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Clean jokes thread!!!

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I'm a mistake - legalize abortion!:
Here's another. :)

                                     Help Yourself


            A pastor went over to an elderly member's house to see how she was
            doing. Seated on the sofa and very hungry, he spotted on the coffee
            table a bowl of almonds.  A little timid, he asked, "Do you mind if I
            have one?" The woman was quite reluctant but said, "No, go ahead."

            An hour later, he was in disbelief that he had finished off the whole bowl!

            "Oh I'm so sorry about all the almonds!" he said as he stood to leave.

            "Oh, don't worry about it.  All I can do is suck the chocolate off since
             I lost all of my teeth."

i like these jokes !!!!!!
keep it up!!  ;D

I'm a mistake - legalize abortion!:
Come on guys. Provide something called MOTIVATION :(

66 views and only 2 decent replies by theone and immortal. Thank you theone and immortal. :)

All the rest, you will burn in hell!!!!!!! >:( >:(


--- Quote from: Lord Kratos on June 07, 2010, 08:22:07 am ---Come on guys. Provide something called MOTIVATION :(

66 views and only 2 decent replies by theone and immortal. Thank you theone and immortal. :)

All the rest, you will burn in hell!!!!!!! >:( >:(

--- End quote ---

I read the one for Case study! It was nice!  :D

But try posting shorter jokes because like we don't have to read long ones.  ::)

I'm a mistake - legalize abortion!:

--- Quote from: Shoshou..Mony on June 07, 2010, 08:25:03 am ---I read the one for Case study! It was nice!  :D

But try posting shorter jokes because like we don't have to read long ones.  ::)

--- End quote ---

You want some short dirty jokes? ::) :P


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