Qualification > Sciences

Chemistry P3 7/6/2010

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The Golden Girl =D:

--- Quote from: J.Darren on June 07, 2010, 03:33:14 pm ---You evil meanie -v- Jokes ... Well I had my exam earlier this afternoon, a high A* is guaranteed, sadly no chance of Top in the World nor Brilliance in Hong Kong due to two careless mistakes that I would never concede in unit tests and internal mocks D:

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lol.....well atleast an A* is guaranteed mate ;)


--- Quote from: the golden girl on June 07, 2010, 04:21:01 pm ---lol.....well atleast an A* is guaranteed mate ;)

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This can be best described as a stinging bitterness, checked thrice with the lab dude and chemistry teacher at school, am very confident that I have gotten every single questions in papers 1 and 5 correctly ... I probably have lost three marks at max in Paper 3, but since my ultimate aspiration is Top in the World, it is a major setback nonetheless ...


--- Quote from: J.Darren on June 07, 2010, 05:35:03 pm ---This can be best described as a stinging bitterness, checked thrice with the lab dude and chemistry teacher at school, am very confident that I have gotten every single questions in papers 1 and 5 correctly ... I probably have lost three marks at max in Paper 3, but since my ultimate aspiration is Top in the World, it is a major setback nonetheless ...

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The past is quite simply; the past. No matter how hard you try the clock cannot be turned backed.

Relish your A* and be ready to put a wide smile on your parent's face. ;)


--- Quote from: the golden girl on June 07, 2010, 12:15:18 pm ---yo amigos ...........i hope y'all roast the paper today ,if u kno what i mean :P

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yup we roasted, heated and burned in air,

and obtained it pure. :D


--- Quote from: Helium on June 07, 2010, 05:49:54 pm ---yup we roasted, heated and burned in air,

and obtained it pure. :D

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You have forgotten to wash it with water prior to roasting in order to remove traces of the solution in percipitation :P


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