IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum
Qualification => GCE AS & A2 Level => Queries => Topic started by: the winner on July 08, 2011, 10:02:17 am
hello every body cie alevel results are nearing u all must be nervous
Guys only a month left for the results to be revealed:S
Feeling nervous I guess :P :P
So What are your expectations about your results?
Just hope for the best.
But be ready for the worst. :P :P
Hope you all ACE your exams!!!
Good luck guys!!!
Dont scare us by reminding :P
LOL, I hope to get A's cause I really did work hard this time ::)
Best of luck to you all!!! :D
I expect 1 A and perhaps a B/C.
I only took 2 subjects. ::)
Anyways..like I CARE. I'm done with school FOREVER! :P :D
Due to my "hard work",I'm not expecting anything less than 4 As in my 4 AS subjects,the exams were much easier than my expectations,good luck everyone ;D
Stop being such geeks. The countdown starts the last day. ::) Lock and throw this thread. :P
Last hour for me ^^
But not for me :P :P
For me it's the last MINUTE when I will start worrying. :P
At least you will have a little tense from now! :P
Yah right last minute! The worst one!
^ It'll only ruin yer vacations and yer mood. ::)
^ It'll only ruin yer vacations and yer mood. ::)
I Dnt have tense but others may....
Thanks for the advice...
@crooked-last moment for me too...dont wanna spoil my holidays!
but u wanna noe what i think i'll get....im expecting to fail accounts AS....business maybe a B.....economics maybe D and maths is E or fail!
i really dont feel like im gonna get really good grades!so this is what i think i'll get but i hope not!
Countdown should start for Ramadan too ::)
Anyway there is no use getting nervous or tense,its not like your grades will change :O
Those who did bad will ofc feel nervous! ----> Not me :P
Prayers can always change yer destiny/fate. So never lose hope. ::)
Nothing can change your destiny\fate,it was decided before you're born :O
Nothing can change your destiny\fate,it was decided before you're born :O
Why do we pray and say duas then ?
tbh,I have no idea about that,I thought about it but couldn't come to a solid conclusion :S
tbh,I have no idea about that,I thought about it but couldn't come to a solid conclusion :S
Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) used to seek refuge (in Allah) from the evil of destiny and from falling into the hand of calamity and from the mockery of (triumphant) enemies and from the hardship of misery.
Prayers do change destiny and just think of it that way..50 000 years before the world was created... our destiny and fate was written down and so maybe it was also written down that we will be praying and saying dua so much for something to happen and so a change occurs.
Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) used to seek refuge (in Allah) from the evil of destiny and from falling into the hand of calamity and from the mockery of (triumphant) enemies and from the hardship of misery.
Prayers do change destiny and just think of it that way..50 000 years before the world was created... our destiny and fate was written down and so maybe it was also written down that we will be praying and saying dua so much for something to happen and so a change occurs.
Seconded. 8)
Sank you mony,+rep ;)
Those who did bad will ofc feel nervous! ----> Not me :P
thanks that makes me feel a whole lot better! ::)
Prayers can always change yer destiny/fate. So never lose hope. ::)
true....my hope is what is keeping me from dropping dead and crying!i still have hope!
Nothing can change your destiny\fate,it was decided before you're born :O
everyone's destiny/fate is in Allah's hands.
it can change if He wants.
Why do we pray and say duas then ?
good one!*thumbs up*
keep up the good sayings
Please give all your replies in one post, that is considered as spam :P
opps...sorry but i dont know how to do it!can u tell me how to?
opps...sorry but i dont know how to do it!can u tell me how to?
theres a quote button beside each post. Click on quote for the posts c you want to reply and then copy all the quotes in one place where you want to reply.
Hope you get it
ohh man...why wuld ppl want 2 freak out n ruin deyr holidays by counting down to da danger-day
im did igcse commerce n im expecting in A's n B's iguess
@cassandra i kinda agree wid ur point bt nt to a full extent...@ and hush1994- yes Allah decides our destiny and all bt then He also gave us the choice and the intellegence 2 noe the difference between rite and wrong and choose da correct way....dats why we pray...for His help to guide us and help us!
theres a quote button beside each post. Click on quote for the posts c you want to reply and then copy all the quotes in one place where you want to reply.
Hope you get it
yes...i get it thanks....next time i'll post them all in one post!
I SO don't wanna think about the results! :-[
Most dreaded day! :O
Scary!!! :o :o :o
very scared.. :'(
Stay cool.
What was done is already gone. Concentrate on your summer and don't get yourself worried at the end what God wants happen and as long as you did your best, then why spoil your days with being nervous? Worry is just keeps us stressed but at the end it is of no use and no benefit. =]
Keep praying! :D
As Mony says. . . Keep praying!!! :D
As Mony says. . . Keep praying!!! :D
And prayers can always change destiny and fate. =]
And prayers can always change destiny and fate. =]
Agreed. :D
I guess 3 weeks left? ::)
Agreed. :D
I guess 3 weeks left? ::)
Yes, almost. ::)
Yes, almost. ::)
I m SCARED. :o :o :o
im gonna enjoy these 20 days left to my fullest...because my life will definately end when results are out!
