Qualification > Sciences

co-ord. sciences

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--- Quote from: ankitd_1994 on May 27, 2010, 08:31:58 am ---i dnt think it ws balanced, try moving a pencil the same way using one finger on each end and u will see wt i mean

--- End quote ---
repsiration in cell- cytoplasm
red hair- both parents hetrozygous
its turning effect for sure

paper 3 was so easy!!!!
thank god :)
no science now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


--- Quote from: azhaan on May 27, 2010, 08:41:20 am ---repsiration in cell- cytoplasm
red hair- both parents hetrozygous
its turning effect for sure

--- End quote ---

thats wrong for red hair thats one parent must have dominant allel

Hey just came back from paper 3.
This paper is the easiest one ever ;D


--- Quote from: azhaan on May 27, 2010, 08:41:20 am ---repsiration in cell- cytoplasm
red hair- both parents hetrozygous
its turning effect for sure

--- End quote ---

For red hair - you're wrong, it's A, both parents must contain a recessive allele.


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