Qualification > Queries
Grade Boundary 2010
--- Quote from: RoyTheToy on June 07, 2010, 10:29:06 am ---You guys are confusing me and I am freaking out, so what are the grade boundaries for IGCSE CIE Co-ordinated science for last years paper?
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chek freeexampapers.com u wil get grade boundaries.
--- Quote from: Bassiouni on June 07, 2010, 09:44:34 am ---woops thats AQA haha xD IM IGCSE
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yup, itd AQA, me 2 in IGCSE but i cheked it grade boundaries r only 4 component pprs and not the overall grade xD ;D
I did, the grade for A is around 60% for co-ordinated but then some of you said A is 81-90 :-\
--- Quote from: RoyTheToy on June 07, 2010, 02:03:02 pm ---I did, the grade for A is around 60% for co-ordinated but then some of you said A is 81-90 :-\
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yup dats 4 IGCSE component pprs not overall.
it may b 4 sum subs not the overal.
Ok i hear many ppl wondering...
now this is how the system works
The grade thresholds on the site are correct as yes 65-70% can fetch u an A
if the paper is tough....The total percentage can also be 70% and the person can get an A
but then on some ppls statement of results epecially for india...the percentage uniform mark is given..
the person can get 70% in actuality but it will show as 80 % on the statement of results... if we take the minimum grade threshold percentage for an A to be 70 %(in all components) totally
Keyur28's grade boundaries are actually correct FOR PERCENTAGE UNIFORM MARK not for the actual marks u obtain..
and remember the tougher the ppr... the lower the thresholds...
this system is dependent upon the curve and the curve hasnt disappeared as the grading system is STILL THE SAME..
its on the CIE page on facebook..
thats why getting A's and A*'s has become more easier..
there is a link on youtube about how Uniform Mark Scale is calculated...check it out ppl
and lemme know...
any questions/queries on anything about IGCSE will be appreciated ;)
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