Author Topic: Clean jokes thread!!!  (Read 149739 times)

Offline DrEvil

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #765 on: August 24, 2010, 10:14:16 am »
Buddhist at the Dentist

Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused his dentist’s
Novocain during root canal work?

He wanted to transcend dental medication.

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #766 on: August 24, 2010, 10:16:35 am »
Buddhist Monks and the Prayer Flag

Four Buddhist monks were meditating in a monastery. All of
a sudden the prayer flag on the roof started flapping.

The younger monk came out of his meditation and said:
“Flag is flapping”

A more experienced monk said: “Wind is flapping”

A third monk who had been there for more than 20 years
said: “Mind is flapping.”

The fourth monk who was the eldest said, visibly annoyed:
“Mouths are flapping!”

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

Offline DrEvil

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #767 on: August 24, 2010, 10:20:49 am »
Earl and His Friends

Earl was bragging to his boss one day, “You know, I know
everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone,
and I know them.”

Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, “OK, Earl
how about Tom Cruise?”

“Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it.“
So Earl and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on
Tom Cruise’s door, and sure enough, Tom Cruise, shouts,
“Earl! Great to see you! You and your friend come right in
and join me for lunch!”

Although impressed, Earl’s boss is still skeptical. After
they leave Cruise’s house, he tells Earl that he thinks Earl’s
knowing Cruise was just lucky. “No, no, just name anyone
else,” Earl says.
“President Clinton,” his boss quickly retorts.

“Yes,” Earl says, “I know him, let’s fly out to Washington.”
And off they go. At the White House, Clinton spots Earl on
the tour and motions him and his boss over saying, “Earl,
what a surprise. I was just on my way to a meeting, but you
and your friend come on in and let’s have a cup of coffee
first and catch up.”

Well, the boss is very shaken by now, but still not totally

After they leave the White house grounds, he expresses his
doubts to Earl, who again implores him to name anyone

“The Pope,” his boss replies. “Sure!” says Earl. “My folks
are from Poland, and I’ve known the Pope a long time.”
So off they fly to Rome. Earl and his boss are assembled
with the masses in Vatican Square when Earl says, “This
will never work. I can’t catch the Pope’s eye among all
these people. Tell you what: I know all the guards, so let
me just go upstairs and I’ll come out on the balcony with
the Pope.”

And he disappears into the crowd headed toward the
Vatican. Sure enough, half an hour later, Earl emerges with
the Pope on the balcony. But by the time Earl returns, he
finds that his boss has had a heart attack and is surrounded
by paramedics.

Working his way to his boss’ side, Earl asks him, “What

His boss looks up and says, “I was doing fine until you and
the Pope came out on the balcony and the man next to me
said, “Who’s that on the balcony with Earl?”

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #768 on: August 24, 2010, 10:23:18 am »
Holmes and Watson

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip.
After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the
night, and went to sleep.

Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful
friend awake. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what
you see.”

Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”

“What does that tell you?” Holmes questioned.

Watson pondered for a minute.

“Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies
and potentially billions of planets.

Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a
quarter past three.

Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we
are small and insignificant.

Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day
tomorrow. What does it tell you?”

Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke.
“Watson, someone has stolen our tent.”

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #769 on: August 24, 2010, 10:24:39 am »
Van Goghs’ Relatives

After much careful research, it has been discovered that the
artist Vincent Van Gogh had many relatives. Among them

His dizzy aunt: Verti Gogh

The brother who worked at a convenience store: Stopn

His magician uncle: Wherediddy Gogh

His Mexican cousin: Amee Gogh

The Mexican cousin’s American half brother: Grin Gogh

His nephew psychoanalyst: E Gogh

An aunt who taught positive thinking: Wayto Gogh

And his niece who travels the country in a van: Winnie
Bay Gogh

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #770 on: August 24, 2010, 10:26:07 am »
Catching A Unique Rabbit

How do crazy people go through the forest?
They take the psycho path.

What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall?

What do eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long?

What do you call Santa’s helpers?
Subordinate Clauses

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck.

Why don’t blind people like to sky dive?
Because it scares the hell out of the dog.

How do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on it.

How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way, unique up on it.

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

Offline Saladin

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #771 on: August 24, 2010, 02:06:49 pm »
Great Jokes DrEvil!

Nice to read! :)

Offline DrEvil

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #772 on: August 24, 2010, 02:10:04 pm »
Great Jokes DrEvil!

Nice to read! :)

Glad you liked them.  :D :D

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #773 on: August 24, 2010, 03:21:24 pm »
nice as always :D +rep
Hope for the Best .....Expect the Worst ;)

Thank Allah for everything :)

Offline DrEvil

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #774 on: August 24, 2010, 03:24:20 pm »

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

Offline Dibss

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #775 on: August 24, 2010, 08:46:06 pm »
Catching A Unique Rabbit

How do crazy people go through the forest?
They take the psycho path.

What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall?

What do eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long?

What do you call Santa’s helpers?
Subordinate Clauses

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
A nervous wreck.

Why don’t blind people like to sky dive?
Because it scares the hell out of the dog.

How do you catch a unique rabbit?
Unique up on it.

How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way, unique up on it.

Good ones ;D

Offline DrEvil

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #776 on: August 24, 2010, 08:56:13 pm »

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

Offline Twinkle Charms

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #777 on: August 25, 2010, 05:36:58 pm »
goood =)
loouwe them :p
You See - You like - You try - You fail meanwhile I see - I like - I want - I get!

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #778 on: August 25, 2010, 07:48:49 pm »
The prospective son in law was asked by his girlfriend's father,
"Son can you support a family?"

"Well, No sir , he replied
"I was just planning to support your daughter.
The rest of you have to fend yourselves."

All i Ever Did Was Love...And All You Did Was Lie... Never Understood It.But Never Asked You Why!?!?

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Re: Clean jokes thread!!!
« Reply #779 on: August 25, 2010, 07:53:04 pm »
The prospective son in law was asked by his girlfriend's father,
"Son can you support a family?"

"Well, No sir , he replied
"I was just planning to support your daughter.
The rest of you have to fend yourselves."
hahahhahahha nice one
After all is said and done, more is said than done.

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.