Author Topic: Why is this *freedom of speech* not practiced in the case of Adolf Hitler/Nazis  (Read 13652 times)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Hitler was a very successful man in my opinion.


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Are all you guys MAD ??

Hitler a success ? You fools, the fact that Hitler actually reached power in a DEMOCRACY proves that society FAILED. And he was a DEMON !!

Do any of you actually know anything about Hitler ? Or are you simply blinded by other ulterior motives ?

@Stylish  A successful man in what way ? Successful in bringing hell to all of Europe ?

Success in killing millions of Jews ? What success ?

I see only death and destruction brought down upon this earth during Hitler's reign.....

This is highly disturbing....

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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I just meant that he was successful in transforming Germany into a superpower back then. Leaving this, I don't think his actions were at all ethical in any sense.


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I just meant that he was successful in transforming Germany into a superpower back then. Leaving this, I don't think his actions were at all ethical in any sense.

Damn right they weren't.

Offline Saladin

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What did he achieve besides genocide amd the development of the first ballistic missile ?

Are you implying that people today envy Hitler because he NEARLy achieved the complete extermination of European based Jews ?

Strong enough to fight ? Hitler simply took advantage of Britain's incapability to intervene before things got out of hand.

When he took over the Sudetland, Britain just turned a blind eye.

What do you mean by strong enough to fight ? Hitler took over countries like Poland because he simply relied on the Blitzkrieg !!! He used no tactics !!

He rolled over them with planes, artillery and tanks. Oh and By the way he incurred HEAVY losses during the occupation of Poland.

Hitler entered and nearly took over Moscow because of the lack of well supplied and poorly mobilised Russian Army. He had actually signed a pact with Stalin and he was stupid enough to go against the largest army at the time.

Read your history books again - Hitler was an arrogant murderer. The world will remember him for that and that ALONE !!

What I deem remarkable was that the got a nation that was demoralized into believing, regardless of the way he did it in. He proved to the world that Germany was a force to be reckoned with.

Yes, Blitzkreig, something that the British saw as "stupid and impractical", Hitler used this tactic to his advantage.

Ah, I see you are acquainted with the policy of appeasement.

He was a murderer, and arrogant one too, but one that put Germany back on its feet. One, that built Auto-Bahns thats still exist today, routes through jungles.

Heavy losses is a matter of perspective, you have to remember, he invaded unfamiliar territory.

Yes, he murdered, yes he was arrogant, but one that forced people to respect Germany.

He was a gambler, but atleast, he was one that took very calculated risks, and ceased the oppertunity of a weak Britain and France as well as an un-co-ordinated LON.


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The only reason the German people supported him was because there was this little organisation called the Gestapo.

I think you should know A LOT about them, Engraved, considering you have studied this.


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Are all you guys MAD ??

Hitler a success ? You fools, the fact that Hitler actually reached power in a DEMOCRACY proves that society FAILED. And he was a DEMON !!

Do any of you actually know anything about Hitler ? Or are you simply blinded by other ulterior motives ?

@Stylish  A successful man in what way ? Successful in bringing hell to all of Europe ?

Success in killing millions of Jews ? What success ?

I see only death and destruction brought down upon this earth during Hitler's reign.....

This is highly disturbing....

What are your standards for success ?
It varies from one person to another.
I consider a man to be successful when compatriots around him acknowledge the guy for his work

and here is a quote from Gobbel 1933
One of his fine and noble traits is that he never gives up on someone who has won his confidence. The more his political opponents attack such a person, the more loyal is Adolf Hitler’s support. He is not the kind of person who is afraid of strong associates. The harder and tougher a man is, the more Hitler likes him. If things fall apart, his capable hands put them together again. Who would have thought it possible that a mass organization that includes literally everything could be build in this nation of individualists? Doing that is Hitler’s great accomplishment. His principles are firm and unshakable, but he is generous and understanding toward human weaknesses. He is a pitiless enemy of his opponents, but a good and warm-hearted friend to his comrades. That is Hitler.


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@Arsenal   You actually believed that propaganda ?? :D  How easily you are fooled :D

You seem to lack any historical knowledge !!!

Go type in Goebbel (you spelt it wrong by the way) in Wikipedia and see what you find out.


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@Arsenal   You actually believed that propaganda ?? :D  How easily you are fooled :D

You seem to lack any historical knowledge !!!

Go type in Goebbel (you spelt it wrong by the way) in Wikipedia and see what you find out.

Hitler's propoganda minister.Goebbels gave a speech every year on Hitler’s birthday. This was the first. Hitler had only been in power for two and a half months. Goebbels praises Hitler, but there is less of the deification found in later speeches in the series.
And Dont get pissed off cos You arent comfortable with the name Nazis


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Hitler's propoganda minister.Goebbels gave a speech every year on Hitler’s birthday. This was the first. Hitler had only been in power for two and a half months. Goebbels praises Hitler, but there is less of the deification found in later speeches in the series.
And Dont get pissed off cos You arent comfortable with the name Nazis

I would say that Hitler was God if you had the frigging Gestapo arresting people for being 'traitors' left right and centre.

Goebbels was motivated by self gain - he just wanted to have power in the Third Reich if it succeeded.

Me pissed off ? I am uncomfortable with the fact that you actually RESPECT Hitler.


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I would say that Hitler was God if you had the frigging Gestapo arresting people for being 'traitors' left right and centre.

Goebbels was motivated by self gain - he just wanted to have power in the Third Reich if it succeeded.

Me pissed off ? I am uncomfortable with the fact that you actually RESPECT Hitler.

I dont respect him
But he comes from a group of people (Aryan) that think Their race is the most superior of all (correct me if am wrong).Hitler was the one who actually translated aryan speeches into actions.

I also heard majority of Aryans are like that.Arrogant pricks
Glenn Beck is doing a show now on why Nazism was left wing. In 1925, the NY Times wrote that Goebbels wrote that the gap between Nazism and Communism was very minor. Goebbels was a propagandist, but not to himself. In his personal diary in 1941, he wrote that the reason for invading Russia was to create “true Socialism”.


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@Arsenal  Then I dont get it. Why are we arguing ? :-\

Offline astarmathsandphysics

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Hitler was successfull in that he was elected and reelected. That is success for a politician. Unlike some politicians he preferred to see his country burn down rather than give up power


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@Arsenal  Then I dont get it. Why are we arguing ? :-\

I hate debates when it comes to a point like this :|
itler was successfull in that he was elected and reelected. That is success for a politician. Unlike some politicians he preferred to see his country burn down rather than give up power