Qualification > Queries
The type of CALCULATORS that should be used!!
--- Quote from: sanity_master on May 05, 2009, 05:21:05 pm ---well i got the fx-350MS/fx-95MS/fx-570MS........
i got the above 3 and i guess the fx-570MS in the best among them......i got newer calculator (better as well) as fx-991ES
this calculator thing is getting on ma last nerve....WE CANT DECIDE!!! >:(
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yeah..even my teacher said its good to use fx-570MS.why dont theyj ust give us a list of calc. which is allowed in the exam?its much better so we don't need to think and bother about calculator and we can concntrte more on preparing the exam itself. o.0
i asked them by e-mail if the fx-991ES is allowed of not.......tried to be very specific to get a fast reply (yes or no)
knw wt i mean.....i inshallah by tomorrow i will get the final answer....and if it is allowed......i will take it (FTW)
well lol :P i know for a fact it is allwoed..
is fx-570ES ok ?
yes thts ok too
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