Please give all your replies in one post, that is considered as spam :P
No. That isn't.
No. That isn't.
It is. ::)
It is. ::)
I do not take it.
I do not take it.
Take it as spam? ::)
It's not an option. =]
Check the rules. ;)
When will the Edexcel results be out By the way?
When will the Edexcel results be out By the way?
18 Aug >:D >:D......after the cie ones ;)
One week after us then,thanks M&M :)
One week after us then,thanks M&M :)
No prob ;)...You are doing CIE?
No prob ;)...You are doing CIE?
Yeah,I did 4 AS,what about you?
Yeah,I did 4 AS,what about you?
Yup same here....4 AS :)....Waiting for the results...
I did chemistry,physics bio and math,what about you?
Good luck :)
I did chemistry,physics bio and math,what about you?
Good luck :)
Exactly the same ,yo 8)
Goody luck to you too ;D
Exactly the same ,yo 8)
Goody luck to you too ;D
Except that you did edexcel ::)
Except that you did edexcel ::)
Even you, Missy ::)
Good luck to everyone! ;D
When will the Edexcel results be out By the way?
Why do yuh care, sir ? ::) :P
Why do yuh care, sir ? ::) :P
LOL Miss, what are you doing By the way, cie or ed?
I've already gotten into university, so not really concerned about results in that perspective (Insha Allah, I will easily meet the minimum requirement, it's not high). Otherwise...I try not to think about it. ::)
I've already gotten into university, so not really concerned about results in that perspective (Insha Allah, I will easily meet the minimum requirement, it's not high). Otherwise...I try not to think about it. ::)
Congrats, your hols must be passing in comfort...you must be mentally relaxed ;)
LOL Miss, what are you doing By the way, cie or ed?
Secret. ;) :P
I've already gotten into university, so not really concerned about results in that perspective (Insha Allah, I will easily meet the minimum requirement, it's not high). Otherwise...I try not to think about it. ::)
Hi5, sister! ;D
Secret. ;) :P
Hi5, sister! ;D
Huh...I'll have to get Sherlock Holmes on the case....its such a hard one ::) :P
Huh...I'll have to get Sherlock Holmes on the case....its such a hard one ::) :P
Good luck with it! ;)
Good luck with it! ;)
CIE.....that Holmes best guess ;)
CIE.....that Holmes best guess ;)
I dunno. *shrug*
I dunno. *shrug*
He gives up ::)
He gives up ::)
Good fer him. ::)
Congrats, your hols must be passing in comfort...you must be mentally relaxed ;)
Too relaxed. :P Now I have time to devote to my mom and family drama ::)
Hi5, sister! ;D
-hi-fives back- ;D
Too relaxed. :P Now I have time to devote to my mom and family drama ::)
-hi-fives back- ;D
Family drama? :o
Where are you studying? (:
Too relaxed. :P Now I have time to devote to my mom and family drama ::)
-hi-fives back- ;D
Cooly drama? ;D
just 12 days for results best of luck
just 12 days for results best of luck
thanks...im shooo scared
InshAllah it will be good
just 12 days for results best of luck
That was heart stabbing! =,=
That was heart stabbing! =,=
You do CIE ? ::)
You do CIE ? ::)
Secret! ;)
Secret! ;)
Big deal. :P
Big deal. :P
For me, yeah. ::) :P
Family drama? :o
Where are you studying? (:
Yes...it happens when you live in an excitable family like mine :P
I'll insha Allah be studying at FCC University Pakistan. :)
Yes...it happens when you live in an excitable family like mine :P
I'll insha Allah be studying at FCC University Pakistan. :)
I know what yuh mean. ::) :P
Cool. :P Though, I dunno much about unis in Pakistan except that I heard they are really good. :D
Results are on 10th of August now. The date has been changed by CIE.
Just a reminder.
Results are on 10th of August now. The date has been changed by CIE.
Just a reminder.
One day closer. ::)
May you achieve what you deserve. :P ::)
Results are on 10th of August now. The date has been changed by CIE.
Just a reminder.
Are you serious?
Where did you see that?
Thank you Amelia. :P
Are you serious?
Where did you see that?
Today, when my teacher was giving us the user ID and password for checking the results, she made us look at that e-mail which was sent by CIE.
Man,I don't know whether to be happy or sad :-\
Man,I don't know whether to be happy or sad :-\
You know that you have done well, right ? Nothing can be done now. If you want to feel good, be happy.
