Qualification > Sciences

Chemistry P3 7/6/2010

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Leaving for Chemistry Paper 3 now. Very nervous! My paper starts after 1 and a half hours...

Wish me Luck, guys!

Pray for me, and I shall pray for you! :D

going for d xam in an hour.....


--- Quote from: ~VIN1094~ on June 06, 2010, 09:36:17 pm ---Um, electrolysis is 5 b)i ans ii. This is something CIE wants to confuse people, you might have never learned about it but you should use your concepts of oxidation and reduction. Something to be oxidised needs to loose electrons, (rusting is a type of oxidation), if you see there is a power supply which provides constant supply of e- which doesn't allow it to rust.

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thanks :)

The Golden Girl =D:
yo amigos ...........i hope y'all roast the paper today ,if u kno what i mean :P


--- Quote from: the golden girl on June 07, 2010, 12:15:18 pm ---yo amigos ...........i hope y'all roast the paper today ,if u kno what i mean :P

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You evil meanie -v- Jokes ... Well I had my exam earlier this afternoon, a high A* is guaranteed, sadly no chance of Top in the World nor Brilliance in Hong Kong due to two careless mistakes that I would never concede in unit tests and internal mocks D:


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