Qualification > Sciences

Chemistry P3 7/6/2010

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--- Quote from: Nidzzz on June 06, 2010, 05:14:07 pm ---why de rate of rustin is increased in presence of acid and salt water
can sum on eplz answer
thanz in advance  ;D

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BECAUS they contain IONS which can transfer electrons which speed up rusting or oxidation!


--- Quote from: Kimo Jesus on June 06, 2010, 05:15:42 pm ---BECAUS they contain IONS which can transfer electrons which speed up rusting or oxidation!

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i.e they are electrolytes.

Hesham Mhd:
Hey, can any1 please explain the contents of section 6.2 in the syllabus?! I really get nothing from it!  ??? ???

Chosen Dude:

--- Quote from: Hesham Mhd on June 06, 2010, 05:43:54 pm ---Hey, can any1 please explain the contents of section 6.2 in the syllabus?! I really get nothing from it!  ??? ???

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Yea sure, You just have to know that hydrogen is a better fuel because the product of its combustion is water which isnt a pollutant advantages are that it will conserve natural resources and doesn't cause pollution. You just have to know the name Uranium-235 is used as a fuel cell. The electrode is a big topic. For the hydrogen one in supplement they have already said it. Anything I missed?

Hesham Mhd:

--- Quote from: Chosen Dude on June 06, 2010, 05:51:52 pm ---Yea sure, You just have to know that hydrogen is a better fuel because the product of its combustion is water which isnt a pollutant advantages are that it will conserve natural resources and doesn't cause pollution. You just have to know the name Uranium-235 is used as a fuel cell. The electrode is a big topic. For the hydrogen one in supplement they have already said it. Anything I missed?

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Thank You so much, but what about the prdoduction of energy from a simple cell thingy?


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