Yeah,I guess so,I did good and being sad\depressed won't change my grades or anything :P
Yeah,I guess so,I did good and being sad\depressed won't change my grades or anything :P
Chill then. ;)
Thanks man :)
Thanks man :)
Anse is right, Hush. Maybe, we'll see some cool A*'s in your signature, iA. ;)
Anse is right, Hush. Maybe, we'll see some cool A*'s in your signature, iA. ;)
CIE has not yet introduced an A* in AS level.
I just realized that one of my subjects is CIE :o ::)
I just realized that one of my subjects is CIE :o ::)
Which one? :o
Results are on 10th of August now. The date has been changed by CIE.
Just a reminder.
is it true
^this is killing me more.....1 day early!!!more stressed out
is it true
It might only be for the centers (schools).
It might only be for the centers (schools).
which country u stay
which country u stay
same here i also stay in india
^this is killing me more.....1 day early!!!more stressed out
Don't worry,iA you'll get amazing results,By the way aren't you edexcel?
Don't worry,iA you'll get amazing results,By the way aren't you edexcel?
She does all CIE. ;)
The CIE website says the results are on 11th, still?
ya its rights but god know its one day here there
Did anyone got to know about results from school or anywhere ?
Did anyone got to know about results from school or anywhere ?
Not yet. As far as I know, the date hasn't been changed to the 10th around here.
Don't worry,iA you'll get amazing results,By the way aren't you edexcel?
nope,im CIE...all subjects!and thanks----arigatou
nope,im CIE...all subjects!and thanks----arigatou
I see,By the way which papers did you take in math,mechanics or statistics?
I see,By the way which papers did you take in math,mechanics or statistics?
statistics...i found P12 very hard this time...how about you???
statistics...i found P12 very hard this time...how about you???
I did mechanics,P12 was quite good,the last 2 questions were a but tricky,but I don't think I'll lose more than 10 in the worst case :)
I did mechanics,P12 was quite good,the last 2 questions were a but tricky,but I don't think I'll lose more than 10 in the worst case :)
lucky you...i have no hope at all!
^Have faith and hope! ;D
lucky you...i have no hope at all!
iA you'll get good grades as well xD
P1 was way easy. Though I foretell the threshold to be low.
Did anyone got to know about results from school or anywhere ?
It might only be for India. I'm from Pakistan and on my Examination results information, it's written explicitly:
Your results will be available to view online from 00:01 (UTC/GMT+1) on Thursday, 11 August 2011.
Yeah,I finished the first 9 questions in one hour,and then my mind went blank for 15-20 minutes,but it was quite good after all :)
u can stop making me feel bad. >:(
Yeah,I finished the first 9 questions in one hour,and then my mind went blank for 15-20 minutes,but it was quite good after all :)
Yer putting salt on her wound. >:( ::)
u can stop making me feel bad. >:(
Gomen,I thought you were offline :(
Gomen,I thought you were offline :(
She can come back online and see it. ::)
In UAE, the result date is 11 August. No changes. (:
Yer putting salt on her wound. >:( ::)
Why do you worry when you know the outcome ? ::)
but we have check the results around midnight right
best of luck!!!
but we have check the results around midnight right
Depends on where you are. It's midnight for those in the time zone GMT+1, but it will be different for you if you're in a different time zone e.g. for me, it is 5 AM :P
best of luck!!!
thanks u also gave cie or what
Depends on where you are. It's midnight for those in the time zone GMT+1, but it will be different for you if you're in a different time zone e.g. for me, it is 5 AM :P
same here around morning 5 or 6
thanks u also gave cie or what
Its 3 am,right before suhoor,I hope I won't get depressed and not eat anything :-\
Its 3 am,right before suhoor,I hope I won't get depressed and not eat anything :-\
best of luck are u from pakistan
i havent seen all the post so just want to say you all that the date is changed to 10th of augest
i am sorry if anybody has posted it earlier
Nah,I'm from KSA :)
today is 8th.....my heart is stuck on my throat......i think im gonna die!
today is 8th.....my heart is stuck on my throat......i think im gonna die!
dont worry every thing will be fine
i havent seen all the post so just want to say you all that the date is changed to 10th of augest
i am sorry if anybody has posted it earlier
is it serious date has changed to 10 august because its showing cie website 11 august
I think this is because of the time difference,maybe it'll be the 11th here while its 10th in India :-\
I think this is because of the time difference,maybe it'll be the 11th here while its 10th in India :-\
cannot just confused when to check the results
I think this is because of the time difference,maybe it'll be the 11th here while its 10th in India :-\
India is no on GMT +24:00 scale. :P
What is the time zone in India,its GMT +3 here ???
What is the time zone in India,its GMT +3 here ???
GMT +5:30
GMT +5:30
Then you are 2:30 hours into my future,11th of August will be there,so its not a time zone problem then :-\
Then you are 2:30 hours into my future,11th of August will be there,so its not a time zone problem then :-\
Everybody can see the results at the same time and there's only a difference of time, nothing else.
