Qualification > Sciences

Chemistry Help needed!:-(

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Thank you! My first rep gain! :D

thanx man ur first one to clearly exaplin and come back and help out again Thank You again !
PS. i also plus repped you ! check it out!


--- Quote from: sgvaibhav on May 08, 2009, 07:42:11 pm ---if we only heat, wouldnt there be steam on the test tube that would be called condensation?

or is it the condensation that occurs after heating has been stopped?

--- End quote ---
no no no! this is how examiners can tell which centres dont do practicals with their students. have you ever tried to heat a hydrated salt? in lab? (i havent either but ive seen a vid lol)
what happens is that "water condenses on the cooler upper regions of the test tube". even while you're heating.
<half an hour later>
ive been looking for a video to show u for the past half hour, but i cant find any. really sorry. dont bother checking youtubbe or metacafe-i checked both. whatver... do it at home maybe... if u have a test tube and hydrated copper (II) sulphate crystals. lol... maybe you could make some other crystals? (most ionic compounds' crystals are hydrated)

@ unown.xu
hey dude can you tell me the answer to my question about those egg shells...its from the year Nov 2000 paper 6...i would be gratefull to you.
Thanks in advance
i have attached the link to that question
It is the last question, page number 12 and about the egg shells

hey guyz!! well i have a confusion for paper 6... i am confused about some chapter/topic that should i study them for paper 6 or not. Those topics are like (Mole, Atomic Structures, Ionic & Covalent Bond, Stiochiometry and esters)
thanx :)


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