Qualification > Queries
Suggestionz needed..
You can take English as a first language from one board and as a second language from another board.
That is the only way that you can do it.
uhmmm uhmmm..
wt shud i do nw!!
i will better take eng as a second language.. & i need anothr subject 2 make it 5 in total!!
wt else subjects r easier in IGCSE 2 take?? :(
Try french as second language....it's fun and easy...except for the listening paper.
or you could take up math...
Art and Design is not easy but you don't have to study as such...take it up...if and only if you're a good artist...CIE is not lenient with Art students
Yes yes, take "ICT" and "French as a foreign language", they're pretty easy to score. Well at least ICT is..
u can take ict its easier than computing
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