I know ::)
I started getting nervous today... a bit too late I guess but I wanted to enjoy my LAST SUMMER HOLIDAY before I start university
I did 2 A-levels Maths and Physics
did AS last year and got an A in both
hoping for A*s now...
I started getting nervous today... a bit too late I guess but I wanted to enjoy my LAST SUMMER HOLIDAY before I start university
I did 2 A-levels Maths and Physics
did AS last year and got an A in both
hoping for A*s now...
Don't worry! =]
Insha Allah, you'll do well! :D
Keep praying! =]
Don't worry! =]
Insha Allah, you'll do well! :D
Keep praying! =]
Insha Allah
thanks bro
hope u all do well :D
Insha Allah
thanks bro
hope u all do well :D
Insha Allah =]
Ummm, I am sis. ;) :P
I hope so too! =]
Do pray for all of us! :D
am sorry for the mistake sis :P
that "bro" is always on the tip of my tongue lol
sure :D
am sorry for the mistake sis :P
that "bro" is always on the tip of my tongue lol
sure :D
Where are you from?
You seem like an Arab. ::)
am sorry for the mistake sis :P
that "bro" is always on the tip of my tongue lol
sure :D
Lol. No worries! :D
I see. So, yuh must love yer brothers? :D
Where are you from?
You seem like an Arab. ::)
I am lol
I am from Iraq but I live in UAE
Lol. No worries! :D
I see. So, yuh must love yer brothers? :D
yeah much luv lol...no homo xD
I am lol
I am from Iraq but I live in UAE
yeah much luv lol...no homo xD
You live in UAE?
Woah. Which school? :D
Lol. Thank God. :P
well no longer at school lol
I was at Al Dhafra Private School Abu Dhabi
Gonna be in American University Of Sharjah starting september
and you?
I know. ::) :P
Abu Dhabi ? Oh, I have no idea then.
I am in Dubai. ;) :P
AUS? Woah. Are you shifting here? Cos it's really far away unless you can stand 2/3 hours in a moving vehicle. :P
Of course lol
I won't be going from AD to sharjah daily..that would be messed up xD
gonna live in the university dorms :D
which class u at?
Of course lol
I won't be going from AD to sharjah daily..that would be messed up xD
gonna live in the university dorms :D
which class u at?
Lol. :P
I cannot stand one day of travelling ... I can't imagine everyday. ::) :P
Oh. :o :o :o Cool. :P
I finished A2. 8)
University this September, IA. :D
oh good luck :D
which uni?
oh good luck :D
which uni?
Thank you! :D
Good luck to you too! =]
Ah, that's a secret. ;) :P
ayt np lol
ayt np lol
No hard feelings, I just don't want any stalkers. :P
just 2 days left for results
No hard feelings, I just don't want any stalkers. :P
of course it's your right lol
just 2 days left for results
Don't worry! *biting nails* :P
of course it's your right lol
Thank you fer understanding! =]
but one thing every body should know that we should be ready for some worst just telling
High Hopes and Low Expectations should be good...only problem I also have high expectations lol
We will publish the provisional results of the Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level and Cambridge International AS and A Level June 2011 exam series on CIE Direct on 10 August at 23.01 UTC. Schools can issue these results to candidates immediately
We will publish the provisional results of the Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level and Cambridge International AS and A Level June 2011 exam series on CIE Direct on 10 August at 23.01 UTC. Schools can issue these results to candidates immediately
OMG. 10th? It's confirmed?
We will publish the provisional results of the Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level and Cambridge International AS and A Level June 2011 exam series on CIE Direct on 10 August at 23.01 UTC. Schools can issue these results to candidates immediately
We will publish the provisional results of the Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level and Cambridge International AS and A Level June 2011 exam series on CIE Direct on 10 August at 23.01 UTC. Schools can issue these results to candidates immediately
yeah I knew that
I am supposed to get mine tomorrow
oh god
Good gracious. What a nasty surprise. >:(
same now scared what time i should check the results
same now scared what time i should check the results
For India, as Ancestor mentioned:
GMT +5:30
am gonna call my teacher and he'll send me mine lol
am not going to the school again
that miserable place
only 24 hour left i think so
am gonna call my teacher and he'll send me mine lol
am not going to the school again
that miserable place
I will be checking mine online. 8)
only 24 hour left i think so
less actually.... :S
I will be checking mine online. 8)
Online is on 11th. you won't be seeing urz tomorrow
Online is on 11th. you won't be seeing urz tomorrow
How come?! :o Why not?!
less actually.... :S
Online is on 11th. you won't be seeing urz tomorrow
results are tommorow only
Schools will get results on the 10th
results will be online on the 11th though
What time will it be for UAE? 3 am or 4 am?
