Qualification > Queries
Candidate Results
I got in touch with a friend (unlike me who hadn't lost his USR/PASS document) and he told me that the time and date mentioned on that sheet is :
13th August 00:01 GMT +1. However, on CIE's website it says 12th August! Has anyone else seen this discrepancy ? :S
The Golden Girl =D:
hope . eesh salfat ilmadaris il3arabiya ilyom ..... inzeen ya3ni mafi 7al ila ini arooo7 ilmadrisa ..... homa beyuboonha ba3d ilresults bi2ayam ..... wallah this is unfair ....
Will i be able to get it if i asked the British council in my area ?
This is a service for which your center has to register with CIE. If your center hasn't registered with CIE for this service, you do not have a username and password issued for the Candidate Results website. To obtain your result, you'd most likely be asked to contact your Exam's officer at your school. Or you could just visit your school and look it up on the results broadsheet. That's what many of my seniors did last year cause the Candidate Results website was over-loaded and it wasn't facilitating a sign in.
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: contraentry on July 26, 2010, 10:30:44 am ---This is a service for which your center has to register with CIE. If your center hasn't registered with CIE for this service, you do not have a username and password issued for the Candidate Results website. To obtain your result, you'd most likely be asked to contact your Exam's officer at your school. Or you could just visit your school and look it up on the results broadsheet. That's what many of my seniors did last year cause the Candidate Results website was over-loaded and it wasn't facilitating a sign in.
--- End quote ---
Thanks A lot for the help :)
Heart Hacker:
eeeeeeeeee ..evn my school sux thn >:(
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