Qualification > Social Studies

GEOGRAPHY PAPER 4 help need in data collection methods


straight to the point....What is a transect?

what are quadrants??.

what is a bipolar recording sheet and when is it used....when are these used and what are their advt and disadvt

THANKS guys!

i dunno what a transect is sorry

a quadrat is like a square usually half a meter in size, where u throw it and wherever it lands u record whatever is found inside
u have to throw it at random

a bi-polar recording sheet is when u compare something like givin a scale of 1 to 10 of somat
like how clean the road is or how much pollution
its disadvantage is tht it depends on the assessments and skills of the students ie its subjective

oh a transect is lik a line in which u would observe the areas around it


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