Qualification > Sciences
Chemistry paper 1 help
Can someone please post the reactivity series and tell me what substances react with cold water, water, steam and in what state?
Also any other helpful tips on chemistry paper 1 is welcome
Thanks in advance
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: weaam on May 24, 2010, 04:35:02 pm ---Can someone please post the reactivity series and tell me what substances react with cold water, water, steam and in what state?
Also any other helpful tips on chemistry paper 1 is welcome
Thanks in advance
--- End quote ---
R.S is the followin
people postassium
send sodium
cows calcuim
monkeys magnisum
and aluminium
cats carbon
zebras zinc
in iron
large lead
hygenic:P hydrogen
cages copper
silly silver
ghost gold
plt platinum
Thanks you guys! ;)
Id also like to know which elements react with cold water, water, steam and at what state. thanks again
The Golden Girl =D:
i'm a bit not busy so i'll tell uwhat i memorized a few hours ago :P
cold water, water, steam
potassium,calcium,sodium,lithium all react with cold water vigorously making metal hydroxide
as for magenisum and metals under in the reactivity till carbon (ex: Zn,Al) , they all react with steam
as for water , no answer ::) , i wanna kno too ???
um as for the states , i didn't get u :-[
tips .. solve as much past papers as u can ....i ised to be terrified when i hear pp1 chem ...but now i'm like nah it's easy ;)
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