IGCSE/GCSE/O & A Level/IB/University Student Forum

General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom => Chit-Chat => Celebration Time ! => Topic started by: Crooked on December 28, 2010, 01:26:48 pm

Title: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 28, 2010, 01:26:48 pm
Congratulations, Whisperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ! WHY ? Check the post count. :D :D :D

YER JUST TOOOOOOOOO AWESOME, SPAMMER. <3 Thankkkkkkkkkkk yuh fer bugging us a lot. It brought life into our peaceful, non-active world. :P

Yes, yes. We love yuh a lot. (:


Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep spammin';Happppppyyyyyyyyyyy postin' :D :D


Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 28, 2010, 01:31:40 pm
Thanks homiee (:
You're the besssst.
Dhakkan insaan kaheen ka. ;D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 28, 2010, 01:37:54 pm
Thanks homiee (:
You're the besssst.
Dhakkan insaan kaheen ka. ;D

LOL ! ANYTIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. My inner cute, sweet half asked me to party. But thennnnnnn, yer too occupied. :(

Yer awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Dhakkan. Never leaveeeeeeeeeee us. Forget us, remember me. :P

Ahhh, lame. :D

Keep smilin' :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Amelia on December 28, 2010, 03:14:49 pm

Whisper... :)


We can still party, Crooky. :P
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 28, 2010, 03:31:27 pm
We can still party, Crooky. :P

Do not disclose the things we do at night. :o
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Amelia on December 28, 2010, 03:58:07 pm
Do not disclose the things we do at night. :o

Of course Not. :o
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 28, 2010, 06:50:00 pm
"Forget us, remember me."
LOLOLOL there's a movie called Remember Me :P The girl dies in the end.
Haha even you've started with the lame jokess. I'm so proud. :')

Hammlettt (:
Haha feel free to party here :D Go wild ::)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Amelia on December 28, 2010, 07:02:26 pm
But thy cant party alone. :P :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 28, 2010, 07:12:31 pm
LOOL thy = your (:

'Thou' corresponds to 'I/you/he/she'. (Nominative)
'Thee' corresponds to 'me/you/him/her'. (Accusative)
'Thy' corresponds to 'my/your/his/her'. (Possessive)
'Thine' -- 'mine/yours/his/hers'.

You remind of song lyrics :D
If you're too school for cool
And you're feelin' like a foool
We can always, we can always

Don't worryy, your wife will probably join you soon. ;)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: iluvme on December 28, 2010, 07:18:52 pm
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 28, 2010, 07:23:22 pm
Ameliaa, I just saw the image. Thank youu :D
*Ooohs and aaahs at sparkles.*

Thankss Iluvme :-*
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: iluvme on December 28, 2010, 07:26:52 pm
Thankss Iluvme :-*

Welcome  :-*  :)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 28, 2010, 08:19:24 pm
"Forget us, remember me."
LOLOLOL there's a movie called Remember Me :P The girl dies in the end.
Haha even you've started with the lame jokess. I'm so proud. :')

Hammlettt (:
Haha feel free to party here :D Go wild ::)

What do yuh meaaaaaaaaaan ? Am i gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeee ? :o LOL
Awwww. Guru ji ki jai. LOL Hail the teacher. :P :P :D

Go wild ? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. :P
Go update yer status, DIBSYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. :D

This thread should be dedicated to all the spammers, i think. :P Yer like the best we had. :D

Have* :P

Ahhhhhhhhh. Hamlet <3 Yer the beassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst. :D

Who's yer wifeyyyyyyyy  ? :P


I feeeeeel so happy to see yuh posting actively. Kim is being missed terribly. :(
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Amii on December 28, 2010, 10:10:11 pm
Congratulations Whisper   ;D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Arthur Bon Zavi on December 29, 2010, 06:38:34 am
Congratulations. Keep Posting.
You can reach to the 50,000 post mark. Come on... :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Deadly_king on December 29, 2010, 06:53:28 am
Congratzz Dibssy ;D

By the way in Remember me, is it not the guy who dies? ::)

Am willing to party. :D

Let's rock on the occasion of Dibssy's spamming record. :P
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Alpha on December 29, 2010, 09:04:01 am
Congrats. (;
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 10:04:38 am
DKing! Thank youu so much :D

By the way in Remember me, is it not the guy who dies? ::)

This put the hugest grin on my face - you watch chick flicks? ;D Haha you're correct. I've never actually watched the movie, only remember the parts my Robert-Pattinson-crazed friend gushed about. :P
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remember_Me_(2010_film) - If anyone's interested. ::)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 10:08:40 am
Congratulations Whisper   ;D

Thanks M-H ;D


Thanks Amii/Esha![/color][/b]

I'm never going to forget who you are now, evil child. ;D ;)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Amii on December 29, 2010, 10:21:01 am

Thanks M-H ;D


Thanks Amii/Esha![/color][/b]
I'm never going to forget who you are now, evil child. ;D ;)
You're welcome  :D

Glad  ::)

