamawareness.net/Ramadhan/duas.html (http://www.islamawareness.net/Ramadhan/duas.html)
Finished Iftar! ;Dover-eating tsk tsk
Stomach hurts (over-eating). . . :-[
Will start reading Quran now ! :D
over-eating tsk tskFood was too yummmmmyyyyyyy :P
Have a Great time reading the Quran
Finished Iftar! ;D
Stomach hurts (over-eating). . . :-[
Will start reading Quran now ! :D
LOL....it seems over eating is a major problem ::)
LOL....it seems over eating is a major problem ::)
Ramadan mubarak ! Bring some psalms. ;D
Ramadan Kareem. (: Why so? ::)
I like to hear some religious stuff during this time. ;D
I like to hear some religious stuff during this time. ;D
I have got some other useful works to do too. ::) Kidding. :P
Read now! >:( :P
I always have something or the other to read. Always. :P
Reading is good. Increases your knowledge, it does. ::)Seconded.
Romeesa we might noe share but we do read ;D ;)Of course. Good to know. :P
^I see. . .:P
Mine are mainly in English and some in Farsi too. ;)
Seven gone already, I'm anxious to complete the Quran by end of the month. ::)
@Lia/romy: Same here :D I finished 10 juz yesterday and IA will start 11 now :Dreally...im still at the 7th juz........!!!
really...im still at the 7th juz........!!!You are going great MA :D
MashaAllah,angel....may Allah Bless you
You are going great MA :Di started long back...but i used to miss somedays of reading the Holy Quran and only reading 10 ayats daily.....but now i made it to finish 1 juz daily....InshaAllah i will be able to finish it this Ramadan.
Actually I started a bit earlier from ramadan ::) :P
Heyyyyyy!!!!!! Man! You're being missed. :(
How are you bro?
Ramadan Mubarak. =]
Nice to see you =]
really...im still at the 7th juz........!!!
MashaAllah,angel....may Allah Bless you
I am fine. Came back from China 2 days ago because of Ramadan and result and also because schools are opening early this year. :(
What about you? How are you doing these days? :)
Thanks GG! :D
Nice MA! I'm also on 7th! ;D...cool.....we 're on the same phase then!
Nice article, Romy. ;)
Ramadan Reruns. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixN0qhN39k0) - This is one cool video! :D
^ Indeed , it made me laugh REAL HARD XD
Jazaki Allah for sharing it <3
Ah. I LOVED the video.
LOOOOOOOOOOOL XD Sooooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyy. :P
It's NASTY. :P
Yes, those burps, esp. Ewww.. :P Albeit, it had good points. (Y)
Okay this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G570gqxhyU0&NR=1) is not related to the topic at all but it sure is FUNNY!
~ Dua (Supplication) – The Tool for Asking what you want. ~
Trials, tribulations and challenges are part of every person’s life. However, to counter that, Allah has provided us a very powerful tool – and that is the tool of du’a or asking Allah for help and his mercy when we need it. And we need it all the time…
However, to understand trials and tribulations that we face in our daily lives, we also need to understand the topic of "Sins" and how our sins may be related to our trials and tribulations.
The better we understand the ghastly nature of our sins, and the rate at which we accumulate them, along with their undesirable impact on our daily lives and the hereafter, the more it can propel us away from committing sins in general and the more it will drive us to seek forgiveness for our sins – through making the right Dua’s for us and for others.
Ibn Qayyim provided one of the great descriptions of sins and the impact of sins in this life and after. Here is a very short summary of what he compiled about how our sins impact our lives. [islam-qa.com]
Sins deprive a person of provision (rizq) in this life. In Musnad Ahmad it is narrated that Thawbaan said: “The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: ‘A man is deprived of provision because of the sins that he commits.’” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 4022, classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah).
A sinful person experiences a sense of alienation (indifference) with his Lord, and between him and other people. One of the salaf had said that he could see the impact of disobedience to Allah (in some aspects of his daily life).
A person who commits sins sees that things become difficult for him. In any matter that he turns to, he finds the way blocked or he finds it difficult. By the same token, for the one who fears Allah, things are made easy for him.
‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abbaas said: “Good deeds make the face light, give light to the heart, and bring about ample provision, physical strength and love in people’s hearts. Bad deeds make the face dark, give darkness to the heart, and bring about physical weakness, a lack of provision and hatred in people’s hearts.”
