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--- Quote from: Dizzy on August 12, 2010, 06:34:19 pm ---

--- End quote ---

THANKS DIZZY! :D have a greaaaat summer!

I think haris94 and jellybeans make it 4 people to get 5 A*s and 3 A's.
This combo's getting popular now.  :P ;D


--- Quote from: Munsif5494 on August 12, 2010, 06:45:14 pm ---I think haris94 and jellybeans make it 4 people to get 5 A*s and 3 A's.
This combo's getting popular now.  :P ;D

--- End quote ---

hahaha! mine'd be 6A*s if i included last yrs math XD but 5 A*s and 3 A's a great comboooo i must say

That's a good co-incidence.
Bcoz even I have an A* from last November's English paper! :P
But I'm pretty content nevertheless, looks like everyone got what they deserved! :)

Any idea about what A and A* are on a scale of 0-100?

I think it's different for each country, so would I need to ask my centre's CIE rep.,  or find out somehow on the net?  :-\

By the way I can't insert other quotes from my fellow users, is that a glitch here or is my Firefox just retarded?  ???  ???


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