Qualification > Sciences
--- Quote from: Kimo Jesus on December 29, 2010, 04:28:45 pm ---yo yo
guys this question is weird , its answer is A
but ..if its 10% sugar , that means it has 90% water and the one in the bag has 80% , so the movement shoudl be the other way round right?
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It's not talking about the diffusion of water(osmosis) - it is about the diffusion of sugar
Since more sugar diffuses out from the bag into the solution - it shows that the concentration of sugar is higher in the bag than the concentration in the solution (diffusion is the movement of substances from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration)
The concentration of sugar in the solution will be 10% which is less than the concentration of the sugar(20%) in the bag.
Hope you understood - Take care :D
cheers thx + rep
another question.. why is it A?
--- Quote from: Kimo Jesus on December 29, 2010, 05:42:55 pm ---cheers thx + rep
another question.. why is it A?
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No problem :D
During cold days - the volume of sweat will decrease and the amount of urine will increase.
Less sweating - to prevent heat being lost from the body - as sweating cools down the body when water from the sweat evaporates
Since little sweat is being produced - we tend to produce larger volume of dilute urine.
Hence A - Max volume of urine and least volume of sweat produced
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: Kimo Jesus on December 29, 2010, 05:42:55 pm ---cheers thx + rep
another question.. why is it A?
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I kind of forgot Biology But I hope what I say is true :S
Urea is a material that your body produces as a *something that your body has to get rid of just like toxics*
So in sweat there is Urea but since it's a COLD day you won't sweat much cuz you can't lose A LOT of water when your body needs it so NOT much Urea is released/gotten ridden of by your body . Hence for the rest of Urea to get of your body it's goes out as Urine ;)
iA what I said made sense =]
alright cheers thx for ur time
lol thx gg ! i understood it
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