Sin breeds sin until it dominates a person and he cannot escape from it. Sin weakens a person’s willpower. It gradually strengthens his will to commit sin and weakens his will to repent until there is no will in his heart to repent at all… so he seeks forgiveness and expresses repentance, but it is merely words on the lips, like the repentance of the liars, whose hearts are still determined to commit sin and persist in it. This is one of the most serious diseases that is likely to lead to doom. He becomes desensitized and no longer find sins abhorrent, so it becomes his habit, and he is not bothered if people see him committing the sin or talk about him.
So, we can easily see that by engaging in sins, we are not only making the prospects of our after life (integral part of Islamic faith) bleak but sins can greatly and actively contribute to the difficulties of our daily lives.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Whatever of good reaches you, is from Allah, but whatever of evil befalls you, is from yourself…” [al-Nisa’ 4:79]
Whether we encounter challenges in earning a living, in our family affairs, or other matters of life, the burden of sins greatly inhibits us from seeking the ultimate blessings of Allah and to have the potential of leading a good life in this world and the hereafter.
As for making Dua and the enormous potential it holds to help us ask for forgiveness and other things, the following provides a short description.
The following are some of the prophet’s sayings about making Dua to Allah.
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The dua’ of any one of you will be answered so long as he does not seek to hasten it, and does not say, ‘I made dua’ but I had no answer.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5865; Muslim, 2735, from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah).
In the hadeeth which was narrated by al-Tirmidhi from Abu Hurayrah, who said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘There is no man who prays to Allah and makes dua’ to Him, and does not receive a response. Either it will be hastened for him in this world, or it will be stored up for him in the Hereafter, so long as he does not pray for something sinful, or to cut the ties of kinship, or seek a speedy response.’ They said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what does seeking a speedy response mean?’ He said, ‘Saying, “I prayed to my Lord and He did not answer me.” (Al-Tirmidhi, 3859; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 852).
Some people follow practices that are not sanctioned by the Quran or Hadith such as repeating some of Allah’s names a few times. A number of scholars have said that “The words mentioned in the question are phrases that are narrated in the Qur’aan and Sunnah, but saying that they must be repeated [so many] number of times is an innovated matter which should not be followed. Rather we should mention them during our dua’s and address Allah by all His beautiful names, without singling out some names or stating that they should be recited a certain number of times or at certain times, making that up ourselves. We should adhere to what was narrated in sharee’ah concerning certain times, places or situations connected to a particular dua’; if no such details were narrated in sharee’ah then we should not make them up ourselves because that is encroaching upon the rights of Prophethood.
In the hadeeth it says: “One of you may be answered so long as he is not hasty and says, ‘I said dua’ but I got no response.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6340; Muslim, 2735.
In Saheeh Muslim (2736) it says: “A man’s (dua’s) may be answered so long as it does not involve sin or severing the ties of kinship or hastening.” It was said: “O Messenger of Allah, what does hastening mean?” He said: “When he says, ‘I made dua’ and I made dua’ but I did not see any response,’ so he gets discouraged and stops making dua’.”
The dua’ should not involve sin or severing of the ties of kinship, as stated in the hadeeth quoted above: “A man’s (dua’s) may be answered so long as he does not involve sin or severing the ties of kinship …”
According to the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah: “Make dua’ to Allah when you are certain of a response.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 245.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Know that Allah does not answer a dua from a distracted heart.” [/i]Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 3479; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 245.
In the hadeeth it says: [The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)] mentioned the man who undertakes a lengthy journey and is disheveled and covered with dust, and he stretches his hands towards heaven saying, ‘O Lord, O Lord,’ when his food is haraam, his drink is haraam, his clothes are haraam. He is nourished with haraam, so how can he be granted a response?
source (http://www.iqrasense.com/hadith/dua-supplication-the-tool-for-asking-what-you-want.html)
~ Not losing hope in the Dua’s that we make ~
One of the common complaints of many of us Muslims is that when we make Dua, we don’t see its immediate effects. As a result, we get disheartened and lose hope in the effectiveness and powers of our Dua. The post below highlights a passage written by Ibn Al-Jawzi (may Allah have mercy on him) where he discusses this topic.
