(17:50:22) ChatBot: Engraved has been logged out (Timeout).
(17:50:35) dondon93: hey guts
(17:50:46) dondon93: guys*
(17:51:02) dondon93: No one is here or what??
(17:51:23) ChatBot: dondon93 leaves the channel.
(17:52:32) ChatBot: dondon93 enters the channel.
(17:52:50) dondon93: people, come on..
(19:08:34) ChatBot: master_key logs into the Chat.
(19:08:37) ChatBot: dondon93 has been logged out (Timeout).
(19:21:24) ChatBot: theonlyone logs into the Chat.
(19:21:27) ChatBot: master_key has been logged out (Timeout).
(19:21:37) theonlyone: