Qualification > Miscellaneous
IT Practical- Email Question
I just needed help on how to do the email question that is usually on the second page of the P2 IT practical.
Not that I don't know how to send emails or anything, I just want to get this question 100% correct but I'm not sure how.
If anyone can give me specific instructions on how to do the Nov-P2-2008-Q1,2,3,4,5 i found right here that would be great!
1 Prepare an e-mail message to be sent to design.h@cie.org.uk which contains the
subject line November 2008
The body text of the message should include:
• your name
• your Centre number
• your candidate number
• the text Please send the instructions that I need.
Send this message. You should receive the instructions that you need within an e-mail
2 Read the reply to your message and follow the instructions. The URL which you will
need is http://www.hothouse-design.co.uk
Print a screen shot to show evidence of this search in your web browser. Make sure that
your name, Centre number and candidate number are included in this printout.
3 Prepare an e-mail message:
• to be sent to design.h@cie.org.uk
• copied to info.ictt@cie.org.uk
• with a blind carbon copy to sales.ictt@cie.org.uk
• with the subject line Annual Report
The body text of the message should include:
• your name
• your Centre number
• your candidate number
• the text Please find attached the file you require.
4 Attach the file which you downloaded from the Hothouse website to your e-mail.
5 Print a copy of this e-mail, showing clearly that the attachment is present.
Send the e-mail.
for the first part.. Open your email and prepare a new message...
Write to:design.h@cie.org.uk and the subject (November 2008)
In the text area..type your name, number and centre number and then (Please send the instructions that I need.)
Youll soon get an email reply...Which has the instructions,,,in the email there are files attached download them...and then go to http://www.hothouse-design.co.uk and search for the file they requested...print a screenshot showing that you searched for the file and past it on a word document, put your centre number candidate number and name in the header, print it. And donr forget to download the requested file..
Then create a new message again so it can be:
(Notice that CC means copied to and BCC is a blind carbon copy..)
Subject:Annual Report
And in the text body write your name, your Centre number,your candidate number
and the text Please find attached the file you require.
And then attach the file you downloaded from the website.
Print a copy of the email and then send it
Dont worry its easy.
Good luck
That was a great reply. I think I finally got it... Thanks 4 the instructions :)
You are welcome. Post your questions anytime, we are here to help. Hope you got it
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