Qualification > Sciences
Chemistry paper 1 help
--- Quote from: the golden girl on May 24, 2010, 05:19:16 pm ---in the halognes ....as u go down the group ,the reactivity decreases hence , Br is the big bro it'll kick Iodine's butt .....but chlorine will kick Bromine's As* lol :P
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lolxx...i still didnt get it .. :-\
Starting with most reactive:
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: red_911 on May 24, 2010, 05:30:26 pm ---lolxx...i still didnt get it .. :-\
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u kno in the reactivity series the reactivity decreases down the group , so what happens is that ...Br is more reactive than I hence it'll displace it
as for chlorine it's more reactive than Br hence it'll displace it
got it? ::)
--- Quote from: the golden girl on May 24, 2010, 05:32:31 pm ---u kno in the reactivity series the reactivity decreases down the group , so what happens is that ...Br is more reactive than I hence it'll displace it
as for chlorine it's more reactive than Br hence it'll displace it
got it? ::)
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yeah i knew abt the reactivity .. bt was kinda confused ...got it now ...Thanks :D
Theres this question in oct/nov 04 Q11, that says:
' A substance X is heated in an evaporating basin until there is no further change.
mass of basin
before heating 25.52g
after heating 26.63g
What could X be?
A copper
B copper (II) carbonate
C Copper (II) oxide
D Hydrated copper (II) sulphate'
ms says the answer is A, i dunt get it, i thought substances decrease in size or breakdown when heated :-\
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