Author Topic: 24h Passed, How was economics ppr2 ?  (Read 2308 times)

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Re: 24h Passed, How was economics ppr2 ?
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 06:07:41 pm »
i Did another variant but my friend did this
You had to analyse according to your own country
for example in Pakistan some of the public parks are charged this means that it exclude some of the payers and therefore defense is a more suitable option

that depends on the examiner my friend for the first question
Good luck!

Yeah, i mentioned something about producers now finding it easier to exclude non-payers.

And i said it was either underproduced or unprovided at all by the market. Governments had to step in or something like that.

Pretty worried about it.

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Re: 24h Passed, How was economics ppr2 ?
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 06:10:54 pm »
For public goods, is it right to say that they are underproduced because producers find it difficult to exclude non-payers? Or is that not one of the points i should've written? If so, how many marks would that cost me in a 12 mark essay? I also forgot to mention the 'free-rider' problem but said something about non-payers.

I mentioned the non-rivalry and non-excludability factors and generally said that National Defense was better than Public Parks in terms of priority of the government and an example of a public good.

Is that remotely right?

yuh had to explain the features of the public and merit goods.
then..explain why they are underprovided?
public goods - cux they are usually expensive and the problem of free rider and non-exclusivity.
merit goods - lack of info.

and then give an example...explain why do they provide it and stuff..
what i wrote in the end was that..they are provided cux they improve the living standards of the people in the country in the long term and leads to stability in the economy and etc etc
is this ok?
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Re: 24h Passed, How was economics ppr2 ?
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2010, 06:35:51 pm »
Anyone did the other variant

What was the answer to the first question part a

Till how much it shows the normal demand relationship