4 AM
4 AM
So, I have 16 hours more to live. :P
basically.... USE THEM!
basically.... USE THEM!
I shall. 8) :P
result date getting closer
just 12 hours left
just 12 hours left
Nop. 36 Hours. Its the morning of 11 august, for gods sake
thats wrong lol
thats wrong lol
What you are trying to say is they only shifted the results, one hour early ? Isn't it ?
What you are trying to say is they only shifted the results, one hour early ? Isn't it ?
i dont know about the place you live in, bust most of the students here, in the middle east, know that the results are 11th august, but its actually 11PM on the 10th GMT Time, which is 11th august our time around 2 AM, this is what was causing the confusion. if you go talk about a date change to any cie official he'd have no idea what your talking about :P
You got me wrong.
10 august 11PM GMT. what ever the time is at your place, which is probably 11th august morning
ya what ever it is
just 16 hour left for resutls
13 Hours!
i would assume alot of you need some relaxation before the results, so there you go
:P :P
i would assume alot of you need some relaxation before the results, so there you go
:P :P
are kidding me? im already scared bout the results!!
but that was funny! :P
6 hours and 8 minutes. =O
6 hours and 8 minutes. =O
Panic attack? :P
Good Luck!! ;D
are kidding me? im already scared bout the results!!
but that was funny! :P
hahaha we all are, and that just made me scared more :P
good luck to everyone
Somehow I'm feeling really relieved,alhamdulilah,good luck everyone,don't forget to share your results ;)
12 more hours to go for me :-X :-X :-X
12 more hours to go for me :-X :-X :-X
how come,aren't you CIE?
how come,aren't you CIE?
yeah but for my results i have to go to school and the school has told us 10 - 11 am
what was your previous name ??
yeah but for my results i have to go to school and the school has told us 10 - 11 am
what was your previous name ??
He's Hush, exam.
And calm down. What's going to come, will come. No point worrying about it. :)
Yes, and I just realized that I've lost my password. ;D
He's Hush, exam.
And calm down. What's going to come, will come. No point worrying about it. :)
oh ohkie !!!
well i dont think that applies when you are awaiting the marks that will decide your career
7 hour left
let all pray for each other that god pass with flying colours
Yes, and I just realized that I've lost my password. ;D
That sounds quite appealing! :D
let all pray for each other that god pass with flying colours
iA. He's listening. :)
That sounds quite appealing! :D
No really. I have to go to school after all. 3 hours later. :D
No really. I have to go to school after all. 3 hours later. :D
omg !! lost password haha wow too busy enjoying hols uh !!
On the sheet my school gave it says Friday 12th Aug at 00:01 UTC / GMT.
Could this be due to a printing mistake or something ? Or does our school get to decide when we get our results?
Anyway, waiting, hopefully iA all of our results will be good! Amen :)
2 Hours 20 Minutes...
2 Hours 19 Minutes To Go.
How's Everyone Feeeeeeliinggggg :D
On the sheet my school gave it says Friday 12th Aug at 00:01 UTC / GMT.
Could this be due to a printing mistake or something ? Or does our school get to decide when we get our results?
Anyway, waiting, hopefully iA all of our results will be good! Amen :)
Perhaps printing mistake. Or, they might give after they see it themselves! :P
Good luck! :D
Perhaps printing mistake. Or, they might give after the see it themselves! :P
Good luck! :D
ya its a pritinting mistake and how s u
2 Hours 19 Minutes To Go.
How's Everyone Feeeeeeliinggggg :D
we already have 3-4 threads about it ::)
I will merge it.
please dont start multiple threads about the results
54 minutes :o
I'm banning
members advertisers. so bored.
how s u
Sick to my stomach.
we wont be able to check them at exactly 2 right? cause the server is over loaded and stuff, so we're gona have to keep trying right?
Servers will take too long to respond (
thousands Millions checking).
Yeah, probably. But let's see. :P
Oh and 33 minutes ::)
Chingoo is trying to kill us.
25 minutes
I dont have the userename and password!! >:( >:( Wt about you guys?
I have the username and password but the website is down for me. ::) ::) ::) ::)
ahahaha, they hacked cie!! :P jk
same here
LOL..it's ALWAYS like that. Every year the same thing happens. ::)
how much time left for results
Got the username and password, but the site's iffy. :P
Oh and 9/10 minutes.
getting more nervous god pleas help us
goodluck everyone
goodluck everyone
thanks now 8 mintus
why is the site not opening if the results arent even out yet? or are they and its a over load?
why is the site not opening if the results arent even out yet? or are they and its a over load?
its over load 6 mins left
why is the site not opening if the results arent even out yet? or are they and its a over load?
It opens after a few kicks :P It's overloading probably because of students like us :D And 4 minutes.
It opens after a few kicks :P It's overloading probably because of students like us :D And 4 minutes.
