Author Topic: [Urgent!] Anyone studying CIE A-level psychology/sociology/economics/chinese??  (Read 2149 times)

Offline wo2321

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Hello everyone, I'm a new face here~
well, I don't know if everyone here is from Britain, but I'm from Hong Kong  ;D

I will need to take my CIE A-level exam in October, however, as you can see, there's not much time left :'(
(just started my study in July -0- I'm quite sure that i'll get bad results...)
If you are studying/ have been studying psychology/sociology/economics/chinese, please have a look of my questions about the exam  :)

1. I've scanned some past papers and found that some papers (like paper 1 and paper 2) focus on experiments/research. Does it mean that I have to focus more on research rather than basic concepts?

2. On the CIE website there's a syllabus of psychology this year and there're some research offered, such as the Gardner and Gardner research about teaching sign language to a chimpanzee. So do I have to study all the experiments mentioned in the syllabus? Are they the only experiments that will occur in the exam papers?

3. There's a paper in which 5 areas in psychology will be tested (sth like psychology and education...). How should I study/ prepare  this? Shall I study research or just use the knowledge attained from textbooks? Are there suggested book list? (suggested by you, I mean XD)

1. Is there any difference between OCR and CIE syllabus? (because the teacher gave me student's guide of OCR syllabus -0-)
2. Is it enough just to remember the theories?
3. How to check if you've attained the maximum mark while taking the exam?

1. Is it a must to draw diagrams? (I'm bad at diagrams...)
2. Is there a trend of having questions that are related to many topics?
3. Will 'elasticity' (or sth like maximum control on price)be tested in essay questions? (I'm really bad at micro- or sth related to diagrams....)

1. Are texts allowed in the exam centre?
2. Chinese is my first language, but what skills are appreciated in the view of an foreign marker?

Sorry if I post in the wrong forum...
Please answer the above questions if you can help me=]
I don't have enough time (sigh)
my email

Please leave your email or just contact me if you have studied the above subjects
I may have more questions to ask.
Loads of thanks!!!!!!  :-*

Offline XaM!!

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Dnt walk As iF u RulE da WorLd..... Walk As if U dOnT CarE wHO RuLzz It.......


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i would say yes to all ur eco q !