I don't want to point fingers or insult anyone but for the sake of making sure you're able to sit in your Chemistry exam without panicking, I think you should know that this is just an attention-seeking game.
With due respect to ketone, I doubt he himself owns these pastpapers and even if he does his purpose behind posting these was to merely create a panic. He himself is uninterested (or unable) to upload them for you guys. He is (implying) that he doesn't have a camera or a scanner, which I highly doubt. And all you guys are doing is that instead of studying, you're sitting here waiting for those exams. Go study! Cambridge couldn't have given question of organic chemistry which is NOT a part of it, right? Improve your research, read from reference book. Organic chemistry is all about practice and a good research--once you're beyond that hard stage, it's not only easy, it's also fun.
However, I know my post will attract a lot of criticism--I might even get a warning from the moderators--but regardless, I think I might find a 1998 past paper in my collection. If I do I'll snap a series of pictures and try get them up on Photobucket and give you the links. But don't, in any way, rely on them--you should make sure your own study is complete.