3 mins
3 mins
and now 1 mintue
Guys please stop using the website. I want to check my results and then leave. :P
time over
worked for anyone?
And the ultimate downtime. ::) Lemme know when it starts loading for someone.
Nop. still not opening :S
Just saw my result. Pretty good Alhamdullilah :) Gonna post it later. Ciao ::)
Just saw my result. Pretty good Alhamdullilah :) Gonna post it later. Ciao ::)
are you serious? cause it isnt even loading for me here, it says it cant open directly
Just saw my result. Pretty good Alhamdullilah :) Gonna post it later. Ciao ::)
Lucky mashALLAH. ;D
Congrats sis!
Wts r ur results?
4A stars..2A
do you just keep refreshing or what?
cant even access the log in page
are you serious? cause it isnt even loading for me here, it says it cant open directly
Yeah, it's been two minutes since I saw it now. Have patience. :)
Well I guess I can say it now :D Four A*s, one A. :( Sad A, oh well! THANK YOU ALLAH. <3
@AboD, mashALLAH. Congrats! :D
@Sout..it's not working for me also. Just wait for some time. =]
@Chingo, that's AWESOME mashALLAH! Great job sis!
Congo Abod and chingoo now pray for me ;D Mashalla
my its not opening what to do
cant even access the log in page
Same here :)
Congrats both Chingoo and Abod,best of luck in your lives :D
Yeah, it's been two minutes since I saw it now. Have patience. :)
Well I guess I can say it now :D Four A*s, one A. :( Sad A, oh well! THANK YOU ALLAH. <3
Masha Allah. Congrats! You too, AboD! ;D
Thank you :D
congrats please pray for not opening only
congratulations guys! =D MashAllah
ugh the stupid website isnt opening
Chingy: Welcome! :D
thewinner: Keep refreshing the page.
Thank You
I gave up. ::)
The site is not working..I'll go sleep. :P
site not opening :(
I gave up. ::)
The site is not working..I'll go sleep. :P
Pft. Yeah right. Hehe. :P
site not opening :(
Long time no see! :O :D
Good luck. =]
@Romeesa, lol..I'm glued to the laptop. ;D :P
Lol. Good luck, darling. ::) :P
not opening only
Maan,the F5 button is dead,why are there so much people seeing their results ???
Lol. Good luck, darling. ::) :P
You got yours? :O
Long time no see! :O :D
Good luck. =]
@Romeesa, lol..I'm glued to the laptop. ;D :P
oh didnt saw u....
yeah pretty long time...
waitin for my As results this time :P
You got yours? :O
Yes, sweety <3 :P
Yes, sweety <3 :P
How was it,A*?
would it be rude of to ask poeple thier results?
nots working only what to do pleas help
I don't share and I don't care. 8) :P
I don't share and I don't care. 8) :P
its okay if u dont want to share it :P
+rep for that! ;D
i think so this time papers are check leniently
i think so this time papers are check leniently
Lol, have patience.
Keep refreshing. :P
Not Yet! What the????
not yet opened
The website is opening,but it doesn't load after you write the password and all :(
The website is opening,but it doesn't load after you write the password and all :(
Yes, that happened for me 3 times. ::)
Yes, that happened for me 3 times. ::)
Twice here,my heart almost went out from the thing,and then it was a shock :-\
common cambridge sot out yure serve problem
Twice here,my heart almost went out from the thing,and then it was a shock :-\
Awww<333 lil baby. . . :P
Twice here,my heart almost went out from the thing,and then it was a shock :-\
did u got yure result now
did u got yure result now
Not yet,I will beat up Cambridge people someday,and everyone that took the exams as well :P
Not yet,I will beat up Cambridge people someday,and everyone that took the exams as well :P
hahahahahahah tab e7na malana?!
LOOOOOL hahahaha calm down. :P
Not yet,I will beat up Cambridge people someday,and everyone that took the exams as well :P
meanes people in the sf also
Yes, that happened for me 3 times. ::)
Does that mean you have your result? :o
hahahahahahah tab e7na malana?!
LOOOOOL hahahaha calm down. :P
Lesh betfta7o el website,I should be the first one to see his grades :P
I'm chill,I was joking :)
@Chingo, no still. I entered the username and password 3 times but then the results page didn't work. :(
@Winner, sis..take it easy. Have patience.
Where are you living?
@Hush, hahahahaha...tyb let's have a deal. :P You stop using the website till I get my results then I'll leave it all for you. :P
They are your AS results yea?
Woah, calm down young lady. It's a website, not a black hole that it can handle the website traffic of several million students worldwide. So just have patience.
@mony:Yeah,4 AS,all sciences with math,what about you?
@Chingoo:you say that after you get your results,congrats sis :)
@Chingoo:you say that after you get your results,congrats sis :)
I'm still stuck refreshing the website for a friend. :P And thank you! :D
@mony:Yeah,4 AS,all sciences with math,what about you?
