Author Topic: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......  (Read 10872 times)

Offline leebux101

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2010, 08:46:22 pm »
they set the thresholds after the paper...
for A, its normally about 80%..


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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #31 on: May 27, 2010, 08:54:19 pm »
no one can be sure about the threshold
cuz it depends on how all other candidates have performed !

but on an avg u can say 85% n abv is an A grade in AS level
n 4 ig and A2   80-90%= A
                     90-100% =B

Offline leebux101

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2010, 08:59:50 pm »
no dude...
even for AS, its 80% and above..
dont freak me out man!


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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #33 on: May 27, 2010, 09:01:41 pm »
i dont know if its from this yr
but previous yrs it was 85%
sorry 4 freaking u out :P m myself m  :P

Offline nba008

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2010, 09:30:50 pm »
Hi can someone help me out here.
Im still very unsure bout the A* grading for the CIE A-Levels Board. I have read this thread over and over again and realized that the 80% overall for A-Levels and 90% overall for A2 merits you an A* but does this really apply to CIE A-Levels as well? Im very sure it applies to Edexcel and a few other A-Levels but to CIE im still doubtful as I cant find any solid link or evidence that its true. For CIE, does anyone know if I have to get 90%+ for my AS to get an A* or only require an average of 80% in AS but 90% in A2?

*Note, im not very familiar with the terms of C1,C2,C3,C4 as i think this is from Edexcel. In CIE its P1 & S1 for AS and P3 & S2 for A2(pls do correct me if im wrong). Because of the differences, im very unclear with the CIE A* grading policy.



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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #35 on: May 27, 2010, 10:59:07 pm »
i am here taking CIE AS level so i only refer to that

getting an A * grade in A2  means the total avg % being about 90

for the A level grades all papers of AS and A2  are combine in the weight age of individual subjects to give a total A level grade . hence ur total should be above 90% 4 an A*

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2010, 09:43:59 am »
I know this is just for CIE but to all those Edexcel people commenting...

Curves are set after an exam - after they see how people have done worldwide, so don't worry too much.
Also to get an A* A grade (240/300) must be attained in AS and a 270/300 in A2.

If you score a 290/300 for instance in AS, congratulations. Of course universities in UK will look at module marks but be like 'w00t' but those extra 50 marks wont help you to attain an A*.

Hope this helped Edexcel kids  :)

Offline Joseph_COOL

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #37 on: May 30, 2010, 12:01:25 pm »
i am here taking CIE AS level so i only refer to that

getting an A * grade in A2  means the total avg % being about 90

for the A level grades all papers of AS and A2  are combine in the weight age of individual subjects to give a total A level grade . hence ur total should be above 90% 4 an A*
thats totally wrong where did u get this from ???
for an A* in ALs CIE u have to get a grade A in both A2 and AS not an average of 90%
so if u got in each (AS and A2) 80% or above which is considered an A u get the A* in the whole AL  ;) :D

Offline sonatinalai

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #38 on: May 30, 2010, 12:55:12 pm »
As for now, CIE has not officially set the criteria to achieve for an A*.
But from other sources such as The Student Room Forum, it is evident that you do not need to score 90% for all your A2 units to get A*.
The confusion mainly arises from "UMS" and "raw marks".
UMS stands for Uniform Modular Score, which is the score converted from raw marks (the actual marks each paper contains) based on published threshold. You can find every details here

So far we've been arguing the 80% to get A and 90% to get A*... actually all these are UMS. So, you need not to score 90% out of total available raw marks in a subject to get A*. This depends on the thresholds published. You'll find more information in the website above.
Hope that clears doubts!


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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2010, 01:02:05 pm »
oh then my bad i wrote what my friends told me  :(

Offline ketone

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2010, 05:16:32 pm »
to achieve an A* in any subject, u hav to get an A IN ALL COMPONENTS OF THAT SUBJECT. thats full and final............................

Offline cooldude

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #41 on: May 30, 2010, 05:39:26 pm »
to achieve an A* in any subject, u hav to get an A IN ALL COMPONENTS OF THAT SUBJECT. thats full and final............................

i think ur a little wrong there, cuz i got AAC in my bio igcse and i still got an A* and the also for chem AAB and i still got an A*

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2010, 12:34:51 pm »
i think ur a little wrong there, cuz i got AAC in my bio igcse and i still got an A* and the also for chem AAB and i still got an A*

igcse isn't like a level though. >__>

Offline AndrewCedric

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2010, 12:59:20 pm »
The 90% thing are SCALED score.. Not Scores like 90% in every paper ( e.g. 36/40 and so ).
If some of u guys have taken SAT, you will understand this thing.
Usually Sciences for A2 is only 70% for A.

Offline ketone

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Re: For PEOPLE who hav DOUBTS over CIE GRADING SYSTEM.......
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2010, 01:31:14 pm »
I m not only talking abt GCSE not IGCSE........ ok