Qualification > Queries
Need help
Hi guys im back !
i need help to buy past papers
for french
ICT or IT ( is there a difference )
what papers are there for each subject? for example p2 p4 or p1
The Golden Girl =D:
the followin is of what i've heard :
1. in accounting u got two papers ...Paper 1 and 2 .(there used to be paper 3 ..but then they combined pper 2 and ppr 3 into ppr 2 begining from June 2010 )
2. the only difference between IT and ICT is the fact that stuff abt communication is included in the syllabus (ICT) , u see ......But i guess the rest is the same. *u might want to ask Vin abt this to be more sure ;) * ..... (there is ppr 1 , 2 and 3 ........ i don't remember which was the theory but i guess it was 1 )
3. i've never been to kuwait so i really can't help ...... u can buy them from school (that's what i did ) ..and if i couldn't at all get it from school then i used to download in from FEP and then save it in a USB and give it to a matba3a or my dad and that's it ;)
ur back :D ;D ............Welcome Back kid ;)
u can get papers from FEP and then print it urself thats wat i did!
ICT has more communication stuff(* has practicals)
IT has theory and coursework
therory 25%
coursework 75%
IT was the old syllabus, ICT is the new syllabus....
Anyways, the papers are available at FEP, both for accounting and IT, enjoy! :D
i see
thanks guys :D
hope ur havin a gr8 summer
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