@Chingoo:you say that after you get your results,congrats sis :)
Math and Accounting AS + A2. :P
@Ching, that's not fair..you're causing too much traffic. :P
chingoo: congrats! (:
abod : congrats (:
got more than you expected, guys?
Math and Accounting AS + A2. :P
@Ching, that's not fair..you're causing too much traffic. :P
Yallah betaweef2 :)
@Ching, that's not fair..you're causing too much traffic. :P
:( :( :(
-runs away crying-
Allah yisamee7ku ..Kullu minkom my heart is pumping like HELL even though my results come out after 8 days from now !
ma3leesh intu 2ilmuhim da7een :P .. So , Good Luck ;D Make me proud 8) =]
Allah yisamee7ku ..Kullu minkom my heart is pumping like HELL even though my results come out after 8 days from now !
ma3leesh intu 2ilmuhim da7een :P .. So , Good Luck ;D Make me proud 8) =]
Ai aiiii Gigi ;D I forgot to ban you. I'm so sorry. ;D :P
@Ching, you got your results right? >:( Now go get us some coffee to make us chill. A massage would also be good. :P
@Hush, you too. =]
i am soooooooooooooooo ;D
I give up for now,I'll try after Fajr again ;)
Ma3leesh ma mushkila ;D .. Anti aslan minsha3'la bilresults 7agateek so take ur time :P ..good luck ;)
I got mine on my 1st try. CIE loves me. Hahaha. :P
My sis (AS) is still trying! :P while I am chilling. 8) :P
i am soooooooooooooooo ;D
Emshi men hena. >:(
You got your results the second one. *envy* :P
@Gigi, LOOOL tell me when to do it then. =/
@Hush, okay..I'll give you a missed call if it works for me. :P
Where is the WINNER? :o
@Romeesa, -_______________________________________-
i am soooooooooooooooo ;D
i think this time cie papers were easliy corrected
Emshi men hena. >:(
You got your results the second one. *envy* :P
@Gigi, LOOOL tell me when to do it then. =/
@Hush, okay..I'll give you a missed call if it works for me. :P
Where is the WINNER? :o
@Romeesa, -_______________________________________-
i am here trying to get my results
i am here trying to get my results
Still no luck? :-\
Still no luck? :-\
no did u got yure results
@Romeesa, -_______________________________________-
Gomenasai! :-[ Want me to try? My lappy is blessed. :P
I think the website stopped working. It'll work again when they get more bandwidth probably.
@Romeesa, try refreshing the page? Is it even refreshing? ::)
What's your internet speed?
And you should help your poor sister. :P
Stopppp it! You guys are making me stressed ! ;D I don't have password so I'll get my results in the morning :'(
Stopppp it! You guys are making me stressed ! ;D I don't have password so I'll get my results in the morning :'(
LOL..well the ones who got the password didn't get their results, so it is useless having a password for a website that doesn't work. ::)
LOL..well the ones who got the password didn't get their results, so it is useless having a password for a website that doesn't work. ::)
Exactly :O
Stopppp it! You guys are making me stressed ! ;D I don't have password so I'll get my results in the morning :'(
You guys getting me tensed for what :o ::)
Anyhoo Good Night and Good Luck ;)
MU : Go sleep or read Quran , main point is get out of here :P.. No need to get tensed from now ;) 8)
LOL..well the ones who got the password didn't get their results, so it is useless having a password for a website that doesn't work. ::)
You'll get it surely after an hour or two but me after 5 hours :'( :P
I got mine on my 1st try. CIE loves me. Hahaha. :P
My sis (AS) is still trying! :P while I am chilling. 8) :P
How did you dooooo?
:P Sorry Mony, I just helped two of my friends get their results online xD So no coffee. :P
I think the website stopped working. It'll work again when they get more bandwidth probably.
@Romeesa, try refreshing the page? Is it even refreshing? ::)
What's your internet speed?
And you should help your poor sister. :P
Yeah. It is. I guess. :P
All I know is that it's fast. :P
Lol. I am buh she gave up and went to bed. Miskeen ukhti. :P
Good luck all. <3
Chingy: Above my expectation so Alhamdulillah. :D
MU don't be so sure.
Maybe the site would be down forever. :P
We've been trying for almost 2 hours now. :-X
MU don't be so sure.
Maybe the site would be down forever. :P
We've been trying for almost 2 hours now. :-X
@Romy: So we'll never know :o
I'm getting requests to try open people's results. :P Which is cool actually, I feel like I'm accessing confidential information.
@Romy: So we'll never know :o
I'm getting requests to try open people's results. :P Which is cool actually, I feel like I'm accessing confidential information.
wow its great can u do mine
@Romy: So we'll never know :o
I'm getting requests to try open people's results. :P Which is cool actually, I feel like I'm accessing confidential information.
