Author Topic: Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September  (Read 1847 times)

Offline DrEvil

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Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September
« on: July 31, 2010, 09:59:35 am »
Although many of us have long-abandoned  Internet Explorer for alternatives like Firefox, Opera or Chrome, Microsoft is working hard on the next version of its browser to redeem themselves with early adopters and retain its still dominant market share. The company has thus far been offering only stripped down platform previews of Internet Explorer 9 on its Test Drive page, but according to Microsoft's COO Kevin Turner the first beta release should be out in little over a month.

Turner revealed the September date for Wall Street analysts during the company's annual Financial Analyst Meeting (FAM) in Redmond, Washington. Although no other details were shared, we are hoping to finally get a taste of the new version's look and feel. Internet Explorer 9 is expected to offer broader support of HTML5 along with other standards, hardware acceleration, better tab management, and more. The browser also features a new script engine, dubbed Chakra, which delivers performance to within 50 milliseconds of Safari, Opera and Chrome on SunSpider benchmarks.

No release date has been announced for the final code, but it's likely that won't arrive until 2011. If you want to check out Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview 3 in the meantime, a download link is available here:

Source: TechSpot

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Re: Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 10:01:26 am »
Publisher's Description

Latest Internet Explorer, comes with HTML 5 and SVG support.

The Platform Preview is an early look at the Internet Explorer 9 platform so some features are incomplete, some may change, and some may be added. This document lists features available in the latest Platform Preview and known issues with those features.

We ask that you refrain from providing feedback on features where noted that they are either partially implemented or not available. We are aware of their condition and will provide updates in future releases. Similarly, for known issues, we are aware of their existence and are actively working on them. Thank you for your interest in the Internet Explorer Platform Preview!

To report issues and provide feedback, please use Microsoft Connect. For general questions or comments, please email

System Requirements:
* Internet Explorer Platform Preview requires Windows 7 (x86 or x64) or Windows Vista SP2 (x86 or x64).
* For Vista users, Windows Internet Explorer 8 and DirectX 2D (D2D) must be installed on your system. If you’re not already running Internet Explorer 8, download and install it first. Then install DirectX 2D by installing the Platform Update for Windows Vista, available on Windows Update.

Platform Preview Application

General Notes:
* There is no Information Bar (aka Gold Bar) in Platform Preview. As a result, downloads initiated by script will not function. Files can be downloaded using the “Save Target As…” in the right-click context menu, by clicking on hyperlinks to files, and by typing a download URL in the Open dialog (Ctrl+O).

Known Issues:
* Compatibility View List Usage

The Platform Preview Build will use the IE8 Compatibility View Settings including the Compatibility View List. This means that if you’ve chosen to use the Compatibility View List in IE8, some high traffic websites will run in the IE7 Document Mode by default. You can force these websites to render in IE9 Document Mode through the Debug menu option “Force IE9 Standards Mode” or through the Developer Tools’ setting for Document Mode. More information on the Compatibility View List can be found on MSDN here.

What's New:

What's New
Web Platform

* Features Available
o Canvas
+ In the latest Platform Preview we support all Canvas element APIs and most Canvas 2D Context APIs and attributes.
o <video>
+ MP4 H.264 playback support, using hardware or software decoding
+ Support for WebM software is not included in this release
o <audio>
+ MP3 and AAC audio support
o window.msPerformance
+ This API is being worked in partnership with members of the W3C and is subject to change
o HTML5-conformant whitespace handling
o CSS3
+ Values & Units
+ Background & Borders
# All background properties
# Support for SVG as background image (including multiple backgrounds)
o Web font formats
+ Raw installable fonts (TrueType, OpenType)
o Full DOM L2 and L3 Events support
o DOM Style
o DOM Core
+ adoptNode, compareDocumentPosition, CDATASection, importNode, inputEncoding, isDefaultNamespace, isEqualNode, isSameNode, isSupported, lookupNamespaceURI, lookupPrefix, replaceWholeText, textContent, xmlEncoding, xmlStandalone, xmlVersion, wholeText
+ Presentation elements and their corresponding attributes and DOM: gradients, patterns, masking, clipping, markers, linking and views
+ SVG embedding via <embed>, <iframe>, and <img>
+ Support of .SVGZ files over a remote server
+ Improved support for HTML5 parsing rules
+ SVG Text
# Fill, stroke, positioning (x,y,dx,dy,rotate), including for complex scripts
+ The XHTML mime-type of “application/xhtml+xml” is now listed in the Accept header of outgoing requests
o Generic XML Improvements (“text/xml” and “application/xml”)
+ Generic XML documents render contained SVG and XHTML content
+ The DOM generated from generic XML documents reflects the original markup
o XSLT via <?xml-stylesheet … ?>
+ Engine upgraded from MSXML3 to MSXML6
+ Works on SVG and XHTML documents in addition to generic XML documents
* Features Partially Implemented
o Canvas
+ globalCompositeOperation
# The latest Platform Preview does not include support for the globalCompositeOperation attribute.
+ DOM Exceptions
# The latest Platform Preview does not include support for Canvas 2D Context DOM Exceptions.
+ drawFocusRing()
# The latest Platform Preview does not include support for the drawFocusRing() Focus management API.
o CSS3 Fonts
+ font-size-adjust and advanced font features are not supported

IE9 JavaScript Engine

* Features Available
o Support for ES5 specification in IE9 Standards mode, including support for
+ Enhanced Object Model - Accessor properties for JavaScript objects, Object.defineProperty, Object.defineProperties, Object.create, Object.getPrototypeOf, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Object.keys, Object.seal, Object.freeze, Object.isSealed, Object.isFrozen, Object.preventExtensions, Object.isExtensible
+ New Array Methods - indexOf, lastIndexOf, forEach, every, some, map, filter, reduce, reduceRight
+ Other Computational Methods and Functions - String.prototype.trim, Date.prototype.toISOString, Date.parse,, Array.isArray, Function.prototype.bind

Developer Tools

* Features Available
o JavaScript Profiling
+ Profiling for JavaScript functions, DOM callouts and built-in library functions.
o Network inspection - Download initiator
+ Shows information about the source code that initiated a network request.
o XML parsing errors are displayed in the developer toolbar console

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Re: Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 02:41:32 pm »
i hope its good.

IE 8 was a waste..hangs a lot .
Firefox > the interface sucks

i use Chrome and its awesome  ;D

i want IE 9 to be goooooooooooooooooood
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Re: Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2010, 05:40:37 pm »
Has anyone tried the new firefox 4?

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Re: Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2010, 10:36:35 am »
Has anyone tried the new firefox 4?

firefox-4.0b (this)__kya??

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Offline DrEvil

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Re: Internet Explorer 9 beta to arrive in September
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2010, 10:57:48 am »
Has anyone tried the new firefox 4?

Yes, I have tried Firefox 4. Its layout is awesome and is also a bit fast too.

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”