I am M-H  :P
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 10:22:41 am
Congratulations. Keep Posting.
You can reach to the 50,000 post mark. Come on... :D

Thank youuuuuu!
Haha yep, with encouragement like that, I'm only a few days away from 50,000. ;D :P
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 10:26:01 am
What do yuh meaaaaaaaaaan ? Am i gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeee ? :o LOL
Sure. ::)

Go wild ? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. :P

ZOMMGG I ACTUALLY READ SOMETHING WITH NUMBERS IN IT ;D And I'm not talking about 'k3wl d00d5' type either. ::) :P

Go update yer status, DIBSYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. :D

No. It's nice. && I only change my status like once a month. So there. :P

This thread should be dedicated to all the spammers, i think. :P Yer like the best we had. :D
LOOL, I've never actually SPAMMED. ::)

I feeeeeel so happy to see yuh posting actively. Kim is being missed terribly. :(
Thanks again maatee (:
I knoww right :( She's off fulfilling her destiny of becoming a doctor and cutting up people <3
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 10:31:45 am
Congrats. (;

Thank youu with a sideways smileyy! (:
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Deadly_king on December 29, 2010, 10:40:34 am
DKing! Thank youu so much :D

This put the hugest grin on my face - you watch chick flicks? ;D

Anytime :D

HAHAHAHA.......not really but I had been told by a very good friend that it was a nice film. So I just checked it out though there was nothing special about it. ::) :P

Haha you're correct. I've never actually watched the movie, only remember the parts my Robert-Pattinson-crazed friend gushed about. :P
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remember_Me_(2010_film) - If anyone's interested. ::)

Hehe.........you like that skinny vampire?
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: The Golden Girl =D on December 29, 2010, 10:57:14 am
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 11:16:49 am
HAHAHAHA.......not really but I had been told by a very good friend that it was a nice film. So I just checked it out though there was nothing special about it. ::) :P

Hehe.........you like that skinny vampire?

Was this 'very good friend' a girl? :P Haha can't imagine a guy reccomending it.
LOOL nahh, he's too white (racist moment? :o ::)) and pasty and weird-looking.
I liked the books though - sue me. :P


Thanks GG! (: :*
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: The Golden Girl =D on December 29, 2010, 11:18:06 am
Thanks GG! (: :*

Anytime =]
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Deadly_king on December 29, 2010, 11:44:21 am
Was this 'very good friend' a girl? :P Haha can't imagine a guy reccomending it.
LOOL nahh, he's too white (racist moment? :o ::)) and pasty and weird-looking.
I liked the books though - sue me. :P


Thanks GG! (: :*

Yupz.......a girl she was...................I cannot imagine it either though i think I might have advised some people to watch romantic movies in a thread somewhere on SF. :P

Hahaha...........in other words you preferred Jacob, right? ;)

I appreciated the twilight series as well..................though not as much as Harry. ;D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 12:13:38 pm
Knowing Remember Me
Advising people to watch romantic movies
LOOOOL DKing, you're a unique one. :D

Nahh, I actually liked both Edward and Jacob from the books. :P
Movies aren't ma thanngg yo.
^Probably why I don't have any psyche for HP7 even though I loved reading the series. ::)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Deadly_king on December 29, 2010, 12:24:04 pm
Knowing Remember Me
Advising people to watch romantic movies
LOOOOL DKing, you're a unique one. :D

Hey but these things are not reserved for girls only. :P

Nahh, I actually liked both Edward and Jacob from the books. :P
Movies aren't ma thanngg yo.
^Probably why I don't have any psyche for HP7 even though I loved reading the series. ::)

Actually they both fought for their love but what I don't get is how the hell could Bella fall for two guys? :o ::)

Yeah I understand. Sometimes while reading the books you can already imagine how it would be n the movie. The book is much nicer than the film ----> entirely true.
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 29, 2010, 12:47:24 pm
Sure. ::)
ZOMMGG I ACTUALLY READ SOMETHING WITH NUMBERS IN IT ;D And I'm not talking about 'k3wl d00d5' type either. ::) :P
No. It's nice. && I only change my status like once a month. So there. :P
LOOL, I've never actually SPAMMED. ::)
Thanks again maatee (:
I knoww right :( She's off fulfilling her destiny of becoming a doctor and cutting up people <3


OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG ! 7araaaaam = haraaaaaaam. :P :P Get the point, 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ? :P LOL ! K3wl d00d5 ! LOL ! :D :D :D

Realllllllllly ? are yer statuses really so cool ? ::) I loved the last one tho. Somethin' really unique. ::) :P

LOLL ! JHOOOOOOOOOOOOOTI. Yuh've been spamming since day one. :P And it's not like yer gonna leave us today so :P :P :P

CUTTTTTTTING UP PEOPLE  ? And yuh actually managed to add a <3 there ? GAY ! :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: M-H on December 29, 2010, 01:29:38 pm
You peeps are probably talking about Kim! Nooo.. I am, iA, going to do same next year. Don't worry, autopsies don't start before the 4th and 5th year :P..and please, we learn to dissect so that in the future, some of you, don't have to do the same with your life. At least we hope for that ;D
I wish her all the best!!