For those of us who don’t know, Abu’l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi (508 AH – 597 AH) is known to be one of the most prolific authors in Islamic history. According to a research conducted on the extent of his research works, the number of Ibn al-Jawzi’s books is more than 376 texts. Some even say that he is the author of more than 700 works.
About the matter of Dua’s not being answered. Ibn al-Jawzi in one of his books commented the following:
I think part of the test is when a believer supplicates and receives no response, and he repeats the dua for a long time and sees no sign of a response. He should realize that this is a test and needs patience.
What a person experiences of waswaas (whispers from shaytan) when the response is delayed is a sickness which needs medicine – I have experienced this myself. A calamity befell me and I supplicated and did not see any response, and Iblees started to lay his traps. Sometimes he said: The generosity (of Allah) is abundant and He is not miserly, so why is there a delay?
I said to him: Be gone, O cursed one, for I have no need of anyone to argue my case and I do not want you as a supporter!
Then I told myself: Beware of going along with his whispers, for if there was no other reason for the delay except that Allah is testing you to see whether you will fight the enemy, that is sufficient wisdom.
My soul (nafs) said: How could you explain the delay in the response of Allah to your prayers for relief from this calamity?
I said: It is proven with evidence that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, is the Sovereign, and the Sovereign may withhold or give, so there is no point in objecting to Him.
The wisdom behind that is proven in definitive evidence. I may think that something is good, but wisdom does not dictate it, but the reason for that may be hidden, just as a doctor may do things that appear outwardly to be harmful, intending some good purpose thereby. Perhaps this is something of that nature.
There may be an interest to be served by delay, and haste may be harmful. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “A person will be fine so long as he does not become impatient and says, ‘I prayed but I did not receive any answer.’”
The response may be withheld because of some fault in you. Perhaps there was something dubious in what you ate or your heart was heedless at the time when you said the dua, or your punishment is being increased by means of your need being withheld, because of some sin from which you have not repented sincerely. So look for some of these reasons, so that you might achieve your aim.
You should examine the intention behind this request, because attaining it may lead to more sin, or prevent you from doing some good, so withholding it is better.
Perhaps losing what you have missed out on will cause you to turn to Allah and getting it will distract you from Him. This is obvious, based on the fact that were it not for this calamity you would not have turned to Him, because the real calamity is what distracts you from Him, but what makes you stand before Him is good for you and is in your best interests.
If you ponder these things you will focus on what is more beneficial for you, such as correcting a mistake or seeking forgiveness or standing before Allah and beseeching Him, and forget about what you have missed out on.
End quote. Source: Sayd al-Khaatir (59-60). (This publication is in three volumes containing aphorisms and wise counsels)
About the issue of Dua’s being accepted, the following two sayings by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are also very noteworthy:
It was narrated that Faddalah ibn ‘Ubayd said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) heard a man making dua after his prayer, but he did not send blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “This man is in a hurry.” Then he called him and said to him or to someone else: “When any one of you has finished praying (and makes dua), let him start by praising Allah, then let him send blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), then after that let him ask for whatever he wants.” Al-Albani said: it is a saheeh hadeeth. (Saheeh Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 2765.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The slave will receive a response so long as his dua does not involve sin or severing of family ties, and so long as he is not hasty.” It was said, “What does being hasty mean?” He said: “When he says, ‘I made dua and I made dua, and I have not seen any response,’ and he gets frustrated and stops making dua.” Narrated by al-Bukahari, 6340; Muslim, 2735.
— Finally, for those of us who have abandoned the practice of Dua, we may be missing something quite important. Wishing is not the same thing as making a Dua. We may keep wishing our wishes but we have a better chance of seeing them materialized when we actually make the effort to enter the state of Dua and asking Him what we want.
source (http://www.iqrasense.com/islamic-topics/not-losing-hope-in-the-duas-that-we-make.html)
Ameen. <3
It'll be sad to see this thread die. . . :'(
Not necessarily. We can still keep it updated with new information. ;)
But it is sad, that Ramadan is at an end. *sighs*
Honestly I MISSSS RAMADAN!! FROM THE CORE OF MY HEART!! I pray that we all get the next year's ramadan as well..inshaAllah!!!!!!! :|
Honestly I MISSSS RAMADAN!! FROM THE CORE OF MY HEART!! I pray that we all get the next year's ramadan as well..inshaAllah!!!!!!! :|I miss it too. :(