lol. u serious Q80...?
hehe.. okay if u are then.. here goes...
Beta Particles...-Each beta particle is a fast moving electron coming from the nucleus of an uunstable atom.
-A neutron splits into an electron and a proton, so the electron is the beta particle.
-Beta particles are made up of one negative charge and one negegible(zero) mass.
-They are deflected by a magnetic field like the cathode rays due to the motor effect and the deflection is perpendicular to the field, which can be shown with the stooopid and confusing Flemings left Hand rule...

-The speed of the beta particles is 50% of the speed of light
and they ionise the air weakly by repelling the electrons from the atoms of air.
-They have a higher penentrating power, and they can pass through paper (which alpha cannot) but are stopped by an Aluminium sheet.
Gamma Particles...-They are electromagnetic waves.
-They have the
shortest wavelength and the
Highest frequency -Gamma Rays are emmitted from an unstable nucleus, where there are energy changes in the nucleus.
-They are not deflected by an electric field or a magnetic field.
They ionise the air very weakly by collisions with atoms in the air.
-They have a very high penentration power, and are stopped by only lead sheets, which is why they are stored in lead containers.
so thts it Q80BOY... and Im sure many others can make use of the notes...