Hey whisper, I am late SORRY :(, but CONGRATSSSSSS!! :)
Crooked- be careful with your generalizations. Just cz your life is non-active, its not like others have the same boring life..boring peeps have boring lives..:P thank whisper she touched yours and lifted it before it died :P :P :P ;D

~JK =)

*wait for him to get back* ;D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 29, 2010, 01:57:06 pm
Hey whisper, I am late SORRY :(, but CONGRATSSSSSS!! :)
Crooked- be careful with your generalizations. Just cz your life is non-active, its not like others have the same boring life..boring peeps have boring lives..:P thank whisper she touched yours and lifted it before it died :P :P :P ;D

~JK =)

*wait for him to get back* ;D

:o Go die fer wishing her so late. :P


Ahh..yuh just woke me up. ::)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 07:00:48 pm
Hey but these things are not reserved for girls only. :P

Actually they both fought for their love but what I don't get is how the hell could Bella fall for two guys? :o ::)

Yeah I understand. Sometimes while reading the books you can already imagine how it would be n the movie. The book is much nicer than the film ----> entirely true.

Lots of people would beg to differ. :D :P

Oyee, she didn't fall for both of them. One was platonicccc. LOOL, don'tt get me started. ::)

Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 07:05:20 pm
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG ! 7araaaaam = haraaaaaaam. :P :P Get the point, 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ? :P LOL ! K3wl d00d5 ! LOL ! :D :D :D

Realllllllllly ? are yer statuses really so cool ? ::) I loved the last one tho. Somethin' really unique. ::) :P

LOLL ! JHOOOOOOOOOOOOOTI. Yuh've been spamming since day one. :P And it's not like yer gonna leave us today so :P :P :P

CUTTTTTTTING UP PEOPLE  ? And yuh actually managed to add a <3 there ? GAY ! :D

HAHA I KNOOWW. The fact that I managed to figure out 7=h is what got me so excited. ::) LOOOL.
The status I have right now or the one before it (which I can't remember)?
Chal bey, Jhootaaa. :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 07:08:25 pm
Hey whisper, I am late SORRY :(, but CONGRATSSSSSS!! :)
Crooked- be careful with your generalizations. Just cz your life is non-active, its not like others have the same boring life..boring peeps have boring lives..:P thank whisper she touched yours and lifted it before it died :P :P

EMM-AITCH (: (LOL, you better be M-H or I'm gonna pullmy hair out - long story :P)
No problemm.
& Thank youuu. :-*
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 29, 2010, 09:18:23 pm
HAHA I KNOOWW. The fact that I managed to figure out 7=h is what got me so excited. ::) LOOOL.
The status I have right now or the one before it (which I can't remember)?
Chal bey, Jhootaaa. :D

LOL ! Pagalllllll. Yer living ek arab state main and tumhein arabic nai aati ? :P DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB MARO, DHABBA. :D
Idk. I love all yer statuses. They're like dope to me. <3 Lame. :D
Kahaaaaaaaan bay, jhooti ? :D
LOL ! Yuh are not suppose to look at those naked bodies. :o 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 29, 2010, 09:48:21 pm
Since when do I live in an Arab state? :o That's Azka and Zaroo. :P

LOOL It's Kim who you need to sing '7araaam' to, not mehh. ::)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 29, 2010, 10:10:41 pm
Since when do I live in an Arab state? :o That's Azka and Zaroo. :P

LOOL It's Kim who you need to sing '7araaam' to, not mehh. ::)

LOL ! Even if yuh don't, yuh kaala bum. :o LOL

I CAN SAY IT TO YUUUUUUUH TOO. <3 I just love sharing all the lame stuff with yuh. :D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 30, 2010, 02:06:10 pm
There's a poem called 'Telephone Converstation' with a real kaala bum. (:
It's too deep for you to understand thoughh. ;D :P
LOOOL JKS. ;) :)
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Deadly_king on December 30, 2010, 02:30:29 pm
Lots of people would beg to differ. :D :P

Oyee, she didn't fall for both of them. One was platonicccc. LOOL, don'tt get me started. ::)


Am not begging........am just as I am :P

Really.......but she did in the end..........she felt so embarassed to choose between them although Edward was the favourite. ;)

I know you do. ;D
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 30, 2010, 04:46:43 pm
There's a poem called 'Telephone Converstation' with a real kaala bum. (:
It's too deep for you to understand thoughh. ;D :P
LOOOL JKS. ;) :)

Why are yuh so obsessed with kaala bums ? ::)

Hmph. >_<
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 30, 2010, 07:09:51 pm
Why are yuh so obsessed with kaala bums ? ::)

Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Crooked on December 30, 2010, 09:21:13 pm

OH PLEASE. :P Nobody shows me the colour of their bum. :P Alright, this convo must end right now. :P

But the thread will remain. <3
Title: Re: Whisper <3
Post by: Dibss on December 30, 2010, 09:36:05 pm
Alright, this convo must end right now. :P