Anytime girl <3
Anytime girl <3
Yuh've made the Legend so girly. :P Nice. :P
Why is the Rum always gone ? -.-
I think it's because you've drinking it all it's gonna be over, right? :P
No's because that Lady (Lizy) was using it for HER rescue >:(
Wise is the lady as she identifies a way of escape from the distant island. ;)
The captain however feels it's wiser to get the rum into his belly. ;D ;D
Congrates Uncle and her daughter both did amazing job.... :D :D :D :D :D :D
I like ur Head ::) xDit's big for a reason... :D
it's big for a reason... :D
lemme watch my movie ... :-[ :-[
lemme watch my movie ... :-[ :-[
Take your time. ;D
study from morning made me mad and my brain huge.... :D :D
study from morning made me mad and my brain huge.... :D :D
u don't know me....
i will take blue ink. to drink
and can i have those blu berries because i eat blue only
that ain't possible ....
Ooh.........Thanks to all of you :)
Sure crooked..........i'll give it my best shot. :D
Congrats to you too my dear daughter. ;D
You did deserve it as well. ;)
You are welcome.. my uncles daughter and my friend... :D :D :D
You mean son, dear friend. :Dson i forgot my mistake
Thank you, dear Father. ;D But you forget, I'm your son for time being. :D
@ Captain Jack Sparrow - Will Turner is looking for you. ;)
Better late than never right?
Congratulations both of you!!! ;D
Better late than never right?
Congratulations both of you!!! ;D
iluvme is here :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o ::)
*Jumps On Iluvme's Back * Sup Ma Sista from Anader moder 8) ;D :D :D
How's you ? how's everything going ?'s life ? everything ? *eager look*
I'm going to Hang you if you're going to Disappear for a WHOLE MONTH Again =P
Missed like Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Much :'( :'( :'(
Well I have Exams *I hate Exams :-\ * , so gtg
Salam :-*
*tight hug*
No problem dear. Longtime since we last heard from you.
Thank you very much. :D
Thank you, iluvme.
Glad to have you back. ;)
Welcome. :)
iluvme - that'll take time but iA When I'm on MSN I'll let ya know ;)
"Trust me. I haven't been wrong yet." ::) I like that =P
tell me from which Anime is is ?
Not an anime GG, My current favourite series by Eoin Colfer. Its awesome.
I am a GENIUS =D. Trust me.