well brasil didnt actually care if they won that game!! cuz they already qualified the group stages!!
Let me clear the doubt .. The only team that I support in this world cup is Spain. I am with the dutch in this match cuz I don't like the bra-zillions...
Now, so Brazil didn't care if they won that game?

So, that gives them the excuse to stop the ball with the hand?

If they didn't care abt win or loss.. Why did they stop the ball? .......
Cuz they were going to lose if they didn't
And if we remember how superb tactics Brazil have..... How Fabiano controlled the ball with his hands TWO times.. to score a goal...

ohh way better than the dutch!! all wat they do is try to get the ball to van persie!! which is the worst striker i have ever seen!!! i mean wat kind of person misses that much infront of the goal!!?? ( other than that dumbass torres, even though im wid spain!! )
haha.... You don't seem to understand this my friend.....
The way Brazil and Netherlands play is
different. The dutch play
attacking game whereas Brazil play
Counterattacking game. And thats what they do in attacking games... They play the ball to the strikers to score goals..
ANd please remember Persie isn't the only player in the team... Forgot Robben, Kuyt and Scheider?

Also, please don't talk bad abt Torres... You know he has just recovered from his knee surgery... And you don't seem to understand how well he plays in Liverpool...

but still even IFF dutch's tactics were better then they would still have to get trough the strong defence of brasil!
and as long as they win it doesnt matter who had better tactics!! just watch how the dutch say goodbye to the world cup!!
Let's see.