Qualification > Queries


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Twinkle Charms:

--- Quote from: mido on August 12, 2010, 09:22:32 am ---can any one tell me how to write this pass *f6lm3hg2*

--- End quote ---
just type whats there..?
f 6 l(small L) m 3 h g 2

i thought that we should write six rather than 6 ?!!! any way Thanks

Twinkle Charms:
nps, happens..
most welcome.

Hey, I hope everyone`s happy with their results... How did you guys do? Are we allowed to talk about it?

Twinkle Charms:

--- Quote from: TheLonelyIsland on August 12, 2010, 10:07:40 am ---Hey, I hope everyone`s happy with their results... How did you guys do? Are we allowed to talk about it?

--- End quote ---
yea u guys can talk, there's a separate topic for it..


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