Qualification > Social Studies

History help needed urgent!!!!

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I seriously think we should read that article you posted,
I just read a few pages and i must say it is really good, it gives you all the points you need.
I've been searching and searching for this kind of thing for ages, my teacher couldn't even find anything.


--- Quote from: MB on May 14, 2009, 04:13:10 pm ---So, all the questions will be about the Spanish Civil War?

Oh dear...

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Yes, ALL lol.
Whats your other paper on after this one by the way?
Mine is on Germany, and with sources AGAIN  :-\

haha, I don't actually know. I thought the source based one was a combination of different things (like I said, my school tells us next to nothing). You mean for paper 4?
We covered Russia and USA at school but I'd probably pick USA. The USSR have had too many revolutions.


--- Quote from: MB on May 14, 2009, 04:21:22 pm ---haha, I don't actually know. I thought the source based one was a combination of different things (like I said, my school tells us next to nothing). You mean for paper 4?
We covered Russia and USA at school but I'd probably pick USA. The USSR have had too many revolutions.

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you did TWO depth studies? WOW!! we didnt even have time to finish one :( your lucky u have a choice, we have to do russia...and yes, with all its revolutions!


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