Qualification > Sciences

need answer



I have a very important question for ICT practical..

using the frontpage, how do I do this step?
In the style sheet excerpt, amend the style for a paragraph so that it will accept
any generic sans-serif font as well as the specified fonts. Change the style sheet
so that this is correct

and thats it for now,,
I might come later with more questions! ::)

I'll explain with an example
p   {color: #00ff22; font-family: arial, helvetica}
According to the question you want p to accept any sans-serif font along with the ones mentioned. That becomes
p   {color:#00ff22;font-family:arial,Helvetica, sans-serif}
Go to the html view in Frontpage and just put a comma and add sans-serif. They might ask you to add other font types e.g serif and the same thing needs to be done.
I hope that helps

Of course it does!

Thank very much,
I'm really grateful! :D


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