It's working for you well mashAllah yea? :O
I want to be the first to see my own results though. :P
@Romy: So we'll never know :o
I'm getting requests to try open people's results. :P Which is cool actually, I feel like I'm accessing confidential information.
Maybe. Maybe not. :P
Hahaha. Lol. Enjoy.
My friends didnt get either. :o
wow its great can u do mine
If you want. :) It's not instant, it took me almost 10 minutes for one friend and 20 for the other. But yeah. If you want, you can PM it to me and I can give it a try.
It's working for you well mashAllah yea? :O
I want to be the first to see my own results though. :P
Apparently yes xD Alhamdullilah.
Me too. I'm lucky that it opened in the first few tries, Alhamdullilah.
I got my AS grades! (Phy, math and english) and i'm soo happy!!
I got my AS grades! (Phy, math and english) and i'm soo happy!!
Congrats dear :) What did you get?
mine its not opening only
mine its not opening only
Try after a while. Patience, dear. Site has crashed, perhaps. (:
Same here,what is up with it :(
I got mine almost 45 mins ago!!!! :D
I won't say how much I got, but I did awesome overall alhamdolilah. ;D
I got mine almost 45 mins ago!!!! :D
I won't say how much I got, but I did awesome overall alhamdolilah. ;D
::) What's with the secrecy.
Congrats anyhow! <3
Biology C
Math B
Oh god totally not what i expected! but el hamdela :)
how can i remark?
Mony: Congrats <333 Alf mabrook <3 :P :-*
Scout: No bad! :D
Be thankful to God! :D
Remark? Contact your exam centre. :)
its 2 a level subjects s sufficient to take admission in unversity
wat site dyu use 2 check the results?
wat site dyu use 2 check the results?
You need to have the username and password.
Yah there were problems with the website.Read this:
"There are intermittent performance issues with the Candidate Results website. We are sorry for the disruption this has caused and assure you that our technical experts are making every effort to resolve this issue. We advise all Cambridge students to be patient as the difficulties are intermittent."
Al Hamdllah
Full A-Level
1 A* and 1 A
physics (papers 1 to 5) and math (paper 1 - 3 - M1 - M2 )
Al Hamdllah
Full A-Level
1 A* and 1 A
physics (papers 1 to 5) and math (paper 1 - 3 - M1 - M2 )
Mabroook mashAllah. =]
Al Hamdllah
Full A-Level
1 A* and 1 A
physics (papers 1 to 5) and math (paper 1 - 3 - M1 - M2 )
Wow great mA
i got minee tooo !!!! aint that great compared to thr rest of you all but i am happy :D :D
C - eco and bst :D :D
Thanks Everyone :D
i got minee tooo !!!! aint that great compared to thr rest of you all but i am happy :D :D
C - eco and bst :D :D
This is what matters...that you are satisfied! :D
Congrats! :D
thanks !!!
expected better in eco but happy that i passed the others :P :D :D
ans congratulations yah too :D
what exactly no result in the grade column mean ???????
Yaay, I'm happy :) - ECON - a, BUSN - a, AICT -a.
All A/S levels.
Congrats, yasser & exam & contreanty! :D
Congratulations =D
Now that you got your results ,please do Pray for your Edexcel brothers and sisters ::) :P
And good luck to all Edexcel Ppl :D
Congratulations =D
Now that you got your results ,please do Pray for your Edexcel brothers and sisters ::) :P
Ok Ms.GG :P :P
CONGRATS to everyone that got an awesome grade and to those who know they did the best they could. ;D
Got my full ALs a while back... completely stoked. bio, chemi, physc:
A+, A, A :-X
Congrats dear :) What did you get?
Physics AS - a (95)
Math AS - a (100)
English AS - a (80)
Congrats! ^_^
Pray for my Edexcel result now, yo. 8) :P
Congrats! ^_^
Pray for my Edexcel result now, yo. 8) :P
Sure thing :)
Physics AS - a (95)
Math AS - a (100)
English AS - a (80)
congo man you are fantastic at math and physics i know that
congo man you are fantastic at math and physics i know that
so u have passed emo
Congrats everyone once again =]
so u have passed emo
only in phsics from Phy and Math
2 A*s and 1 A :D
Congrats tmisterr :D
2 A*s and 1 A :D
Masha Allah. That's great! =]
Congrats! :D
thank you
I wish the same success to all the Edexcel students :)
thank you
I wish the same success to all the Edexcel students :)
Welcome. =]
Yes. Please do pray! =]
Welcome =]
inshAllah =D
Congratulations to them All who have got good grades or not even a single ungraded best luck for your future
Congratulations to them All who have got good grades or not even a single ungraded best luck for your future
No, wait.
No, wait.
what to wait
Got mine today, satisfied Alhumdulillah. :)
^ Congratulations sis =D
congratulations to you, too :D