Student Forum > Important Announcements

Newsletter Writers

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--- Quote from: guMnam on June 21, 2010, 10:31:39 pm ---July edition means it realeases before july ??

--- End quote ---

No, it releases in July. Most probably in the mid of July. iA

Hello everyone!

It is to inform you that articles for the July 2010 Newsletter should be submitted here. You can write articles about what you are interested in and poems, etc.

Last date for submission will be decided shortly and you will be notified about that.

Hoping to see your prompt response.

Thank you!

Best Regards,
SF Staff

Gr8 job Dr. Evil!


--- Quote from: Engraved on June 27, 2010, 11:37:14 am ---Gr8 job Dr. Evil!

--- End quote ---

Thanks.  :)

I'll give one of my poems.


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